Chapter 48: History Lesson

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I blew out the candle by the side of Hiccup's bed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep once again. I headed towards the stairs before I turned back around; I had this sense that I should stay with him in case he decided to anything stupid. I let it drop closing the door silently behind me and headed downstairs to sit with the others and the chief. I sat down next to Punz "Is he alright?" I nodded at her "Yea I told him to go back to sleep and get some rest and that he can see Astrid tomorrow, speaking of which, Heather did Astrid get home alright?" Heather looked up at me as soon as she heard her name called and nodded. I sighed happily knowing that she was okay and actually listened to me for a change. "Guys call me crazy but I'm sure Viggo isn't going to let this drop that easily," Fishlegs darkened the mood. "Fishlegs why'd you ruin the moment," Snotlout moaned "We got Hiccup back, Astrid got her memory back and you're worrying about Viggo, lighten up man, drink some yak milk," he lifted up his cup in appraisal.

"Snotlout is right Fishlegs, we'll figure it out when everyone is better and okay, we can't be worrying about that at the moment not when we have another situation at hand," I agreed with Snotlout "Thank you Jack," I never liked that guy that much. I stood up heading to the stove to grab a piece of bread by the fire until I noticed a small picture on the ledge. I picked it up and turned facing the chief "Sir who is this?" Stoick came over to me and looked at the image "Ah that was Hiccup with his mother before she...well," he trailed off his sentence "Enough said," I finished for me. "I guess Hiccup looked geeky even as a baby," I stated and everyone laughed. The place suddenly then stayed silent. "Um guys...I know that it's none of my business and everything but...what happened to Astrid's parents?" Heather questioned. Everyone looked at her shocked, not knowing what to say. "She never told you?" Tuff surprisingly spoke and Heather shook her head "But you're her best friend?" Ruff was startled. Suddenly a log was thrown into the fire and our heads spun in unison to look at Stoick.

"Astrid was quite young when it happened. She was around six years old; she bears the features of her mother but the personality of her father. They loved her dearly as she did to them. We got attacked by the Outcast's one day and they took the children on the island including Astrid, Hiccup, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins," Stoick indicated each in one turn. "Of course we all wanted to get them back but the bond between Astrid and her was impossible for them to bear. They took off to gather the children back with a few help of the others. Of course I was furious but they did give us an advantage. By the time that I and the rest of my men made it to the island all the children were waiting for us, but no one had seen Astrid and her parents. I searched the crowd to find Hiccup but he was nowhere to be scene either. I told the men to gather all the children onto the boats while I went to find my son. I soon found him wandering through the dead ground completely oblivious to where he was and I heard voices. I grabbed my son and hid behind a boulder and listened to the voices. Alvin held Astrid in his grasp trying to negotiate with her parents. They wouldn't give in to his demands and Astrid's parents were beaten in front of her. Astrid's mother saw me as I was about to make my move but mouthed me to stay back, they were willing to let themselves die to protect their daughter. Alvin disappeared leaving Astrid alone with her parents. I made my way over to Astrid and her parents, tears were streaming down her face and her mother told me look after Astrid to promise that I would watch over her as if she were one of my own so I have," Stoick finished.

Heather was speechless; her eyes wore sorrow and sadness. She didn't need to express her feelings as a tear fell down her cheek. "Okay, that's enough, it happened okay, and it cannot be reversed no one speaks of this to anyone not even Astrid or you answer to me," I stated harshly and stormed out the house Heather closely following my lead. "Jack wait I'm sorry that I asked...I was curious I didn't mean to invade," she pleaded "It's okay Heather, but Astrid is like my sister, yes Stoick cared for her as one of her own, but later that night she met me and she told me everything and from that day forward she never wanted to let me go, Stoick may have been there for her but I have too and I'm not ever gonna stop, I look out for her and I hate it when she gets hurt." Heather nodded and we both walked inside my house. I headed upstairs to check and see if Astrid was okay. As I slightly opened the door I called "Heather!" but in a whisper, she came up the stairs and saw what I saw. "That is cute," Heather stated at the scene in front of us. "I think we should leave them alone," so we shut the door leaving Hiccup and Astrid alone to sleep. 

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