Chapter 73: Respect...Guilt...Goodbye

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"So here's what we're gonna do, you only get this when you hand over Hiccup and Merida," I placed my hands on my hips and waited for Viggo to stand in the light. I could see through the darkness the blade against his neck as he was being held against the grip of the bitch. Viggo's footsteps moved into the light as he placed his arms behind his back "My dear Astrid, the Dragon Eye is not worth two hostages, one perhaps," I shook my head at him as both our eyes locked onto one another "I don't want one, I want two," I demanded putting my foot down "It's one or nothing," he bargained with me "Well she's not asking," Viggo's head tilted back just in time as an arrow was strung from his right direction. We all jumped down into the cave and released our weapons ready to attack as did Viggo's men. I tucked the Dragon Eye safely within my skirt as I unleashed my axe and swung it towards Hayley. Immediately she dodged the attack with her grip releasing away from Hiccup easy for him to depart away from her.

I ran towards him dodging each attacker that came flying my way either from Snotlout or Heather as they tackled the men to the ground. The place looked like a war zone but at the moment my only focus was reaching the target in front of me. Suddenly my arms flung themselves around his body as he buried his head within my shoulder "Hiccup I'm so sorry I should never have left you on Outcast Island," I cried into his shoulder, I could feel his head shake slowly from side to side before he lifted and looked at me "It's okay, it wasn't your fault so stop blaming yourself," I released a small genuine smile before I spun him around and cracked the manacles that were held tightly against his wrists. He turned back round to face me as he planted his lips on top of mine; I wanted to stay and taste the sweet sensation forever but I knew we had to break away from each other. I looked into his eyes as saw them sparkle like a million diamonds as I lifted his hands and placed his fire sword within it "I know it's not your up to date one but it was the best that I could do," he held the blade firmly within his hand planted one last kiss before thanking me and we went to help the others.

We fought alongside each other as went to try and join the others who now seemed to be crowded in the corner of the cave "What did you plan after this might I ask out of curiosity!" Hiccup called out to me as he crept closer to the others "Well get the Dragon Eye – step one, rescue you – step two, and I didn't make a step three cause I didn't think step two would be so easy," I told the truth, I guess I could thank Merida for the distraction at the beginning I suppose but now all I could think about was to get out of here. I could feel the heat radiate out of his sword as he swung at the men and I could feel my heart pumping out of my chest along with my head pounding. "Hiccup! Astrid! Watch out!" my head diverted to look towards Jack as he and the others came running towards us, I raised my eyebrow in confusion before spinning round to see Hiccup with the same expression. Suddenly his body was thrown to the ground and he rolled to the other end of the cave; when he stopped there holding him down was Hayley. I watched in fright as she raised her sword ready to plunge it down into Hiccup's skin but he retaliated by raising his own to hold her off. I could feel the icy touch of Jack behind me meaning the others were also but before they could hold me back I ran towards them and tackled Hayley off him, I felt the Dragon Eye release away from me as I heard it roll across the cave floor creating a low echo.

I stood on my feet and stared across at Hayley as she was my main concern at this moment in time. I could hear the heavy breathing of him behind me, I looked around to see him struggling to stand, possibly from pain he has been through; my eyes scanned back towards Hayley and my hands clutched hold of the handle to my axe tightly with pressure "You want him, you'll have to go through me," I threatened her "Astrid, no you can't," Hiccup coughed behind me but my eyes stayed locked on the demon in front of me. "This should be fun," Hayley laughed at as her grip also tightened on her own weapon. With one sling our weapons clashed together. She would swing and I would defend and the same vice versa, my breath would increase with each step I took but I my anger was channelling towards this girl, she had done too much I couldn't let her get away with anything else. Her emerald eyes locked onto mine as our weapons clashed once again "Give up Astrid, you can't beat me, what would your parent's think of you, think of what you've become, they'd be disgraced by the sight of you," I lifted my leg and kicked her in the stomach making her fly backwards away from me and tumble to the ground. But she didn't stop "Look at you, your weak, and only use the distraction of others to get your work done, you have no respect for the people around you do you except for the one you love and you would put your "friends" in intermit danger just so you can have what you desire," the words cut me harshly but then I remembered a time like this. Especially that one line.

"You have no respect for the people around you who are just trying to help and be part of the team. You have no respect for Fishlegs, certainly none for Snotlout and you couldn't have any respect for the two of us." I lowered my weapon as she lay there on the ground smirking up at me but my eyes wandered over to Ruffnut before turning to the others and then lastly on Merida which brought back the time I tried to kill her. I looked back at Hayley as she slowly stood in front of me "You can't beat me Astrid, because your too weak to do so, you won't ever be as strong as you think you are and like I am," she slowly came towards me with her weapon raised ready to plunge it straight into me "You have no guts to kill me Astrid do you," her words tried to torment me as she circled me so fluently. She twirled her weapon in her hand as I dropped my own lost in my own thoughts blanking out the world around me. "Astrid!!" I heard the cry of my name snapping me out of my own dream as Hayley was about to slam her weapon into my chest. Immediately I grabbed hold of her wrist, twisting it with a full 360 degree releasing the weapon in her hand, I spun her round before I threw her to the ground and placed my foot on top of her, she just lay there laying at me "I may not be any of those things Hayley, but one thing you got wrong is that I do have respect for my friends because they have respect for me," her smirk turned into a furrow as my foot dug deeper into her chest.

"I was once told that I'm not a killer and I believed it because it's true, but you know sometimes, you have to break the truth for the people who deserve it," I raised my arm as Ruff chucked me her sword, I twirled it round in my hand and drove it deep into Hayley's chest. "Goodbye Hayley, that's for ruining our lives with lies." I stumbled backwards in shock at the sight in front of me and what I just did. "Oh my gods...I killed her," I clasped my hand against my mouth in shock as I felt these arms wrap themselves around me. I buried my head into shoulder "Astrid she's tried to kill you numerous times, you did it to keep us safe, to keep Hiccup safe," I lifted my head to look at deeply, her eyes were reassuring me when it hit me "Hiccup?!?!" We all looked behind to see him missing but then around again to see him in headlock formation within Viggo's arms "Now why don't we try that trade again Astrid, since you've killed all my men and still hold the Dragon Eye while I have your boyfriend," that's when the new memory hit through. I was having de ja vu of the last time we saw Viggo, he held me wanting to make a trade with Hiccup so he could claim the Dragon Eye.

Jack handed me the Dragon Eye as I stepped forwards closer to him "You let him go first and then you can have it, I promise," he raised his eyebrow but did not move. "Don't give it to him Astrid, he'll only kill me anyway, it's what he's been planning on doing from the beginning, he would retrieve the Dragon Eye and once he had it he would kill me so I'd cause no more disruptions, am I right Viggo?" Hiccup spoke before Viggo could have a chance which lead to him to chuckle ever so slightly "Hiccup you have been a worthy adversary but all good things must come to an end," Viggo's arms twisted ready to crack the neck of the boy in front of us; before anyone could do anything Hiccup pushed himself away from Viggo with whatever power he had left in him only to be pulled back towards Viggo with chest against chest "Hiccup!!" We all cried out and ran at least three steps forwards "Yea Viggo, I guess you're right," he pulled away from Viggo so fluently as Viggo's grip on him loosened and we all looked down in unison just as Viggo did "All good things must come to end," there inside Viggo's chest lay his own sword, blood seeped through his shirt as Hiccup walked back away from him and towards us. Viggo collapsed to the ground effortlessly and this time for sure, he was dead.

I looked to Hiccup and grabbed hold of him tightly as he did the same back to me, I watched as the others slowly backed away to give us some space. I tightened my grip around Hiccup as he flinched in pain "Oh gosh I'm sorry," I pulled back immediately as he placed his hand on my cheek "It's okay, I'm okay," he spoke reassuringly "Hiccup how did you do it?" I asked looking from Viggo to him "I grabbed hold of the sword when he had me in a headlock so when he pulled me back round I was just able to plunge it through," he shrugged at me not feeling proud of himself "We can go home now right?" he questioned me, I couldn't help but laugh "Yes Hiccup we can go home but first I have something to tell you," he shook his head and placed his hand on my stomach "I know, someone who I shall not name, may have let it slip by accident," my head diverted to look at the frizz head in the corner and I felt a glare form on my face but Hiccup pulled my gaze back to fix on him "Don't kill her, I was worried about you and then she let it slip that you both were safe."

I looked up at him feeling totally apprehensive "Are you okay with this?" I then looked down at my stomach only for him to lift my gaze back to look at him so our eyes locked with each other and everything about him was mesmerizing "I'm definitely okay with this, let's get you both home," I leaned up and pressed a kiss on his lips and laughed "More like, let's get you home you mutton head." 

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