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Volturi Love


|Chapter 18|Training|


Once I got back with Marcus I got changed into a Kelvin Klein sports bra, some booty shorts with Nike runners and my hair in a high pony tail.

Once I got back with Marcus I got changed into a Kelvin Klein sports bra, some booty shorts with Nike runners and my hair in a high pony tail

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I went down the hallway following Aidens directions which will supposedly lead me to the training hall. And they did.

The training hall was big, no.... it was huge, massive. Felix, Demetri, Alec, Jane and Aiden were scattered around the room. Felix and Demetri punching some punching bags that looked like they were made out of something very hard, strong and resistant. Aiden was wrestling with Alec on a ring and Jane was stretching on some yoga mat, she was the first to notice my arrival.

"Hey Mella, ready to start training?" She asked, excited.

"Okay, bring it on." I jumped up and down, giggling a bit. Nothing is better for me then a good old fight.

Before the fighting, Aiden made me do some warm-ups, even though vampires don't need any but he insisted, so I just did them to keep him happy.

Once I finished doing the warm-ups, we decided on teams. Obviously I suggested that Aiden would stay out of this one and i can take on 4 vs 1 like I promised Felix. Felix was delighted to hear this one.

"Hell Yeah!" He shouted, really, really, really LOUD. Damn him, who knew he had such a set of lungs.

Aiden made us promise that its gonna be a fair fight which it TOTALLY is...... as if. We crouched down into our fighting positions, Jane, Felix and alec on one side of the hall, me on the other and Aiden in the middle.

"Okay, now guys I ment it when I said I want a fair fight okay? I won't be surprised if or when would be a better word, Mel kicks all your ass'. On 3. 1, 2, 3, Go!" Aiden shouted, 'go' and we all ran at each other.

The first body that collided with mine was felix's. He threw a punch at my face but I manipulated him mind so he hit Alec instead.

"What the fuck man!" Alec, pushed Felix and they started fighting each other. Which left me with Jane.

I could see that she was trying to use her gift on me and looked confused that I didn't fall to the ground screaming. I threw a punch at her, unsuccessfully hitting her in the nose. After another few punches and kicks I ended up ripping her arm off her shoulders. She screamed in pain as I went over to the guys to breakup their small wrestling match.

I ended up getting hit by Felix throwing a punch at Alec. I think my face cracked at bit. I ran at the both of them and kicked both in the chest at the same time with such force that they went flying over to the other end of the room. Both ran at me and I ripped Felix's leg off since he got to me first and wrestled with Alec.

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