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Volturi Love



Later I followed Aro to Caius' room, where he sat at a desk, doing some kind of paperwork. Aro cleared his throat to let Caius know of our presence even though I'm sure he smelt us.

"Brother, I brought Mel over." Aro said happily with an edge of cautiousness.

"Thank you, brother. You have somewhere to be, don't you?" Caius said still not looking up as he dismissed Aro who just sighed heavily and walked out of the room, silently wishing me good luck with his eyes.

"So... are you just gonna sit there, doing whatever your doing all night?" I said sarcastically.

"Awwww...... can't wait to spend time with me, huh? I'm truly touched." Saying this his perfect eyes looked up at me, smirking.

"Actually..... no, not really. Do ya at least have any books?" I smiled back at him sweetly.

He just pointed behind him, where the whole back wall was covered in book shelfs, filled with books and I swear if I had brains, I'd be dangerous.

I went over and pulled out a random book. I read, sitting on the bed for around an hour before the book was snatched from my hands.

"Heyyy!" I complained as Caius threw the book across the room.

"Get over it and come on, I'm going to show you the gardens, so move your ass." He nearly growled at me.

But me being the stubborn person I am, I crossed my arms across my chest, turning my back to Caius and wouldn't move off the bed. Suddenly a pair of strong arms pick me up and lay me dangling across their shoulder. I yelp as he holds my legs down to his chest with his arm and my upper body bouncing against his back as he walks.

"THIS ISN'T FAIR! LET ME GO THIS INSTANCE, YOU IDIOT---" I started to tell but I got cut off by Caius twirling me around his body that somehow I ended up in his arms, carrying me bridal style.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "If you don't get that smart mouth of yours under control, I'll put it to better use" he paused giving me a smirk and continued "And get rid of that Attitude." His voice threatening but seductive and sexily low at the same time.

I just nodded quickly, scared but..... excited? He just said he'd fuck your mouth! And your excited?!?! Wtf. I stayed silent and still for the rest of the way as he walked to the gardens. As if he couldn't just run.....ugh..... eejit.

I have to say, the Gardens were beatiful, especially in the night with a full moon, the stars and moon shining down on the variety of flowers. Caius kept an arm around my waist, protectivly but I didn't need or want his protection. I tried to shrugg off his arm but every time I tried he just tightened his hold.

"Let me go and don't touch me." I said sternly.

"Your mine." He growled lowly.


He pushed me up against a nearby tree, pinning both of my hands up above my head with one of his. His mouth aggressively attacked mine. Not asking for entrance, instead, he brought his hand down between my legs and slipped it down my pants. He entered my wet core with a single finger at first. He smirked into my mouth as he felt how turned on I was.

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