|06|School Trip|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 06|School Trip|


When I got home i told Dad all about it.

"Can I Please go dad? I need this" I asked with a puppy dog face.

"Okay.... well fine I guess this would be good for you." Dad said as he gave me money to pay the school for the school Trip.

I drove down to the Cullens, secretly hoping Edward isn't going, so I can be alone.

"Hey guys." I called out while walking in through the front door.

"Mel, I heard about the Trip to England with your English Class Tomorrow, I don't think it's a good idea." Carlisle went straight to the point.

"What are you on about, it's a perfect idea, I need this. And I've always wanted to go, please Carlisle." I argued.

"I'm not your father you don't need my permission to go" he sighed turning away.

"Yes your right I don't, but I want it, your approval is important to me" I pleaded with him.

"Okay.... just promise not to go out anywhere alone at night, okay?" He gave in.

I squealed and ran at him hugging him with all my might. He chuckled at my reaction and hugged me back.


That night Alice came over, through the window obviously and helped me pack and advised me a bit about fashion in England, she also got me some 'English' fashionable clothes, since she 'saw' I loved them. We are only going for a week and my suitcase is overflowing with things, mostly clothes. I hugged and said my goodbyes to Charlie on the way out. We went out early so I could go say goodbye to Esme and Carlisle.

"I'm gonna miss you Mel." Carlisle was squeezing the life out of me.

"Me too" Esme joined the hug and suddenly all the Cullens did.

"Uh.... Guys... I still need to breath but I'll miss ye all, I'll be back before you know it." They loosened their grip a bit but didn't let go.

After saying personal goodbyes to all of them, we went back to school.

I was paired with a guy named Steven, one of the cocky Jocks, unfortunately. As I went onto the Bus I waved at Bella and the rest. We sat down and the Bus driver drove off.

I had the window seat and I was minding my own business, looking out the window with my earphones in when I felt someone putting a hand on my thigh. I took my earphones off and turned to face Steven, trying to push his hand off but he wouldn't move, he only squeezed tighter and boy..... it was painful.

"What's your problem?!" I lashed out at him, annoyed.

"Woah.... Calm down.... I heard you and Jack broke up." He said with a smirk.

"Well..... obviously he moved to New York." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"New York? Huh? He told us Dublin." He generally looked confused so I guess he's not lieing...

Dublin? As in Dublin, Ireland? Why would he lie? Does he hate me that much that he Doesnt want to ever see me again? Ouch.
"Doesn't matter, what do you want?" I asked annoyed again.

"I want a lot of things.... but mostly you." He said leaning in.

"Get away, I don't want you, go find yourself some lowlife slut." I said turning back to the window.
"Aww.... come on baby, let me show you a good time." He nearly begged.

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