Chapter 3: In Love....No Way....Really

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After I punched Jack in the arm I ran away feeling awkward. I turned around quickly and said "Just find out what's with him would you please your his best mate he listens to you," he laughed and nodded at me and I carried on running away. I don't know where I was running to but then this time I crashed into someone or something and banged against one of the trees and fell to the floor in pain. "Ouch," I moaned while rubbing my head. I shook my head and saw on the floor in front of me was once again Hiccup.

"Oh gosh sorry Hiccup that time it was my fault," I apologised at him awkwardly helping him off the floor. He shook his shaky auburn hair to get the dirt out and blinked those emerald green eyes to get his sight back. I think......I think I'm mesmerized by him. "Hey Astrid, hey Astrid you in there," I was being shaken by Hiccup trying to get me out if the trance. I shook my head and mumbled "Yeah, sorry about that," he laughed "Did you hear anything I said," he questioned I nodded and said "Yeah, yeah I heard ya...see ya around Hiccup," I quickly banged past him on the shoulder by accident and ran away again.

I didn't know what he said to me I was lost in those eyes of his. Wait hold on a minute, I am playing into Jack's hands, he thinks I like Hiccup which I do not.....or do I? Snap out of Astrid you don't fall in love you are a warrior who takes care of herself. I shook my head and carried on walking back to the village. There was this huge fuss going on so I made my way over to see what it was.

I saw the gang so I wandered over to them and asked "What's happening?" They looked at me and Snotlout answered "Well Stoick has been looking for Hiccup all day since he ran away from him this morning and hasn't come back yet," I raised my eye brow at him confused in why he hasn't I mean I just saw him. "I don't blame him I mean have you seen the look on Stoick's face," Tuff commented after Snotlout. Stoick's gaze then landed on us and he made his way to us.

"Astrid have you seen Hiccup?" I slowly nodded and replied "Last place I saw him was in the woods sir," he shook his head and replied "Next time you see him please tell him to come to me immediately please," he sounded serious so I nodded. Maybe that explains Hiccup acting strange all day. He nodded back at me, while I made my way back into the forest. I made my way back to find Hiccup.

I went back to where I last crashed into him. "Hiccup!!! Hiccup!!!!!" Urgh where can that skinny one-legged boy be. I then heard faint talking. As I got closer I recognised the voices. Jack and Hiccup. I turned the corner and faced them. "Hey guys," they both looked startled when they saw me. "Oh um well I'm gonna go see ya around Hiccup," Jack quickly said and walked away as he did he winked at me. I glared back at him.

"Hey want something?" Hiccup snapped me out my glare towards Jack. "Um yeah your dad's looking for you just thought I would come and tell you," Hiccup ran his fingers through his hair and began running away. "Hey!" I ran after him wondering why he is running.

I'm much faster than Hiccup is and caught the lead and stopped him from going any further. "What's wrong Hiccup?" he wouldn't look at me "Hiccup?" he glanced at me and we just stood there looking deeply into each other's eyes. We couldn't look away. We just kept staring,. We began getting closer......closer.......closer.......

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