Chapter 2: Lover Boy Haddock

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Me and Stormfly headed back to town to meet the others and make our way to the Great Hall to have breakfast. We landed neatly on the side of town and met up with Ruffnut. "Hey Ruff," I greeted. She smiled and made her way towards me. "Alright Astrid," she replied back at me. I nodded and looked around for the others, "Where is everyone else?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Couldn't be bothered to wait said you were taking too long," she shrugged her shoulders and told me. "Snotlout," I asked, she nodded and echoed "Snotlout." We laughed and made our way to the Great Hall.

I gestured Stormfly to go and sit with the other dragons while me and Ruff made our way over to the table to greet our friends. "Oh so look who decided to show up," Snotlout joked along with Tuff laughing. "Haha funny Snotlout," I laughed back sarcastically towards him. "What took you so long anyway?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Oo were you with Mister Lover Boy Haddock," I punched him in the face with no thought making him fall over his seat. "What makes you think that and besides he is not my lover boy okay," I quickly said before anyone could reject.

"Oh come on we see the way you look over at him when he walks in the room or when he walks out, or the way he compliments you, all the kinks are there Astrid," I sighed and stood up and said "I'm not talking about this I know what's right, it's me after all not you," and I started to walk away before I heard Snotlout say "Um a little help here," gesturing a hand to help me pull him up. I walked over and grabbed his hand began pulling then kicked him back down and said "Help yourself," everyone laughed and I walked out the Hall.

I started muttering to myself about what they were saying in there "Come on lover boy who do they think they are...AHH!" I suddenly crashed against something with not looking where I was heading. I tripped over on the steps which lead back down to the village. I was expecting something this hard force to hit against my back but nothing happened. I looked up to see these emerald eyes staring at me deeply again. "This is starting to become a habit of yours Hiccup, twice in only a few minutes," I laughed as he pulled me back up.

He laughed as he ran his fingers through his soft auburn brown hair. "Yeah sorry about that better watch what I'm doing sorry," and with that he quickly ran back inside. Okay something strange is going on with him, he's crashed into my twice in just a small space of time and for one he has never done this before.....two he is never clumsy and never stutters around me. Hmm maybe he's having one of those days I dunno.


"Jack.......Jack.......JACK!" I called out for my friend since I've known since childhood. Oh one thing you should know about him is that he is immortal and can control ice and snow, and we don't know why guess he was just born with it. "Alright I'm here no need to shout feisty pants," I punched him in the shoulder. "Hey what was that for?" he pretended to act hurt by rubbing his arms while laughing. "For making me wait and what's with feisty pants?" I asked him. "Dunno just thought it suits you."

"What's up anyway?" he asked. "Figured we could hang out," he smiled and made our way to the forest my favourite place to be during the day. I chucked my axe towards the nearest tree, rolled and tugged it out the tree and aimed for another. "Well looks like someone is on fire today what's got you thinking?" Jack laughed at me. "What makes you think I have something on my mind?" I asked with rough tone to my voice while throwing my axe against another tree.

"The way you're using force to attack that tree," I signed and fell to the ground. "Hiccup is acting strange around me and I wanna know why?" I told him. "Strange in what way?" Jack came and sat next to me. "He crashed into my twice in a matter of a few minutes and stuttered when talking to me....." that wasn't it. "Well okay I will admit that's a little strange coming from him but not totally strange he does that most of the time," Jack commented. "Not with me," I corrected him and he lifted his head and signed meaning yes.

"What else?" he asked me. I faced him and raised an eye brow "What do you mean 'What Else?'" I mimicked him. He gave me the look of 'Come on I know you' I sighed and gave in. "Fine maybe there is something else......." he got closer being the dork he is wanting to know more and I laughed "Okay every night I have this dream, and it's always the one Hiccup defeats the Red Death and then he's lying lifeless against Toothless and I'm hoping he isn't dead, hoping for a sign of breath and when he does I feel like the most happiest person on earth......" I finished.

"Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson you are in love......"

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