Chapter 46: Goodbye

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"Hey Astrid," he tried shining those emerald eyes my way. The men descended towards the rest of his group leaving me alone with Hiccup. I jumped down from the top ledge descending upon him with my axe aimed. I threw my axe down against him but he immediately dodged my aim. He released something I'd never seen before, in his hand he held a sword that lit up in flames aiming it towards me. I stood there in my warrior stance and growled "You really think you can frighten me with that or in fact hurt me?" he shook his head "I don't intend to," and we both charged. Both our weapons clashed the fire emitting from his sword burning against my face. Our eyes clashed with each other and I couldn't see any good just betrayal and murder.

I pushed his backwards kicking him to the ground. Once again I flung my axe down but he dodged and we each aim I took he would dodge. He seized his moment kicking his legs into my chest, "Astrid stop! This isn't you!" He cried out at me "You don't know how I am, but I know who you are!" I screamed at him and charged "You murdered my family!" I carried on; I flung him over my shoulders and pressed down against him. The pain was written all over his face. I flung my axe down against him as he held his sword up against it. He looked me directly in the eye "No Astrid I didn't, I would never do that to you," his voice was sincere. "I don't believe you, everything that you say is a lie." My voice was threatening as he looked up me as if he felt sorry for me.

Distracting me from my thoughts he flung me over his head and started attacking me without hesitation. I had no control over the pattern. I couldn't focus on it. I kept blocking every attempt he threw at me; he suddenly kicked me into my side my body smashing against the hard wooden deck of the ship. My head crashed hard my vision going. I did the only thing that I could I pretended that he knocked me out. I waited for his footsteps to come close to me so I could make my move. I listened and listened until he was right next to me. I felt his body connect close to mine. I grabbed his hand and flung him around and onto the ground so I was standing over the top of him. "Don't do this Astrid, this isn't you, you've always been good at heart, Viggo is only manipulating you!" He shouted at me. "Stop lying Hiccup it isn't gonna get you anywhere. I kicked him hard down on the side making his body turn over.

I knelt down and pulled him up by his hair so he was looking me directly in the eye. "This is for everything that you've done, the pain and suffering you have caused in my life...Goodbye Hiccup," my voice was cold and sharp and I meant every word. I fist made contact with his face, it kept doing so repeatedly by the minute and I wasn't going to stop until he took his last final breath. "Any last words?" I questioned him. Blood dripped down from every corner of his face and he answered "I never killed your family and I've never done anything to hurt you because I love you Astrid Hofferson, you never gave up on me when Merida had me under her control, you've always stayed by my side through everything and I could never have done it without you, you've been the light in my life Astrid Hofferson and I'll never forget your beautiful smile and amazing laugh, so kill me...if that's your last dying wish," he stated at me.

My breath was held as he spoke. I didn't realise until I started breathing again and my fist kept hitting his face again. But then my fist stopped hitting him as flashes of images started appearing through my mind. He and I...were laughing. Other people...all of us. "Yes that is my last dying wish," I mumbled to him "Then finish never forget I love you...Astrid Hofferson," he claimed. My fist kept going but at a slower pace until I stumbled backwards against the ship's deck and the images come flooding in.

Dear Astrid,

I'm sorry for what has happened I wouldn't have left if I didn't have good reason to. I just hope that you understand this. In case you were wondering I'm fine, I and Toothless are okay. It's the best feeling out here, being free I have never felt better, no one telling me what to do and where to be, I can do what I want and no one can stop me. This is the life I have wanted Astrid for a while and never had chance to live it. I will come back Astrid know that because I can't leave you because......well.....okay here it comes.....

I never had the chance to say this to you.....maybe because I was a nervous wreck......or maybe because I never had the guts to tell you......or maybe because I don't think you feel the same back.......or maybe even all of the above. But Astrid I'm going to say it know even if this isn't to your face.

But I love you and I'm sorry that I have crushed your heart by doing what I have time maybe you can forgive me....

I love you

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

My tears flooded down onto the letter that was held in my hands. Then the image changed.

"That wasn't my fault; my life got so caught up in a complete mess. Once that mess was over I couldn't wait to come back and see everyone again, I couldn't wait to come back to see you because I love you and that never changed-." He stopped talking as I pressed my lips against his and his arms caressed around my body. I collapsed against him and he held me against him.

We pulled apart and looked down into each other. Those emerald eyes pierced onto mine, his shaky hair falling against him face as he pushed my fridge away out of my face. "I take it I'm forgiven..." he wondered "I guess you are," I told him as he we leant back into each other.

My mind traced back to reality and I remembered. I remembered everything. I looked over to see Hiccup looking at me. He face was battered and bruised and I looked down to the blood all over my hands. "Astrid...?" he questioned me name with uncertainty "Hiccup...?" I did the same. He came running over to me and held me close against him as I did the same and cried within his chest and mumbled "I'm so so sorry..." I felt his body shake and he held me against him lovingly "It's okay...your okay."

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