~ Antisepticeye

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this may be triggering for some people, so read with caution.

Sean's p.o.v.

My eyes shot open and I jolted forward, waking up in a cold sweat. I turned my head and saw (Y/N) sleeping. I sat there for a minute, listening to her soft snores, before feeling bile rise in my throat. I pushed the covers off me and ran to the bathroom. I knelt down to the toilet and threw up. I opened my eyes, and saw... green sludge? 'What? No, not you...' I thought. I pulled my now weak body from the ground and when to check on (Y/N) to make sure he hadn't gotten to her.
    I walked into the bedroom and saw the clock on the nightstand. 2 am.
(Y/N) looked peaceful, moving every now and then. Suddenly, thoughts started to pop into my mind.

You can't escape.
You're a monster.
Hurt her.
She deserves this.
Kill her.

'No. You can hurt me, but not her.' I thought. I went to leave the bedroom and turned around. "I love you." I whispered and tip-toed to the kitchen. I passed a mirror hanging by the front door and saw that the whites of my eyes were completely black, only deep blue showing.  "I have to stop this." I said walking to the kitchen. My head started pounding so hard I fell to the floor, writhing in pain. I groaned out as I held my head in my hands. "Get out..." I said weakly.


  I heard (Y/N)'s footsteps as she walked down the stairs. "Sean?" She asked. "Get away from me, please. Just.. go." I said pushing myself away from her. "Sean, are you okay? You've got to talk to me." (Y/N) said as she slowly approached me. "It's him." I said hoarsely. "Focus on my voice. You're going to be okay. I'm right here." She said calmly. In that moment, a powerful strength overcame me. "You don't get it!" I screamed, grabbing
(Y/N)'s throat and slamming her to the ground. Her eyes immediately filled with worry and fear.

"Sean, please..." She whimpered. I moved my hands away, shaking from the shock. I ran into the kitchen and started opening drawers. I pulled out the first knife I saw, which was a moderately sized one. (Y/N) bolted after me, but froze when she saw the knife. "You need to listen to me, Sean. Let me help you. This isn't the way to solve this. Put the knife down." She spoke gently, tears threatening to spill from both of our eyes. "I need to keep you safe!" I screamed, my lungs burning. I could feel Anti fighting his way through my body, getting stronger by the second. This needs to end, now.

"If you want to keep me safe, listen to me. Put it down, Sean. It's okay." She said, lightly stepping closer to me. I couldn't fight it anymore. My legs gave out and I collapsed onto the floor.
(Y/N) ran to my side, pulling my head into her lap. "Sean, can you hear me? Sean!?" She said, combing my hair through her fingers. "(Y/N), you need to run..." I spoke, getting dizzier by the second. I saw tears run down her cheeks as she made eye contact with me. "I love you." She said while she sobbed. "I love you too..." I said as my world faded to black, my eyes being overwhelmed with darkness.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

  He's gone. He killed him. Why couldn't he just kill me and keep Sean safe? "Sean!? Please, don't leave!" I cried. Sean's body started twitching rapidly before his now fully black eyes opened. He gripped the knife, grabbed my neck and pushed my back against the wall. "Hello, lass. Great to see you again." Anti spoke, his voice deep and intimidating. "No! Get off me!" I shouted, him pressing the knife to my left side.

  "On the contrary, love. I'm not going anywhere. I finally have you here, and now, you're not going to escape." He hissed. "You took him away from me! You killed him! YOU BASTARD!" I screamed in anger and despair. "You should've listened to Sean, but it's too late now. This is for your own good,
(Y/N). I promise." Anti said, plunging the knife into my side. I bled out onto the floor, Anti holding me by the throat. My vision started to blur and I couldn't breathe. "Goodbye, Sean." I whispered as my vision went black and my lungs gave out.

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