~ Dressing Room {Smut}

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   "Does this look good?" I asked Sean walking out of the dressing room in a black lace mini-dress. "Wow. Lass, it's beautiful." He said wide-eyed. "But you look stunning in anything." He added. I smiled and blushed at his compliment before walking back into the dressing room. I shut the door and reached for the zipper on the back of the dress and tried to pull it down but it wouldn't budge. "Sean, the zipper's stuck. Can you help me?" I yelled. Seconds later, I heard a knock on the door.

  "(Y/N), it's me." Sean called out. I opened the door, let him in, and quickly shut it behind him. I turned around and faced the mirror as Sean unzipped the dress. His hands slipped the dress off of my shoulders, then fell to the floor. "Babe, you're gorgeous. But I think I like you better without the dress." He whispered as he unhooked my bra and pulled it off me. "Sean, we can't... Not h-here." I whimpered. "It's okay. Just stay quiet." He said as his hand trailed down my stomach and into my panties.

  When his fingers trailed over my core, I leaned my head into his shoulder and bit my lip, trying to keep quiet. "Lass, you're already wet. Are you that eager?" Sean growled. "Yes.." I moaned softly. He removed his hands and got on his knees in front of me, pulling off my panties. Sean started gently nipping on my thighs as he pushed my legs open a little. He kept moving up until I could feel his breath on my core. "Please." I begged quietly. When I felt his tongue on me, my hands tangled in his hair and pulled him closer. He moved his hands to my hips, squeezing them as he continued what he was doing with his tongue.

"Don't stop." I whispered as he went deeper. My legs started shaking slightly, feeling like I could give in any moment. The faster his tongue got, the more I became undone. Finally, I couldn't hold it anymore. "Sean! Ohhh~" I let out a strangled whisper as I came. As I came down from my high, Sean pulled away from me, his face covered in my juices. I pulled him up from his knees and kissed him passionately, tasting myself on him. Sean pulled away and looked at me, his blue eyes darkened with lust. "Get dressed. You have no idea what I'm gonna do to you when we get home." Sean spoke as he left and let me get dressed.

Guys, comment your ideas and suggestions! I'd love to hear from you guys and talk to you. ~E

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