~ Texting In Class {Smut}

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'Nothing extraordinary about today either.' I thought. I was sitting, eating lunch at school when my boyfriend, Sean, walked up to me. "Hey, babe." He said, sitting down and kissing me on the cheek. "Hey, Sean. What's up?" I questioned. "Well, two things. Are you free tonight?" He asked. "It's Friday, so yeah. I'm free." "Okay, good. And second question, do you have your phone with you?" Sean said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why?" I requested. "Well, we're in 6th period together and I had an idea that we could do." "What is it?" I pushed on, wanting to know what he was thinking. "Okay, so you can turn your phone on vibrate only and put it between your legs. I'll text you during class, and we'll see what happens from there." Sean said with a smirk. My eyes bulged at the the thought, but I was excited. "Great idea, I'm up for it. But what if you get caught?" I asked. "Don't worry, I won't." He smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "See you then." He whispered.

~ time skip brought to you by jackaboy ~

6th period finally came along as I walked into the classroom. I made sure my phone was on vibrate and sat down at my desk. I covered my lap with my bag and slid my phone in between my legs, getting comfortable. Soon the class was packed and I saw Sean enter, wink at me, and make his way to a seat in the back row. The school bell rang and the teacher walked in. "Okay class. Settle down." The teacher said as she started her lesson. I glanced towards Sean and he mouthed the words, "You ready?" I nodded my head as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Once he sent the first text, my body jumped a little in the seat. One after another, after another. I crossed my legs, holding the phone perfectly lined up with my center. I felt the little jolts of ecstasy my body begged for. I started grinding on my phone a little, biting my thumb to stop from moaning. My phone was vibrating rapidly, pushing me closer to the edge. I looked over my shoulder to see Sean grinning at me, clearly enjoying this. "I'm close." I mouthed to him. His eyebrows shot up as he licked his lips. He wasn't going to stop now, and frankly, I didn't want him to. I bit my lip, ready for the breaking point. I clenched my legs together as I came, trying to control my breathing. I gripped the desk tightly, holding on for dear life. After it was over, I looked at a wide eyed Sean, shocked that I kept quiet. A semi-hard showed through his jeans. "Wow." He mouthed. I smiled towards him, pointing at his jeans and whispered, "I'll fix that later." He smirked back and said, "Challenge accepted."

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