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Volturi Love

|Chapter 05|Dangerous|


The light from my window woke me up, wait...... I always close the curtains...... I fight my eyes open and see that I'm not in my room and I've a terrible pain in my head and..... the rest of my body.

"Urgh" I groan as I try to move.

Carlisle walks in with a tray and his doctors bag. Oh no.... what happened? Then it all came back to me. Vampires, Carlisle's Explaination, The Phone Call, Jay, Breakup, Tree, The Flashback, Falling, calmness.

"I'm alive?" I asked surprised, from that height I should have been dead.

"Did you want to be?" He asked as he sat down on the bed in front of me, holding both of my hands in his after setting everything down with a sad look in his eyes.

I shrugged as I looked away from his eyes. He sighed, picked up the tray and handed it to me. "Eat" is all he said before walking out.

I had Pancakes with whipped cream and forest berries for Breakfast most likely prepared by Esme pared with a tall glass of orange juice. I felt bad for what I said, I do want to live and now I see it, I have my family, dad, Bella the Cullens and my other Friends.

"Carlisle?" I called out, knowing Vampires have Super great hearing and sight.

He was suddenly leaning against my door. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry" is all I said and looked down. Tears started gathering in my eyes. Not even a minute later I felt the bed dip and a pair of stone, cold but comforting arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest.

I started sobbing into Carlisle's shirt as I clung onto him for dear life. He whispered comforting words, encouraging me to let it all out. I must have fallen asleep somewhere in the middle of my pathetic sobbing session of ruining Carlisle's shirt because I awoke on the couch in the sitting room, dressed and most likely washed.

I stood up, ignoring the pain, and went to the kitchen where all the Cullens and Bella were sitting. Bella tackled me into a hug imidently.

"Dont worry Jacks--" she started saying but stopped when I put my hand up and closed my eyes.

"Please don't" I whispered and opened my eyes which were no doubt full of tears at that moment.

Carlisle pulled me over to the seat next to him and sat me down, puting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me in, causing me to lean into his side, he kissed the top of my head while talking to the others.

A plate of food was placed in front of me but I just stared at it.

"Come on Mel, you need to eat." Alice said as she sat down on the other side of me.

"I'm not hungry " I grumbled. "Thank you for the breakfast though Esme" I added not wanting to seem ungrateful.

"Your Welcome, but please eat dinner Mel, your body needs the food for energy and to recover from your fall." Esme said gentley while smiling at me lovingly, you just can't say no to her.

I started eating and socialised with the rest a bit. When it was time to go home Edward drove me and Bella. Charlie was inside watching another baseball match, eating Pizza still in his Police Uniform.

"Good evening, Chief Swan." Edward greeted as we walked into the sitting room.

Dad got up and shook Edwards hand whe saying "How are you, Edward? Tell your father that I'm eternally grateful"

"I will, sir." Edward nodded in Dad's direction.

"Thank God your all right" Dad exclaimed as he turned to me and giving me a bear hug.

Even though I knew that I'd get an Earful once all the witnesses A.K.A. Edward are gone. I went silently up the stairs to take a shower and inspect all the bruises, cuts and sores the fall have provided me with.

I turn on the shower and undressed myself, standing in front of my full body length mirror. I was covered in cuts and bruises but I also got a scar. About 4 inches in length, in line with my lady parts on my left thigh.

I showered and dressed myself into my PJs. Walking down the stairs I knew what was about to come and I dreaded it. When I reached the bottom Bella and Edward were nowhere to be seen. Edward must have went back home and Bella back to her room.

"What the hell were you doing up a tree, Melania Sofia Scarlet Swan?" Dad asked sternly. Oops..... he used my full name, I'm in trouble.

"I climbed up." I answered bluntly.

"While it was raining?!?" Dad exclaimed, but I just shrugged. "That's Dangerous!"

"Not as Dangerous as Loving..." I dnapped back at him and went back up stairs and into my room.
That night I lay awake, not daring to go outside because of Carlisle's earlier warning to be in the woods behind our house in case I decide to go out. Not getting any sleep at all because everytime I closed my eyes I saw him. At around 3am there was a knock on my window. I got up and opened it, Carlisle slid in.

"Why aren't you asleep?" He sighed as he led me back to my bed and tucked me in.

"I can't, every time I close my eyes I see him." I said, my voice cracking.

"Come here" Carlisle slid into the bed beside me and pulled me into his chest, this time when I closed my eyes I didn't see him, I was asleep in no time.


In the morning I woke up alone in bed but Carlisle was sitting at my desk on my chair, watching me. I smiled at him and got out of bed. He smiled back and walked over to me, kneeling down in front of me he took my hands into his as I sat at the edge of my bed.

"Mel, I love you like a father loves his Daughter, don't worry about him anymore, don't give him the advantage of you crying, your stronger than this, I know it's going to be hard to forget him but try. We're here for you, I always thought you deserved better anyway. We all love you" he said smiling and pulling me into a hug which I returned wholeheartedly.

"Oh Carlisle, you can't even being to understand how much this means to me, thank you." I say burrying my head in his chest.

"Oh I think I have an Idea." He chuckled, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Now go and show them all that the breakup ment nothing to you, stay strong."

With that he left out through the window again and I started getting ready for school. Bella and I were out of the house before Charlie even got up since he didn't have work today, thankfully. In school everyone knew about the breakup and I was getting pitied looks everywhere i looked, even the teachers were super nice. I didn't react to anything they said or did for me I acted as if I didn't care.

In English Class we found out about a trip to London, England. Which was perfect, I always wanted to go, now I need to get away from everyone and clear my mind, this is a perfect opportunity.





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