Chapter 70: Make It Count Or Face The Consequence

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The noise outside the door was untameable. I could hear the running of footsteps moving from one end of the cells to the other and the echoes of orders being shouted. The echoes were more like mumbles to me so I couldn't exactly grasp hold of what was going on, all I knew that it wasn't a battle because the sound of dragons and bowlers weren't around. Thankfully the noise calmed down and I thanked Thor that I was back in the peace and quiet. The more I stayed in the cell the more I knew that something was going on because after every other hour someone would make their presence known to me highlighting the fact that I had no escape. It didn't make sense to me at all. And that's when I made the decision, I couldn't take one more minute here and if they were planning something I damn well didn't want to be a part of it, not if I could help it at least. I pushed myself off the bed and started working out what I was going to do. I walked over to the door and peaked out the small window. Placing my hands on the edge I pulled myself up and looked through the criss-crossed effect to see two guards standing next to the door. Their gaze fixated onto me forming a glare; I gulped as I pushed myself back down.

So there were two guards outside the door on each hour and they only let someone in the same times every day and it was always the same people, Hayley, Alvin and Dagur but it was mostly Hayley and she is really the main target to get past. And that's when it hit and I knew what I had to do. I sat back on the bed and waited until I saw the sun set from the light seeping in from the arena. The hours went on by slowly as a snail could slide and once the cell of the door rattled I set my plan into action. I led down on the bed and faced the wall and acted to be asleep. I closed my eyes and lay completely still until their presence was known close to me. It wouldn't be unusual to them to see me in this form because it was a regular occurrence being a bloody prisoner. "Hiccup...Hiccup are you awake?" her voice was soft and tender as she shook me lightly testing for movement until it stopped "It's okay he's aslee-," before she could even finish her sentence I sat up immediately and punched my elbow into her face. Her head tipped backwards as I lifted my leg and kicked her down to the ground, her head smashed to the ground turning her into unconsciousness. "Sorry Hayley, but I can't hear another pack of your lies," I reached down and grabbed the sword tucked in her belt around her waist.

"Hey, stop him!" I spun round to see the guards aiming their swords at me but immediately after their heads vibrated against each other before they fell flat on their faces leaving me completely dumbfounded. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Making their way into the cell Dagur stood before me "What do you think? I'm getting out of here;" I told him, his eyes landed down on the unconscious Hayley that lay before me and the sword in my hand "Well looks like you're doing pretty good by yourself at the moment but how about we give you a hand," I raised my eyebrow until I heard the sound of dragons advance in the arena and a wide smile spread across my face; Dagur nodded at me chucking my armour over at me along with a clock "Now put that on and let's get out of here before they realise that your friends are decoys," I nodded fixing on all my gear and lifting the cloak hood over my head and ran out the door.

We sprinted down the opposite direction of the cell which got me more confused "Dagur where are we heading?" suddenly I felt the whip of a sword skim my neck. I tilted my head to the side to see Alvin standing there "Alvin...please let us go," I whispered, his sword lowered against my neck as he tilted his head in the direction away from the noise we seemed to be heading "I moved your girlfriend to a different area to wait, Viggo's men got caught of where she was waiting," and we began running once more. I felt like my heart was on fire with freedom and excitement. The pain I felt not being able to see Astrid was unbearable, it was more painful than the hurt scattered over my back and wrist. "Go down that tunnel and turn left, she'll be waiting for you with Heather," Dagur nodded at Alvin and carried on running but I turned at Alvin "Why did you help us?" I raised my eyebrow at him as he shrugged at me "I guess your words do mean something Hiccup and besides I go on deals and Berk never broke theirs like this scumbag called Viggo," I laughed "I'll have to agree with you Alvin," he nodded and started to head back leaving my weight to get pulled by Dagur to head further down the tunnel. The further we advanced the darker it got but I soon saw the light in the distance. I felt blinded by it as if I hadn't seen it for years even though it had only been a few days.

But there they stood against the light and I felt my insides flutter as my steps increased rapidly. "Hiccup!" her voice screamed down the tunnel "Astrid!" I screamed back towards her, immediately after I felt my weight fall into her. Her fingers ran through my shaggy hair as my arms wrapped themselves around her, we pulled away as we looked into each other's eyes and I was again mesmerized by the azure sparkle and the amazing smile. "Your okay, thank Thor your okay," I whispered feeling my voice crack a little bit. She lifted her hand up onto my cheek making me stare at her deeply "I'm okay, now let's get you out of here before they realise the others were a diversion," I nodded as she slid her hand in with mine, her lips crashed into mine before we separated by the voice "It's too late for that dear Astrid," we all turned in unison to see Viggo standing there with a group of his men. "Viggo it's over, let us go!" I shouted out across at him "Nothing is over Hiccup until I get what I want!" he spoke back towards us "That's not gonna happen!" Astrid stood in front of me holding me back away from Viggo. "I figured you'd say that," Viggo sounded so calm and formal as he clenched his hand and his men descended.

My weight was pushed to the ground as Astrid defended me; she made it pretty obvious that she didn't want to lose me again. My head crashed as she descended back towards them along with Heather and Dagur at her side but was not match for them unless I did something to help. But I felt terribly weak from sprinting to get to her that I could feel the scars on my back ripping and the blood seeping out slowly. With great difficulty my weight was pushed up and Astrid's gaze landed on me "Hiccup get outta here you understand me, Toothless is waiting for you round the corner, get to him and get outta here, we'll meet you back at the Edge," I could see the look in her eye that she was scared for my safety but I was afraid of her own, but the look in her eyes were also serious and I had no choice in the matter but to leave her behind and do as she said.

With great hesitance I sprinted out away from the battle in search of my best friend. "Toothless! Toothless!!" I cried out his name until the pain scorched through my head and I landed down onto the ground of the Outcast compound. My vision grayed as I tilted my head slowly to see her standing there kneeling in front of me "That was for punching me in the face," her voice cold as ice and harsh as a dragon "You bitch," I coughed out blood towards her; she laughed at me shaking her head "And you're pathetic," and with one last blow I was out. 

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