Chapter 53: Young Love

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I couldn't help but wander through the village having a wide smile on my face. I think that was the best night I've ever had but whenever I noticed Hiccup in the village I couldn't help but blush his way as did he me. Hayley seemed to be settling in very well considering what she went through and being in a new strange environment. She kept getting the flirt from Snotlout every now and again, I should feel sorry for her but I was glad that I had one problem off my shoulders. I sauntered down to the beach, chucking my boots off, digging my toes into the warm sensation and stood and relaxed. I let my mind drift off into a moment of peace and glory. Lost in the trance these warm hands enveloped themselves around me, their head resting against my shoulder from behind. Pressing their lips against my neck I felt a shiver race down my spine. I held onto their hands and twisted myself around to look up into beautiful, mesmerizing green eyes, his crooked smile which I loved so much. "You alright M'lady?" he asked leaning in close so our foreheads were touching. "Never better," I smiled up at her as our eyes locked onto each other.

I traced my hands along his armour up towards his neck so I could wrap my arms around him and hold myself close. He wrapped his arms around my waist lovingly and kissed my forehead as we both stared out to sea. I sighed and closed my eyes against his pulsing heart and let myself drift off against his eternal flame of heat. His callused hands moved through my hair and I could only focus drum of heart and his soft breath against skin. "You hungry?" he spoke out at randomly but I nodded against him. He let go and spun around walking away "Where are you going?" immediately afterwards he whistled and out of the blue income Toothless and Stormfly but within Toothless's mouth he seemed to be carrying something and arranged on Stormfly's back seemed to be this soft material. They both ran straight towards Hiccup. I gazed as he took the material off from Stormfly's back neatly placing it down on the sand revealing it be a red and blue blanket. He held out his hand for me to take which I took willingly and we both took a seat on the blanket. Toothless nudged Hiccup with the basket in his mouth, Hiccup took it away from his buddy scratching his muzzle as thanks and started laying out multiple foods and drinks. Once the dragons seemed to have done their job that immediately went splashing around in the water having the time of their lives.

I looked down at the food and the drink and gaped. "Hiccup what is all this?" I was amazed at the effort he put in "I wanted it to sort of be our first date, I didn't overdo it did I?" I asked nervously running his fingers through his hair. I pulled him close to me pressing my lips against his pulling away looking into his emerald eyes and spoke "It's perfect," a smile crept on his face and we began enjoying the food and drink. The sun was beginning to set in the distance and we both watched as it kissed the sea. It was beautiful. Hiccup had his arm wrapped around me as I lay against him as we were both led down on the blanket; I never thought I would be in this moment since all the chaos that we have all been through. I thought that it would have been a dream and stayed a dream but here I am right now, led in the arms of the man that I love and have always loved. "What you thinking about?" he asked me gazing down upon me "Nothing...just that this is perfect," he smiled but the look in his eye looked mischievous "You know what would make it more fun?" he said, I shook my head at him "If we had a little fun," I was confused not until he grabbed my up by the waist, picked me up and headed for the water, my scream was like a laughter towards him as I kicked him playfully before he dropped me in.

My body fell completely under drenching me entirely. I got back up from moonlight water to see him standing there laughing his head off at me "Oh it's on Haddock," I gave him an evil smirk and started running. I ran after him, jumped on him from behind dragging him down into the water with me. We both got back up and sat in the water staring into each other's eyes mesmerized with each other. I loved how now wet shaky hair fell against his face and his eyes sparkled against the moonlight. He moved my wet fringe out of my face and we both leaned into a kiss. Sure it was wet it but I clasped onto him tightly as did he me and we deepened the kiss. Our bodies lifted up and down against the waves as they splashed against our skin as we held onto each other fearing to let go. "Hey! Love birds why do you get all the fun?!" We broke apart still holding on to each other to look upon the shore to see the gang with Hayley standing there. I felt heat flush to my cheeks as did it on Hiccup's but it wasn't as vibrate as it would be in the daylight. With the urge to do so I splashed Hiccup playfully as he did so back then everyone else came into the water and joined us.

We played in the water for Thor knows how long and it was the best feeling I could have ever felt. We were all back together with a few newbie's. Rapunzel decided to stay with us in the end and now we also had Hayley with us. The moment was precious and it was gonna last with us forever. Sure we are twenty years old, but you know what, that doesn't stop us from acting like teenagers once more. I decided to trudge out of the water and take a break. I wandered back to the blanket that me and Hiccup led on to dry myself off. I was soon joined by Jack. "You not getting in the water?" I asked him, he shook his head "Not my thing," I pouted at him "Well you're no fun," he held me close even though I was soaking. "I've never seen you this happy in a while you know that right?" we both looked out to the sea and watched as Snotlout tackled Hiccup into the water followed by Tuff and Ruff. We both stifled into laughter as Hiccup dove underneath. I leant against Jack "It feels good though."

He kissed my forehead brotherly and let me dry off a bit since he knew he probably wasn't helping with his body temperature. Soon after he left I was joined by Hayley. "Hey can I sit here?" she asked gesturing to a space on the blanket; I nodded. "This is fun," she spoke and I nodded "It is isn't it." I couldn't help but feel a smile curve upon my lips. Suddenly me and Hayley started having an in depth conversation. I didn't ever believe I could grow to like this girl but it seemed that I was. We were laughing and having a good time. Most of the time I felt as if she was asking too much about my personal life but then I guess I did the same with her and she was probably just trying to get to know me a bit better so I shook the matter away. As she lifted her arms in the air to fix her hair, the sleeve of her shirt fell down to produce this crest upon her wrist. I pulled her hand towards me immediately with no remorse to get a better look at it but she pulled away at rapid speed. "What is that?" I asked concerned but she shook her head "Nothing," I roughness to her tone made me more intrigued so I pulled her am back towards me and looked deeper "That's the Outcast crest." 

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