Chapter 57: Is History Repeating Itself?

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"Astrid..." my name whispered "Astrid..." there it goes again "Astrid please wake up..." the voice angelic but to me a whisper even though their presence was close to me. The darkness had enveloped around me, forbidding me to awake. The foreboding presence I felt wasn't great, something I wished to escape from. Their callused hand interlocked within my own, their breath reaching my skin as their hair traced my skin as they lowered their head onto me. The pain in their voice to why my eyes would stay clasped shut. Then the burning memory came flooding back in. The liquids which resembled potions covering every inch of her room; the cloth lying neatly on her desk which I stole. Her ice cold voice telling me never to come back. The cloth pressed against my face to gather information but only for me to fade away into the forebode. She was a more evidence was needed to prove this, first her crest burned into her wrist of the Outcast – no when I think was it actually the Outcast Crest – then her fake story about why she has it – did she even have a baby and a husband? – and then her constant stares at me, her spying when Viggo came looking for her – Viggo...are they connected in some way? – and finally her house with the unknown equipment including the scented cloth which tasted ghastly. She was a traitor and she knew I was onto her.

That's why I decided to open my eyes. The foreboding atmosphere around me evaporated letting me escape into the light. It was almost as if I had to complete a task before I was a loud to leave. I felt my heart pumping out of my chest as my blood was running wild through my veins. The light flooded through almost blinding me from the sight, but what brought it all back in was the flash of sapphire ice staring meaningful at me. A smile was curved onto his face once he saw the ocean eyes scorch deeply into his own. His platinum icy hair reflected off against the light coming through the window which also gave off a glisten in his eyes actually making them look like sharp icicles. He pushed away my fringe and helped me sit up in my bed examining me. "Astrid, what happened? I came home to check on you but watched you pass out completely," I placed a hand on my head lightly feeling the pain of headache come through. "How long have I been out?" I completely dodged his question "4 weeks, Heather came to check on you before deciding to go to Gothi and she found this in your hand." My mind drifted away at the thought of me being asleep for a month. Giving me the thought that whatever she was working on hadn't worked properly and she was trying to fix it to her way but I took it before she could make any changes. That's when he lifted up the cloth I stole from Hayley's house. "What is this and where did you get it?" He questioned me seriously.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," I stated at him rolling my eyes shaking my head "Try me," he leant back in his chair crossing his arms in the process. "Fine, I found it in Hayley's establishment along with bottles and bottles of liquids which were different coloured presuming they all have different purposes." His eyes were wide open before he slammed them towards me "What is your deal with her Astrid, I mean seriously come on," I glared at him deeply "I'm telling you the truth Jack, I would lie about this," I stopped what I was saying as I suddenly pushed Jack to the side and raced towards the bathroom. Flicking the seat upwards I threw myself over it as I couldn't help but throw up. His footsteps echoed outside the door as he rubbed his hand on my back "You okay?" I lifted up my hand and shaped it into an okay sign before throwing up once more. "It's probably a reaction to the scent on the cloth," Jack observed. I nodded at him as I lifted myself back away from the seat. "I think I'm good."

"Astrid?!" I heard my name be called from the other room I just ran from. His voice rang through my ears but then pain came and flooded through. The last time I saw him I gave the most horrible impression and my attitude sucked. My pushed myself up from the ground to re-enter my room. I pushed the door open to see him standing there worry written all over him. "Hey," I spoke as calmly as possible. He ran over to me throwing his arms around me as I did the same back. His sweet scent caressed through me as I pushed myself closer to him, he ran his hand through my hair before pulling away so I could stare into his gorgeous emerald eyes. He traced his hand down my cheek eyes staring into mine with concern "What happened? I was so worried," he pulled me back against him as I laid my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "Nothing, don't worry, I'm okay honestly," he pulled away and looked at me disapprovingly "You sure, cause you feel like you're burning up," I took his hands in mine "Hiccup, I'm fine trust me." He leant down and kissed my forehead passionately before I pulled him down to my lips. "HICCUP!" We heard his father call from outside "I guess duty calls," I moaned releasing my lips from his, he sighed "Guess it does, but this conversation isn't over, you understand me," I wasn't going to win so I just nodded at him before we shared one last kiss before he left.

"You didn't tell him," I spun back round to see Jack examining the situation "Well if you don't believe me then fat chance that he will," he came closer to me taking my hand "I can't believe what I can't see," I looked up at him and smirked "Fine, grab the others and I'll prove to you what I'm talking about." He nodded and left. I stood there and sighed heavily now feeling the temperature that Hiccup told me about, I felt like I was on fire, I placed my hand on my forehead and felt heat radiate from it, it wasn't as hot as I felt though. I walked back into the bathroom chucking cold water at my face before fixing my braid and heading to meet the others.


"So let me get this straight, you think that Hayley is some sort of witch because she has all these liquids that look like potions and you stole a piece of cloth found out it was scented so decided to place against your mouth to see what would happen and you passed out for a month," I nodded at Snotlout's description as we walked up to her house. I was told that she was having a meeting with Hiccup and Stoick giving us the perfect time to snoop around and have a look. "I'm not buying it," Snotlout ended. I scoffed at his remark as we entered the house. I went straight up the stairs to thankfully see she didn't remove all of it. Maybe she actually believed I wouldn't come back. Everyone came in one by one gobsmacked at what they saw. "Now do you believe me?" I questioned each of them and they all nodded in unison before having a search of the place themselves.

"What is all this stuff?" Heather asked admiring one of the bottles "I'm not sure but best not to touch any of it like I did we don't know what could happen," I warned them "Ooh Astrid look, it's a piece of cloth just like you had what happens if I-," I looked round only to see Tuff place a piece of cloth against his mouth with my warning to late to stop him. He collapsed against the floor just as once had after the cloth was placed against his face. "They never listen," I groaned "Come let's get out of here before she comes and finds us in here." Everyone agreed. Jack chucked Tuff over his shoulder as we all left silently and privately so no one could catch us. It only took a few hours before Tuff actually woke back up once we were sat in the cove. "What happened?" he shouted as he shot up off the ground "Well at least you weren't out for a month, looks like she's fixed whatever that piece of cloth is," I established. "Oh man, I could have done without a brother for a month," Ruff moaned which earned a fight between the twins. I rolled my eyes at them as I lay back in the grass sussing out the situation we just found ourselves in – once again.

It was getting late as the twilight sky took over the clouds. Each star would come out in turn and sparkle against the twilight. I walked back up to the house too find Hiccup by my side. "I told you we would talk later," he mentioned, I smiled as he placed his arms around my waist as we entered the house. "What happened Astrid? No one collapses like that and stays asleep for a month," he shortened the situation. "It's nothing Hiccup, believe me, just something happened which I can't remember myself, it's all a blur to me, could you please just drop it," I had to lie to him even though I hated doing it. If I told him the truth he wouldn't believe me – just like last time – I couldn't have that. He nodded at me and held me close as we led down on my bed "Seriously Astrid I think you might be coming down with a fever, your skin feels like fire," I shrugged answering "I'm fine." Before I shut my eyes and fell asleep against my love. 

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