~ Car Crash (Part 2)

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Sean's p.o.v.

When I first saw her, she had tubes in her arms and tubes in her nose to help her breathe. Her skin bruised and cut, her body laying limp as the heart monitor steadily beeped. My throat went dry and tears filled my eyes as I walked closer. I grabbed her hand and ran the pad of my thumb across it. "Hey (Y/N)." I said hoarsely. I was truly at a loss for words. She didn't deserve this. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I ever let you leave. It should've been me. It should be me that's laying in pain on that hospital bed, but I can't and I'm sorry."


   Days went by. I didn't upload any videos except for one, to tell my fans what happened to (Y/N). Mark, Wade, and Bob flew out to Ireland as soon as they heard the news. I almost never left her hospital room, the sound of (Y/N)'s shallow breathing implanted in my mind. I sat beside her, combing her hair out of her face. "Baby, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Please keep fighting. I need you (Y/N), you're my everything. You put a smile on my face when every thing is going wrong. I love you." I cried. The doctors gave her a week to wake up. A week that was almost over.

   "Sean, give yourself a break. This wasn't your fault." Mark said. Bob and Wade agreed. "I can't leave her." I whimpered. "Then we'll watch her. Go get something to eat and take a breath." Wade added. "Okay." I said defeated. I went to the cafeteria, got food, and went back to (Y/N)'s room. The guys talked for awhile until I finished eating. "Can I talk with Mark, privately?" I asked. "Of course." Bob said as him and Wade left the room. "Do you think she's gone?" I blurted out, Mark's facial expression turning to shock. "Sean, she's still in there. She's a fighter, she'll be okay." Mark said reassuringly. "You're right." I agreed.

Suddenly, a doctor walked in and gave me the she's dead look. I stood protectively in front of her, grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. "You can't take her." I growled. Mark stepped in front of me and started talking, trying to persuade the doctor. "Mr. McLoughlin, I'm sorry. It's time." He spoke. "No, I'm not letting her go." I yelled, tears falling down my face. Security pulled Mark out of the way, reaching for me next. "(Y/N), no, please! I can't lose her! I love her!" I screamed as they pulled me back.

I fought against them, pulling with all my strength. Her cold, delicate fingers started to slip from mine, breaking away. "(Y/N)!" I cried. I heard her heart monitor start beeping faster and everyone froze. The doctor dismissed the guards and started saying orders to the nurses walking in. I rushed back to her side and Mark followed. "(Y/N), listen to me. Please come back. I miss you so much, more than you could ever imagine. I need you, please." I spoke, my voice cracking in between. I swept the pad of my thumb across the back of her hand. Then her eyes, glossy and bright, fluttered open; meeting my icy blue ones.

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