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Volturi Love

|Chapter 12|Volterra|

Upon walking out of the plane there was of course another limo waiting for us. Okay I know they're rich but they don't have to show off so much. They're suppose to be unsuspicious and blend in and this is not what they're doing.

I got stuck in a seat in between Marcus and Aro as Caius sat across from me beside Aiden. Marcus and Aro were a bit too close for my liking. I decided not to be a total bitch and answered the earlier question.

"Black" I said softly. Everyone turned to look at me, confused, not getting it. "My favourite colour, its Black." I continued.

Now I felt better about myself. For the rest of the ride I telepathically spoke with Aiden about everything but at the same time about nothing. When we arrived at Volterra castle I was shocked, amazed and in awe. The castle was beautiful.

Stepping out of the limo I noticed 2 guards standing by each side of the door of the main entrance.

"Masters" they bowed as they as we passed them.

"Jane will show you to your room Mella, Aiden your room is where is always was and than Mella will come and meet the guard." Aro said happily as a small blonde vampire appeared out of the blue.

"Please come along mistress." She bowed and started walking down the hall as Aiden knowing where to go when to his old room and I was left to follow her.

We walked down several hallways and each one had painting or Windows covering its walls. The paintings were beautiful, I myself like to draw from time to time, I wonder who did those. After another few minutes we got to a dark oak wood door.

Jane pushed it opened to reveal a massive bedroom with Blood red walls and black plush carpet. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room pushed up against the back wall it was too big for a king sized bed. I walked over to one of the three doors in the room, I opened it and it was a bathroom with two sinks, a shower that you could lie down in and be comfortale and a bath that could fit four which immediately made me think of Aro, Marcus and Caius, I shook my head to get the disturbing images out of my head.

I walked over the the other door and opened it, It was a walk-in closet. Fulled with all different types of clothes and shoes.

"I filled it my self yesterday, I hope its up to your standards, mistress." Jane said, standing right beside me now.

I totally forgot she was ever there. "Oh.... thank you, you've got a great taste in clothing. But please stop with the mistress crap, you're making me feel old and I'm not that old." I looked a her and she looked confused. "Look I'm Mella or Mel and you're Jane okay? Unless you prefer to be called something else"

"Of course mist--- Mel but you'll be soon married to my masters. And Jane is fine." She said but I laughed at it.

"Married? I'll be avoiding them as much as I can and most certainly I'm NEVER getting married to them." I gave Jane a look that said are-you-crazy-girl.

She giggled."well then.... I guess it's alright for us to be friends?" She asked shyly.

"Friends? Never" her face fell. "We're going to be besties!" I whisper-shouted at her and a huge smile appeared on her face as she gave me a hug.

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