|01|Sisters And Boyfriends|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 01|Sisters And Boyfriends|


"Bella your back!" I screamed as I ran towards my older sister, crushing her into a hug.

"Haha I need to breath Mel" she laughed with my Father.

"Uh. Yeah sorry. I'm just soooo happy that your back. I missed ya sista." I stepped back from her, wrapping my arms around myself because Forks weather isn't the warmest..... gently saying....

"How about we go in? Mells and Bells, my two wonderful daughters." Dad chuckled.

"Daaaad! You know I hate it when you call me that." I sulked while giving him a playful dirty luck.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, kiddo. But that's what makes it more fun." He winked at Bella and she laughed at my sulky face.

"Yeah, laugh it up." I told her, turned around and went back inside.

After eating dinner prepared by Bella since, unfortunately, I'm lacking cooking skills, which was inherited from my beloved, take-away-food-rules father, we went to our rooms to rest before the first day of school for Bella the next morning.

The window in Bella's room faced the front yard, so did the one in dad's room. But the window in my room faced the back yard, the woods behind our house. I always went outside in the middle of the night if I couldn't sleep or if I have to think about something. The night, the darkness of the night calmed me, no wonder my favourite colour is black.

Right now I was just too happy to even think about falling asleep, I put on my uggs and climbed out of my window in my booty shorts and tank top, not a good idea. The air was cold but I welcomed it as I jumped off my windowsill and onto a nearby tree, climbing off the tree I ran towards the woods.

Once the house was out of site I stopped running and stood there, closed eyes, breathing in the scent of fresh air and woods, relaxing. Suddenly I heard a twig snap, my eyes flew opened as I looked around myself trying to spot the animal that made the twig snap. That never happened before, I couldn't find the animal. Normaly I would, most likely it was a squirrel so nothing too interesting. This time I couldn't so I just left it alone.

I started climbing a nearby tree, once I was around 2 meters off the ground I sat down on a branch and swung my legs back and forward. I stayed like this untill the sun started rising, means that it was around 6am, much to my disappointment.

I climbed back up the tree near my window and through my the window. I started getting ready for school. I put on some make-up to cover-up the now showing bags under my eyes and some mascara to finish. I slipped on some black leggings and a white crop top with the words "bite me" in black on it.

I put on my white, high topped converse and my black leather jacket with sliver studs. Fighting my Midnight Black, lower back length, Straight hair into a high pony tail as I went downstairs. Where Bella was making breakfast, already dressed, I was bewildered, did she leave her fashion sense back in Phoinex or did she just not have one?

"Bella I'm taking you shopping to Seattle next Weekend." I announced as I sat at the table, waiting for my food.

Bella turned around, hearing my voice and gasped when she saw me.

"Arent you going to be cold wearing that?" She asked astonished as I laughed a little.

"Nah, got used to it." I said as dad walked in and shook his head at me.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He sighed as he too sat down while Bella loaded out plated with scrambled egg and bacon with toast.

"Well...... you can keep loving me and...... let me go to Jessica's Party on Friday? I wanna take Bella too." I said, smiling innocently as we all sat down.

"Another Party? I thought Jessica had one last week?" Dad asked confused.

"That was Eric. This week it's Jessica. Please let me go..... I promise I'll be good." I said giving Dad my puppy eyes.

He frowned and said. "I hope it doesn't end up like the party 2 weeks ago Mel because if I get a call from my friends at the station again saying that you were involved in a party that was too load and there was drunken teens all around the place. I swear you'll be grounded for the rest of your life. Understand?"

"Of course Dad. I'll be good." I smiled wider and gave him a kiss on the cheek."Bella change of plans we'll go to Port Angeles On Wednesday, you need some kind of dress for the party."

"Wait... what? I.. I don't think that's a good idea..... I'm not good at Parties.... I'm sorry Mel." Bella said franticly.

My face fell. "Oh." Is all I said and ate the rest of my breakfast in silence, with a disappointed look of my face.

After Breakfast we all started heading out. On the way to my car Bella slipped on the ice and i helped her up.

"Clumsy Bella" I snickered as she Blushed.

After that Bella and I went in my black BMW even though dad bought her a truck we are going to drive in my car, which Dad didn't buy we just if you were wondering.

I got it for my 17th B-Day of my boyfriend, Jackson and his filthy Rich parents, who love to spoil me, Mrs.Adams and Mr.Adams. Not only is he rich but also incredibly good looking. Cutest guy in the school except of course the Cullen Boys, I'm happy anyway he's the best boyfriend I could ever have, we've been together for nearly a year now and I'm deeply in love with him.

Once we stopped at a red light, I turned around and looked at Bella with a big smile on my face. Honestly she looked scared to know what I have on my mind, wouldn't blame her either.

"So...... I can still take you shopping in Seattle at the Weekend, right?" I asked hopefully.

"Uh.... I'm not.... really the girl for shopping. Sorry Mel." She said with a nervous look on her face as she blushed, awww Bella ALWAYS blushed, its cute.

I put on my Puppy face "Please....."

"Oh, Fine" She gave up, huffing.

Yay! It always worked.


On arrival to school, I stoped by the school office so Bella wouldn't have to look for it and most likely get lost during the process even though the school isn't big. When Bella got out I drove around to the front of the school to find a parking spot. I parked beside a shiny silver Volvo, probably owned by one of the Cullens and made my way into the school.

"Hey baby." I heard the amazing voice of my boyfriend as he wrapped his hands around my waist from behind me, leaning into my neck and inhaling my scent.

"Hmmmm" I leaned back against him, enjoying the moment which was broken by Bella.

"Mel, who's that?" She asked surprised as she approached us. I also saw the Cullens leaning against the far wall staring straight at us, mostly Bella.

"Umm..... yeah forgot about this sorry. Bella, this is Jackson, Jack or Jay my Boyfriend. Jay, this is Isabella, Bella or Izzy my Older sister even though we are both juniors" I smiled at them both as Bella gave Jay the look that said 'Hurt-My-Sista-And-You-Will-Regret-It.'





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