Chapter 59: Something Like Jealousy

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I don't like fighting with Astrid but she gave me a clear reason to start one. I just couldn't get my head around why she would do such a thing. I couldn't exactly tell Hayley that she was the one who took it but when she would ask where I found it I couldn't exactly lie to her. Taking a deep breath my hand reached the door of her house. I hesitated. Why did I hesitate? I shook my head to erase the images which ran through my brain. My fist connected with the door and I knocked twice and waited with the whispering wind. It wasn't long until the door opened and I was mesmerized by the image before me – I knew I shouldn't be. Stood in front of me was Hayley yet at the same time it wasn't Hayley. She looked different by a good different, she had taken off her armour shoulder pads along with her fur coat, and half of her hair was draped down her back the other half clipped together at the back with two curls falling down against her cheeks. Her eyes shined against the moonlight rebounding off her eyes making the emerald sparkle.

I snapped myself away from those thoughts wary of the consequences which would come if I ever thought of them again. "Hiccup, what brings you here?" she asked me eyes wide open surprised to see me at her door. "I came to deliver this," I held up the sapphire gem necklace which belonged to her family "Oh my Thor," I placed it delicately in her hand as her eyes sparkled brighter than they just did "Where did you find it?" her gaze lifted back up to me smiling brightly from one end of her face to the other. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," I didn't tell her the truth but neither did I tell a lie, she didn't need to know, not until I at least get to the bottom of why she took it "Astrid took it didn't she?" my head perked up at her comment "How did you know?" she opened her door wider for me to enter – which I did willingly – and took a seat down by the fire as she joined me. "Hiccup, I found her in my house a month ago, you know before the time she passed out, I found her snooping around in here after she accused me in the Great Hall," I was astounded by her comments. Why would Astrid do such a thing?

I didn't want to believe the statements coming out from her mouth but the actions Astrid has taken towards Hayley have been appalling even for my eyes to see. "Are you sure it was Astrid?" I asked hoping that she was wrong even though my gut told me she was telling the truth. Her head lowered and her eyes saddened. Knowing her gaze couldn't focus on me just punched me more, knowing she was telling me the truth. "What business does she have in here anyway?" I growled obviously showing I was annoyed at the situation. Hayley shook her head; she lifted her gaze back up to me taking her hand through my own. "Hiccup I am so sorry...I didn't want to tell you but I knew you deserved to know." I nodded even though I didn't want to but my reflexes just couldn't help it. "It's okay Hayley; you're not the one who should be apologising it is I who should be apologising, she shouldn't have done what she has done I'll talk to her I promise," I stood up and headed for the door "Hiccup, I'm sure she had good reason but can you make sure she doesn't do it again," I nodded before taking my exit. I needed to find Astrid and chat with her this was just getting out of hand. I just couldn't see the problem she had with Hayley. It felt like the Heather situation all over again or even the Merida situation, why couldn't she just leave things alone for once?

I thought she liked Hayley but obviously not. I walked down through the village to look for her. I knew her well so I knew she wouldn't have gone back home just yet. The twilight sky took over the village where the stars kept the only light but the snow kept falling until it decided to slow down as I saw the brightest star in front of my eyes. She stood there at the forge, I watched as Gobber handed over her axe newly sharpened before she thanked him heading into the forest. I take my step and followed her in her direction. I heard the throw and cry as the axe was thrown against one of the trees the deeper we stood in the forest. "If you have something to say, say it or leave me alone," she didn't even turn around once I stood closer to her "Astrid what's going on with you lately?" she removed her axe from the tree preparing to hit another one before answering "There's nothing going on with me so if that is all please leave," she was agitated and angry you could tell by the rough tone in her voice. No one should really disturb her when she's like this but I had to get to the bottom to what was going on.

"Astrid why did you sneak into Hayley's house?" she stopped what she was doing and turned to face me "How did you know about that?" I crossed my arms and leant up against one of the trees "She told me, Astrid if you have a problem with her tell me what it is but if there is none leave her alone, I think she's been through enough to not have you on her as well," her eyes widened and her hand on her axe sharpened as she glared daggers at me "She's been through a lot? She's been through a lot? What the hell have I been through then? If you are gonna accuse me for things that are unacceptable take it somewhere else because yes I do have a problem with her and right now I have a problem with you," she spun away from me and started walking away; I chased after her pulling her shoulder to face me. "Astrid look okay, you need to tell me things otherwise this relationship between us cannot live on secrets," her head lowered as I took her hand through mine. "I love you Astrid, but I can't stand it if your jealous over her, if that is what this is, because you're not gonna lose me but if you carry on like this I fear you will."

Her head buried itself into my chest as she took a deep sigh and held onto me with no hesitation. "Yes Hiccup...I was just jealous," her voice sounded like it was breaking so I held her closer against me so all I could hear was her breathing and heart pounding. "I love you Hiccup," she whispered in my chest. I lifted her head so her sapphire eyes pierced into mine "I love you Astrid," I leant down and pressed my lips against hers as she did the same back. The moment felt it could last forever as I stayed locked onto her sweet taste, but the moment was interrupted by the sound of an explosion coming from the village. 

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