Chapter 20: I Don't Need You To Believe Me

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I was fuming as I walked back into the room with Merida. How could Astrid do such a thing? I mean I get that she can be borderline violent but this is just crossing the line. I never knew she was capable of such a thing. Well I guess I was wrong. "Hiccup I'm okay..." Merida trailed her sentence into a whisper and lowering her head. "Merida you're not alright, look at your hand and wrist," she wouldn't look at it though and I watched as a tear silently fell down her cheek.

I made my way towards her and pulled her close into me. "Why would Astrid do this?" I sighed heavily and Merida mumbled "Because she hates me that's why..." she began to cry heavily against me and I held onto her tight. "But why? You're the loveliest person I've met," I told the truth. After I said that, I felt her lips curve into a smile and she slowly stopped crying.

"Why does she hate me so?" Merida looked up at me with her bright ocean eyes which showed the slow waves of tears. "I don't know Merida but I'll find out sooner than later, now come up wipe those tears, sit up and I'll clean your wrist for you," she did as I said and I went and picked up the medical kit and sat in front of her.

She held out her hand to me and I held onto it as gently as could as I could tell by her facial expressions and body language she was in pain. Her entire wrist was covered with ash from the burning of the flame releasing tiny deep cuts scattered all the way around, producing the velvet beauty of blood.

I cleaned it carefully as possible and soon all you could see was her pale skin of ghost and the cuts not as velvet as before. I looked up at her and she gave me a small smile of gratitude. "I'm not hurting you am I?" I asked making sure I wasn't. She shook her head and let me carry on. I took out a small bandage and wrapped it around her wrist gently and tied it together once finished.

I looked back at the ocean eyes and nodded "Your done." Her smile brightened and she whispered "Thanks," all I did was nod as my return "Now rest best for you okay?" she nodded and I helped her lie down. I moved a strand of her frizzy hair away from her face and kissed her forehead making her close her eyes and fall asleep. I smiled at what I saw and made my exit to be enveloped with pure sunset blinding my site for a moment.

What I needed to do now was find Astrid and figure out what's going on with her? I searched my way through the village, colliding with people and asking if they had seen her or not. Everyone I seemed to ask said no they hadn't, making me wonder where she may have headed. I kicked every stone which came my way in annoyance. I lifted my head up and saw a flash of white. I took a closer look and I saw a flash of ebony as well.

It was Jack and Heather. Wait Heather? When did she get here? Oh well...I made my way towards them and got straight to the point "Hey you two any of you seen Astrid anywhere I really need to talk to her?!" They both looked at me confused, that's when I realised that I spoke to fast and they didn't understand a word I had said. I shook my head and sighed and then said it at a slower pace, making them lift their heads knowing they understood.

They both as well said no. "Why don't you just go to her house? She might be there or your other bet is with the twins who knows?" I nodded as thanks and made my way towards her house. I politely knocked and received no answer from inside. I knocked again and this time I knocked harder. "Alright I'm coming hold on!" I heard her echo repeat throughout the house.

The door soon opened and standing in front of me, at first I thought was an angel but I blinked a few time to recognise that it was Astrid. Her hair was flying down her back and her eyes reflected off the setting sun towards me. She looked surprised to see me standing at the door and roughly spoke "What are you doing here?" I gulped and asked "Can I come in and talk instead of standing outside your doorway?"

She groaned, "Well make it quick, I was sleeping before you knocked since I got disturbed by your unlucky girlfriend," she said as she led me into her house. I shut the door as I entered and we both sat down opposite each other. Why was I finding this situation so hard to sit in? "Well, what did you come here for because if you have nothing to say then you can leave and you disturbed my sleep for nothing?" she got straight to the point.

"Okay then..." I started, "I wanna know why you did what you did to Merida, my so called 'Unlucky girlfriend'" I stared at her and she moaned "For crying out loud Hiccup why can't you just believe it when I say I didn't do that to her, I am not the type of person, I'm an axe sort of person, not a prankster," I sighed at her remark and growled, "Well being honest Astrid I'll get straight to the important question shall I?" she nodded and gestured her and letting me get to it.

"What is your problem?!"

"My problem, what do you mean what is my problem, I really think you believe it's vice versa?!"

"Ever since I've come back you've been acting like a complete bitch!"

"Can't say much about yourself can you?"

"Your calling me a bitch?"

"You could say that, yes, yes I am indeed."

"And what makes you say that I'm being a bitch?"

"By the way you have come back and acting around everyone especially me, I don't know what that little witch has done to your puny little brain, but I don't like it and I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say that, I hope that you're hearing me correctly because I want you to hear this!"

"Oh I am hearing you correctly alright and don't you dare speak of Merida in that tone, what has she ever done to you eh?!"

"Oh everything, she did everything!"

"For Thor's sake Astrid you make no utter sense do you know that?!"

"You wanna know what's wrong?! You left!! You left with no reason in leaving, you stopped sending me letters, Jack had to leave to go and find you, you were coming home excited about seeing me, you disappear and come back about a year later and acting as if everything is okay between us but it really isn't and you come back with people we don't even know, I mean that Rapunzel girl, yeah she's great, but frizz ball, she psychotic and I think you should keep away from her!"

She sighed heavily and taking deep breaths after she finished and I was speechless from her remark. I had no outcome in what to say? What was there to say after this incident? "I think you should leave please?" now her voice was calm but I could tell she was breaking and Astrid Hofferson never breaks but she looked as if she would. I made no argument so I got up and left with her slamming the door behind me.

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