Chapter 49: Together At Last...You Sure?

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Everyone loves a happy ending correct? I guess it makes the world seen lighter than it has to be. Even when you have everything that you want. You conquer what's thrown at you and after each and every trial you wish everything to go back to normal. Where's the fun in that? No matter what it may be nice but it's nicer to have peace with the ones you love for a change instead of always trying to save their life that involves the situation being reversed. My life has been a huge rollercoaster; my love life has been up to always fall back down. This time I thought I had it all in the bag, we got rid of let's say another threat and the months before us have been spectacular. But nothing lasts forever. Sometimes I leave myself wondering was it all worth it...

Were we ever meant to be?

Over the past few months Hiccup healed from the wounds from my doing as did I stop blaming myself and the island has been quiet. Too quiet. Viggo never came back surprisingly which left me suspicious. My blood boiled at what he manipulated me to do but I tortured myself about it more because I knew that I should have known the truth. I should have pushed my way through the amnesia to see the truth. Then there is always that motion which creeps inside...was there a part of me that didn't want to remember. Was there a part that didn't want to remember all the bad which occurred, I could have had a fresh start, as if someone was giving me that second chance. But then those words brought it all back. Believe me those words were the best words I could have heard in my life because I love him...but were it really worth it.

Whenever we've been close to actually being together something has always got in the way of that connection. What I was being given a sign that it just wasn't meant to be? Was Odin challenging me, testing me to make the right choice, choose the correct pathway? It was making me frustrated and it made me anxious at every move. I was just waiting for the next trial to make its appearance maybe that would make me feel happier about myself knowing that I was right. That isn't what I want though. I want to know that my relationship with him is intact and nothing new is going to pull it apart. Although I must be careful what I wish for I guess.

As I walk round the village I begin to hear rumours. I do my best to listen to each and every one of them as people don't like to make things very private. I walk into the Great Hall and take my seat with others and listen to the speech Stoick intended on speaking to us all about. I looked around at everyone noticing that Snotlout was nowhere to be seen which got me a bit suspicious. Stoick got everyone's attention, they took their seats and he began "As I know most of you have heard, Alvin and the Outcasts have broken our agreement of being allies, turning against us to take Berk for their own, it's been evidenced they have help on their side to take what they want, they have bargained with another island to help them receive what they want in return so we must be cautious and hold our ground if they come to take Berk for their own," he finished causing whispers throughout the hall. I guess I was right; I spoke too soon for anything good to happen around in this town. I and the others got up from our seats and ventured out of the Hall. "Do you think it's true what Stoick said about Alvin and the Outcasts?" Fishlegs sounded worried "Lighten up Fishlegs, they aren't that scary I mean come on." I tried lightening the mood for him.

Suddenly damaging the bright blue sky, a Monstrous Nightmare covered in flames landed in front of us. Snotlout. "You will never guess what I just found?" he said jumping off the dragon "Why do I feel like I'm getting de ja vu?" Hiccup commented rolling his eyes "What did you find Snotlout?" I asked entertaining his statement "Follow me," as we did. We ended up deep within the forest until we ended up at the cove "What are we doing here?" Tuff asked; we followed Snotlout towards one of the deepest corners of the cove under a few branches where the trees would drop down delicately. I pushed the branches out the way as did Hiccup and led down asleep on a pile of leaves lay a girl. Her hair covered her face hiding her features, but her hair highlighted between chestnut and blonde, it was clearly wavy yet damp at the same time as if something happened to her. "Just remember, I get to keep her," I glared at Snotlout "She's a person and besides that's what you said about Heather the last time we were in a situation like this."

Everything started flooding back from that day and how we couldn't trust her and now suspicion and trust started to cloud my thoughts and I moved away from the girl under the tree back to Stormfly. "Uh where are you going?" Snotlout asked me watching each step I took "What does it look like to you?" I questioned his question "Uh leaving?" I smiled "Then that's what I'm doing," and left straight away. Maybe that was the wrong thing to do and I'm letting weariness cloud my judgement but you can never be too careful. I ended up going back to my house and shutting myself inside examining the situation. Soon to be heard a knock was at my door. I slowly opened it to just a peak to see Hiccup standing there "Can I come in?" I nodded letting him inside "What's wrong?" he asked me taking my hand and holding me close. I lay my head against his beating heart and listened to every pulse. "I'm fine," I commented "No you're not, what's wrong? You can tell me," he tried making the situation simpler. "I don't know whether we can trust her that's all." It sounded vague.

"Astrid we haven't even spoke to her yet and your worrying about trusting her?" he questioned my thoughts "I'm being cautious, remember what happened with Heather," I brought up the past to refresh his memory "Yea and look how that turned out," he concluded the ending "Not everyone is Heather each and everyone are different people." I stated he nodded and the let the situation drop holding me close back against him so I could listen to his heart beat once again.

People can be kind but people can also be bad...if that person is bad they can surely change if they have good reason to, but then it all concludes to childhood and family, that's what can change you but what can change you more is a mission, a wish a dying wish that needs to be finished and they will stop at nothing to complete it. That can darken your heart and from that moment on, no one can change you. 

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