~ Shower {Smut}

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It was another rainy day in Ireland, as always. Sean was done making videos for the day and I was done with my work too, so I convinced Sean to go to the park since it was only a few minutes away from our house. When we finally got there, it was mainly empty, aside from a person walking by every once in a while.

"(Y/N), there's nothing to do here." Sean said. "Really?" I argued. Before he could answer, I tapped his shoulder, started running and yelled, "Tag, you're it!" A smile appeared on Sean's face as he took his hands out of his pockets and started chasing me. I dodged in between trees and ran around him, trying to sneak up on him. He chased me down and grabbed my hips, pulling me towards him. "I got you." Sean said as he caught his breath. Sean's hands was still around my waist when we started to walk back.

  Halfway back, Sean suddenly slipped and fell into a mud puddle, pulling me down with him. "Gross!" Sean yelled as I burst out laughing on top of him. "What's funny?" He said, giggling along with me. "You." I answered playfully. I saw Sean smirk evilly before he flipped me over into the puddle and laid on top of me. "Sean!" I yelled out. He busted out laughing as I joined in with him. "Okay, let's go home." Sean said as he pulled me up off the ground and led me home. We walked in the door, took our shoes off, and headed upstairs to take a shower. I turned it on, made sure the water was the right temperature, and started to take my shirt off when Sean walked in behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked Sean as he pulled his shirt over his head. "Can we take a shower together?" He asked giving me puppy dog eyes. I smirked wondering what he had in mind and agreed to it. We both started undressing, shooting quick glances at each other. Sean hopped in the shower first and I followed shortly after. I closed my eyes, stepped under the hot water, and started to get my hair wet when I felt Sean's hands on my hips. He latched his soft lips on my neck, leaving love bites on my collarbones. I could feel his hard member against my stomach as he pulled my body closer to his.

"Sean.." I moaned as I opened my eyes. He grabbed my thighs and said, "Jump". I wrapped my hands around his neck and did as I was told. He caught me and pushed me up against the cool wall of the shower. The way we were positioned, the head of his cock was already at my entrance, and we wasted no time getting down to business. "You ready?" Sean asked and I nodded. When he pushed into me, I threw my head back against the wall and moaned out. He nuzzled his head in my neck and groaned occasionally as he bucked into me.

I whimpered and bit my lip, trying not to make noise. "Fuck, babe, you feel amazing." He growled as he thrusted harder into me. "Sean, faster. Ohh~" I moaned as he picked up the pace. I dragged my nails up and down his back, nearing my high. Unexpectedly, Sean hit my g-spot and caused me to scream out. "Right there!" I yelled. After a few more thrusts, we both came, moaning out each other's names. After we caught our breath, Sean pulled out, put me down, and kissed me on the forehead. "What?" Sean said as he heard me giggle. "I need to take showers with you more often." I smirked.

okay I kinda feel like this one is shitty but here you go anyways. btw I wanna hear from you guys! comment and give me your suggestion. I'm also working on other books so if this seems rushed, I'm sorry ~E

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