Chapter 68: Everyone Should Know What Someone Desires

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Hayley didn't lie, after Dagur was done talking to me and tending to my back I couldn't move. The gashes pain took over my back like there was no tomorrow. So all I had left was the pain, the drowsiness of sleep and the cold to keep as my comfort. I would fade in and out and lose grasp of my surroundings every now and again. I would look down at the edge of the bed as there would be a little plate of stale bread and a quarter cup of water just enough to keep me alive. I would have to use my aching bones just to reach it or sometimes I would just leave it alone and go back to sleep. I was lost at what day it was but Dagur would remind me it had only been a couple which had me thinking, what were Astrid and the others up to? The opening of the cell brought me out of my thoughts but it didn't lift my gaze, I let my gaze stay trapped to the concrete floor which stared back at me because I still felt too weak to move anything. "Still hurting?" the voice was soft and delicate as they entered the room but still shared its concern.

"I've felt worse," I lied lifting my head as slowly as I could to face Hayley. "Well I've come to change your bandages, can I do that?" I nodded turning my gaze back to the floor as she came to sit by my side. Her presence felt warm compared to the ice cold feeling I've known since I've been here; I could feel her heat radiate off her body and into my own as she lay my body onto her lap "Sorry if I hurt you," it didn't matter with her saying that because it couldn't be as much pain as I was already feeling. There was something about Hayley I couldn't put my finger on. She was a great liar who she had already proven to be, her story telling was on point but what came after it maybe wasn't so convincing. If what happened was true her emotions would be heightened and she wouldn't be spending so much time with them, she would have run on her own accord no matter the consequence after she had brought me here. I've known things like this before, you would get close to your enemy to know them better so you would be able to manipulate them into telling them important information so they could spill it to their leader. If this was that game I had to be careful.

I felt the old bandages fall away from me as she chucked them to the side to begin wrapping the new ones around me. "So how do you feel about Dagur betraying you?" I guess that was the key question of all. So maybe she was playing the game after all, I may be a prisoner but that doesn't stop me playing a game of my own "What do you think? He made me believe he was my friend by saving my life and all but it was all a lie, so I repeat what do you think?" my voice sounded irritated and annoyed hoping she would buy it; which she did "I'm sorry about that, I guess we can never know who we can really trust," I just gave a sigh and murmured "No I guess we can't," I felt her hands release from my back and her presence no longer against me I felt a relief run through me because I would rather have truth next to me than a pack of lies. As she got to the cell door she offered me a reassuring smile before closing the door behind her. I was gonna let her play her little game until the time was right I would call her out of it but in the meantime I needed to get out of here before anything serious was going to happen.

That's when it hit me. If Viggo wanted me, he had me so why not just kill me already, unless there was something else he truly desired as well as me. If that were true then maybe I should try and get it out of Hayley or Dagur. I went to close my eyes only for the rattle of keys to unlock the cell door once more; I groaned in annoyance and tilted my head into the pillow so I wouldn't have to deal with whoever entered the room. "Viggo wants to see you," the voice of Alvin it was "Great for me," I mumbled into the pillow. I felt his presence come near me, his deadly fist take hold of my arm ready to pull until I slapped his hand with him releasing me for a burning glare to come my way "I'll do it thanks, I'm in enough pain as it is and with your death grip I would like to pass," he stood back and crossed his arms watching my every move. I pushed my hands into the bed so I was able to lift my body with less pain as much as I could. My eyes squinted as I pushed myself to a sitting position but stood immediately before I would get pulled. I walked myself out of the cell and stopped for Alvin to point in the direction for me to head and once it was clear I started to strut now ignoring the pain the best I could but I could feel the ripping of my skin tearing at my back. "Your silent today aren't you Al?" I started a conversation.

"No I'm not lad," I laughed "Of course you are otherwise you would be rubbing it in my face about why I am here and how useless I should feel," it was his turn to laugh and let me say I wasn't fond of it at all "Your words boy not mine," and we carried on walking in silent "Do you know what, I think my words hit a chord in you, because you don't seem that tough anymore," I broke the dying silence "That's rich coming from you," he spoke harshly "Just saying what I think that's all," we entered a small room where Viggo sat at his desk, hands clasped in with one another ready to see me. He hadn't changed much at all but most of all he kept his sinister look. Alvin pushed me in front of Viggo before pushing me into a seat and leaving the room without another word. "I heard you wanted to see me," I started, his hands separated from each other as he started to play with a dagger "True I did, you must be confused of the circumstances so I would like to make this easier and ask you some questions," something told me this was more than asking questions but I decided to play along all the same. "If I can ask you some?" his eyes landed on me and we gazed into each other's eyes with no mercy "Are we negotiating now?" I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head slightly to the side.

"Well then let me go first, where is the Dragon Eye?" I felt my eyes pop out of my head and my brain out of my skull, what did he mean and why would I know where it is? "In the volcano where you should have stayed," his hands clenched into fists on the table "Wrong answer Hiccup," I shook my head "Right answer Viggo, my turn; how are you alive?" his fists began to clench together tighter as he answered me "A miracle I suppose, now Hiccup tell me where the Dragon Eye is and I promise you no one will get hurt," how can he make a promise like that when I don't know where the damn thing is "I told you in the volcano where I chucked it, where else would it have gone to are you insane or something!" I shucked my hands up in the air with frustration. He looked up and nodded I wasn't sure at what until one of his men slammed my hand down on the table, Viggo raised his dagger down on top of my wrist and started cutting releasing my screams to everyone could hear. "This can stop just tell me where it is," I felt tears burn through my eyes as the warm liquid fell on the table and the dagger seared deeper into my skin, I looked at him with a scorn look and harsh tone "I don't know," only for the dagger to cut through my skin deeper; at this rate I feared I would lose my hand as well as my foot.

"This could go along so much easier if you would tell me where she hid it, I know she would have told you," then I stopped the tears and spoke "She...who's she?" but the dagger was plunged deeper so I quickly thought about people I knew and a flash come to my mind and I spoke "Merida? Merida, you know Merida," and the dagger was removed from my skin to leave a deep cut close to the bone where the dagger cut, blood spilling everywhere. "So you realise who I'm talking about finally," Viggo sat back in his chair as we looked at each other "I get it now. You salvaged the Dragon Eye from the volcano, she saved you but you did something to her so she back stabbed you, stole the Dragon Eye, hid it and run before you could get her so you think she told me and I know where it is," he sat back and crossed his arms nodding "Smart boy." I shook my head "She never told me and even if she did I think I would have it don't you?" I questioned him forming my glare. He nodded then looked to his guard "Get his wrist patched up and take him back to his cell we're done here." The guard grabbed me and didn't bother patching it up at all just chucked me back into the cell with no regards to respect. My back killed with pain and now did my wrist, the blood kept spilling but luckily that was all and the dagger never hit the bone but still so close. I sat back on the bed and clutched hold of it the best I could but it wasn't much good.

The cell re-opened (becoming an occurrence) to reveal once again Hayley with a new set of bandages "I don't understand why you keep getting yourself into this mess," she spoke taking a seat next to me "I wouldn't be me if I didn't," she laughed taking hold of my wrist, cleaning away as much blood as possible before wrapping the bandage around it carefully. She smiled and left me alone back in the darkness, alone. But now I knew; he knew Merida and Merida knew him; he didn't want to kill me because he needs me to get to her. Great so now I'm being used as bait, this situation just keeps getting thicker by the second.

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