Chapter 44: Anger Pulses to the Heart

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I didn't fly back home. What was the point? Not when Viggo and Astrid were heading the opposite direction. "Hiccup, home is the opposite direction," Fishlegs pointed out to me. "We aren't going home," I told them all and carried on heading towards the opposite direction. "Nice, we are going back to the Edge," Tuff punched his fist into the air then bumped helmets with Ruff. "Don't be ridiculous Tuffnut, we aren't going back to the Edge," Fishlegs said back "Um yea we are, you don't head this direction unless you wanna leave Berk," Snotlout answered him. "Guys stop arguing! I'm sure Hiccup has a perfectly good reason for heading back to the Edge," Heather butted in the argument.

Toothless landed back at our old hut and we headed inside. I started pacing back in forth in anger, sussing out the situation placed within my hands. "Urgh! Why can't we just get rid of this guy already?!" I screamed in vexation, kicking over my desk as I do so. "Hiccup," I turned around to see Heather standing in the door. She came over and picked up the things off the floor "Why can't she go a day without anything happening to her?" I indicated. "I don't know, but we're gonna get her back and we're gonna stop Viggo, just like last time," she came over and placed her hands on my shoulder.

"Listen to me okay Hiccup, keep your anger secured. Don't let your anger pulse to your heart, keep it up here," she pointed to my head "Because if you do then you'll never gonna be the same again, trust me, I know," I sighed and sat down. I didn't know what to do, or what to say. What was there to say? We had no idea where they were heading and Astrid made it pretty clear that she didn't want her memories back...well at least not at this moment in time. She kept saying what if her past was bad, like a piece of her was still intact with the puzzle pieces all jumbled, confusing her that everything that's happened to her is bad and now Viggo was going to make that more torturing for her.

"Heather we need to get her back before Viggo makes sure that her memories are gone forever," I told her straight. She nodded slowly "I know and I think we're gonna need all help we can get," she stated the obvious. "I know but where in the world are we gonna get help from." I buried my head in my hands, forcing my head to break free some thoughts. "Hiccup, you need to know...if it comes down to it....Astrid might not be the girl that she used to if it comes down to you and her...she won't back down against you so you-," she didn't need to finish it off for me "I know Heather...and I can't back down on matter how far she may be lost."



I traced my fingers over the wood of the ship. Took in all my surroundings. "Settling in I see," Viggo entered the room, "Admiring it all I guess," I just answered as a response. "Hmm I see, Astrid I believe that it's best that we talk," he wondered. I nodded and sat down ready to listen. He came and took a seat next to me "The people you have met today are the enemy. They call themselves the Dragon Riders and their leader is called Hiccup. You may not see it at the moment but you need to understand that they are. They have done some dangerous things which can never be taken back. They kidnap dragons and torture them to do their bidding; they force them to let them ride them." He told me and I was astounded at his remark "Who would do such a thing?!" He nodded sadly at me "We've been trying to stop them it just keeps getting more difficult by the second.

They also tried to kill me and my brother Ryker, sadly he did not survive," I clasped my hands to my mouth. "But Astrid there is something else that you need to know," I nodded for him to carry on "They killed your parents and your sister...Astrid...they killed your family." My head dropped and my heart sank; anger pulsed through me like I had never felt before in my entire life, it dug deep and deep until it reached my heart. "Astrid you must promise me that you will never trust them," I looked at him deeply so my eyes pierced down through his soul "Viggo, why would I want to trust the people who murdered my family, they have to pay. Hiccup has to pay." 

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