|02|Tyler's Van|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 02|Tyler's Van|


After the uncomfortable encounter Bella started heading to English in building 3 after I showed her where it is and Jay walked me to Spanish in Building 7, after that he went to his own class. When I walked in Mrs.Goff was changing our seatting arrangements, again.

Apparently I came in late, even tho there's another 5 minutes till class is suppose to start, so I got to sit in the back beside Rosalie Cullen, in front of us Alice and Jasper Cullen, isn't life just great?

In the middle of class a note was passed to me for no reason. As I opened it I noticed a few Jocks snickering. It's obviously from one of them. I still read it not noticing Rosalie was reading it too.

'Hey Babe,
Why don't you dump Jack and I'll show you a good time, I'd like you to meet my friend he's quite big ;),

I grinned evily, took my pen and wrote.

'No Thanks I think I'll be alright but don't worry I'm sure your friend is real big ;) as big as my thumb nail. :*,

I threw it back to them as I heard Rosalie snort beside me, I turned around and gave her a questioning look.


"Nothing, just liked the way you handled him." She gave me a small smile and turned back to where the teacher was speaking nonsense.

"Uh... well, thanks?" I said uncertainly.

She nodded her head at me once and we didn't talk for the rest of the class.

When the bell rang Jay was waiting to walk me to my next class. He always did so I'd be worried if he didn't show up.

After surviving Government, English and Biology. We went to lunch, where we found Bella looking lost so I took her hand and took her over to our table where Eric, Mike, Angela and Jessica were sitting. At lunch we all asked Bella questions until Tyler ran over and kissed Bella's cheek, which caused Bella to blush, Mike to run after Tyler and the rest of us laugh.

"They're like preschoolers!" Jess laughed.

"Preschoolers? They're worse" I exclaimed as we all went into a fit of laughter once again.

Then the Cullens walked in  and Bella started asking questions, Jay and I excused ourselves and went outside to the back of the school. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my cheek to his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer.

"God... I wanna stay like this forever" Jay sulked, pulling me in even closer if that was even possible.

"Hmmm.... so do I but we can't, I can skip Calculus though but not Gym since I have it with Bella, she would tell dad." I said never wanting to leave his arms.

So we went to his car and listened to music, cuddled up in his back seat. When Gym came around. I went to the Gym and met Bella there already talking to Coach Clapp. I went to the dressing rooms and realised that I've forgotten my gear. So I went over and told coach Clapp.

"Sir, I forgot my gear today." I said walking over.

"I'll let you off today. Go sit with Bella" so I did what I was told for once.

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