Chapter 43: Astrid, Where Are You?

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She's been gone all day and no one has seen her since this morning when she woke. I won't stop walking back and forth well it's more like I can't stop walking back and forth. "Hiccup just sit down I'm sure she's just off surveying the sunset," Snotlout tried making a joke of the situation "She's been gone all day she can't remember a thing she doesn't even know this place anymore," I spat at him "Yea exactly she can't remember anything, it's not like she's blind she'll be able to find her way back, memory isn't that screwed up," Snotlout spoke again. I turned around and glared at him.

"Look Hiccup, Snotlout's right, she'll find her way back, she needs time to gather her thoughts and we what happened earlier on I wouldn't blame her if she never came back to the village for a while, she was completely bombarded," Jack added on from Snotlout. I knew that I was defeated so I sat down and waited for the others to come back with news on her whereabouts. I felt a hand on my shoulder "She's gonna be okay," Jack finished. I nodded nervously not knowing if that was true or not.

The door suddenly flew open and ran in were Heather and the twins "Ships in the horizon we believe its Viggo," Heather explained the situation. We all immediately raced outside without another look back. So it was true and he was alive and everything I thought people were just saying that, I thought Astrid was just saying that, but they were right...she was right. I jumped on Toothless and we zoomed away from shore out to the sea followed by the others behind us. Heather was right, it was Viggo. "Okay guys just like old times, let's go," and we all took off attacking the fleeting ships. Leaving the main fleeting ship to last – Viggo.

I noticed him on deck so Toothless immediately flew in his direction "Viggo!!" I called out his name in anger. As we began to get closer and closer to the ship his hand landed off a girls shoulder. The girl wore a beautiful fur hood, a dagger skirt and red top, her honey blonde hair flew within the wind as she carried on walking to the head of the ship. Astrid. Toothless's gaze obviously followed my own as he stopped mid flight. "Astrid," I whispered, but it must not of been a whisper as she turned around and looked at us in the sky. I looked at her lost and confused yet she looked as if she felt like she belonged. This wasn't happening?

"Astrid get out of there!" I called out of there hoping my suspicions were incorrect. "I'm not letting you bring my memories back I don't belong there and I am not being treated like a weakling because my memory has vanished I'm doing this and whatever your name is you can't stop me," and she disappeared below the deck. That wasn't the Astrid I know, that isn't the Astrid I know, the Astrid I know is gone and she didn't wanna come back "It seems dear Hiccup that are meeting has come to an end, I hope we meet again soon," Viggo commented as the fleeting ship sailed away.

I was left hovering in the sky with me dwelling over my thoughts and how Viggo manipulated this whole plan into place. 

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