Chapter 52: Hayley...Hayley Who?

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I woke the next day, where the sun blinded my eyes but I didn't much mind. I slowly sat up in my bed realising Hiccup was no longer by my side. I gave out a small sigh and decided to get out of bed. I headed downstairs to see Jack was making breakfast "How you feeling?" he asked me as he set the food down on the wooden table in front of me. "Better..." I trailed which put a smile on his face. The light coming into the room reflected off Jack's hair which made him look as if he were glistening as did his eyes sparkle against the light. "Jack how do you think she knew me?" I asked him breaking the silence between us creating a tense atmosphere in the room as I took my seat at the table. "I'm not sure," his voice answered me. I think everyone believes this Hayley character, they believe that my parents are alive but I know the truth I saw it with my very own eyes.

All the village believe is my parents died during a dragon attack along with Jack's parents and that's how we are so close to each other. They will never know the true story which is why I feel they believe Hayley. But there is something off about her. She never exactly stated where she came from, but if what she says is true, my parents were last seen on Outcast Island. So...maybe that's where she came from, it's the only solution. I should speak with her and get what I can out of her. "I know what you're thinking and the answer is no, leave her alone, let her get used to her surroundings and settle in before you do anything you regret," Jack stopped me from my thoughts. I growled at him "I just want answers that isn't much to ask for," I told him crossing my arms in annoyance "No it isn't much to ask for but it is much to ask for when she doesn't know where she is, let it drop for now," I gave a piercing glare his way "YOU let it drop, I can't," I pushed myself away from the table, grabbing my axe making my way out the door.

Let it drop, let it drop seriously! This is my family we're talking about here not his. As I sauntered my way through the village everyone would look at me and whisper things. I couldn't block them out they were just too loud for me. I spun around to face them and shouted "If you have something to say then say it, if not shut up," I felt these hands place themselves on my shoulders. The warm sensation enveloped around my body, calming me from the distress I was feeling against these people. They pulled me away from the crowd into the woods where we were alone. I didn't realise what I was doing but I was fighting against the arms to let me go. I could now feel the fire burning within me, the fire of anger and rage that people were talking about my family and me behind my back and how Jack telling me to let the situation drop.

"Astrid calm down, stop and breathe for a second okay," the arms pulled me close against them, holding me tightly and lovingly, making me feel entrapped within their arms. I kept trying to get out but as I heard the slow beat of their pulse of peace and calm I let the noise drift me off into the same sensation. My anger loosened as I let my body collapse against them to feel the relaxation they were feeling. "Good," the voice was also heart-warming which calmed me down deeper. I gazed up to look at the shining emerald eyes holding me together "Thanks Hiccup," he smiled, nodding at me "You think you can go back into the village without looking like you're gonna tear everyone's heads off?" he questioned my actions; I nodded. He led me back into the village and I watched as everyone was keeping their distance.

Hiccup and I headed up to the Great Hall about to sit with the others when I noticed Hayley was sitting there. Her hair looked much cleaner than it did yesterday, it looked wavier and sleek, the highlights in her hair immediately showed which brought out the emerald in her eyes. Clothes were no longer torn, Hiccup must have given her some clean ones so now she was wearing a corset burgundy top with a metal dagger skirt, it looked like a cross between my own and Heather's. Not sure how that worked out. I could feel my hand curve into a small fist, reason being...I wasn't so sure, all I was sure about was that I couldn't trust her. "Be nice," Hiccup's hand traced within my small fist as we headed over to the table "Whenever am I not nice?" I questioned his statement "You know what I mean." I shook it off as I took my seat next to Jack as Snotlout tried flirting with the girl. "How you feeling Hayley?" Hiccup asked her in his nice polite usual.

She nodded at him "Much better thank you Hiccup," then her gaze fell upon me "Astrid isn't it?" she questioned my sitting. "That's correct," I spoke formally towards her. "I wanted to apologise for my rude introduction. I should never have said what I said last night not until it was the right time, for that I am terribly sorry," I looked over to see Hiccup giving me a slight nod, my gaze fell back upon her and I nodded "It's okay," she smiled sweetly at me – too sweet in my opinion – and we shook hands. "Hey Hiccup, Gobber wishes to speak with you," a Viking called from the opening of the Great Hall. In doing so, he let in a huge gust of wind sending a shiver down my spine. Hiccup got up from the table "You should show Hayley around, I'll be back as soon as I can," he suggested to us. "That is brilliant idea follow us we know everything there is to know about this place," Tuff clasped his hands together standing with excitement.

We all laughed at him as Hiccup left to go and meet Gobber. I was curious to know what it was about but at the same time I knew that it was none of my business. Right now I was more interested in Hayley. As we made our way around the village I decided to ask "So Hayley, where do you come from?" she didn't reject to oblige "I come from Berserker Island," she stated which made Heather's head perk up "You come from my home island?" she questioned. Indeed I was too shocked and intrigued. "Yes, I used to live there with my family and boyfriend Matthew." I stopped her "Used to? What about now?" she shook her head "I went to live with Matthew, he wasn't born on Berserker Island, so I went to live with him on his island after we got married, and I became pregnant but we then ran into complications," her voice trailed off after that "Outcast Island?" I questioned, her head perked in my direction "Yes how did you know?" I placed a hand on her shoulder "That's where my parents were last seen so I figured that's maybe where you came from...I'm sorry I asked," feeling sorry for her "It's okay you don't need to apologise I understand," but then Snotlout butted in "So what happened to the baby and your husband? And wait you got married at such a young age; you're like the same age as we are?"

We all glared at Snotlout "Don't be so rude," I spoke harshly at him. But Hayley stopped me and answered him back "We wanted out love to be internal but I lost them both because of Alvin." That's two people's lives that he has destroyed he needs to be stopped. We all separated so I went to find Hiccup. I soon found in the forge "Hiccup?" I questioned as I entered the forge "Over here!" I called my question. I made my way over to his voice to see him putting something together. "What's that?" taking a closer a look. "Gobber found some armour so started putting pieces together to fit me perfectly," I told me as he placed it on him making him look more handsome than he already did. "Better?" he asked and I nodded "Better."

He wrapped his arm around as I let my head lay against him. His heart pounding out from his chest vibrated through the nerves in my ear. I looked up at him as he bent down towards me and I headed upwards as our lips clashed against one another. The moment was deep and sensational. I had vibrations pulsing around through my body as his hands traced through my hair and I would pull him closer. He lifted me against him as our kiss deepened. We pulled apart to breathe looking deeply into each other's eyes. "Maybe we should take this somewhere private?" he suggested and I nodded. We headed back to my place, luckily Jack wasn't home. Our footsteps took us up into my bedroom. He laid me down on my bed as I pulled him down with and we enveloped back into a deep kiss. His hands traced down my body pulling away shirt as I did to him. The romance between us deepened and my heart was fluttering. His kiss would trace down my neck as did his hands and I felt I was in the position of I didn't care. I was relaxed in the moment. My hands traced through hair roughly we pulled apart to breathe before the romance indeed again got thicker. Only you can guess what happened next.

<a while later>

I was led up against Hiccup with his arm wrapped around me cuddling against him after the sensation that just took place. I was listening to his steady heartbeat while tracing a pattern along his chest with my finger. "That tickles," he commented looking down at me "I'll stop," he laughed and leaned down to kiss me as I leaned up. I finally felt a sense of happiness spread through my body.

This is the moment I want to last forever.

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