|16|Against Each Other|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 16|Against Each Other|


Upon arriving at Aro's office, Aro and Marcus were already sitting across from each other on a couch, 2 empty spaces beside each one were free. I sat down in the seat beside Aro simply because it was closer to me and I was lazy.

"Oh, Mella, have a seat and we shall start." Aro greeted.

Once we were all seated Aro began.

"We have noticed that you have taken a liking to us in the few days you'be been here and are no longer in denial of the mating bond which is fabulous." I had to keep a snort back at what he said. Ohhh..... he's in for a shock when I complete my plan.

"So we decided to let you have one day to yourself, every fourth day u May be in your room or where u want. You won't be obliged to spend time with us but can if you wish. We know you like freedom. Also you shall start training today and you will train with Jane, Alec, Felix, Determi and Aiden every day." Although he said Aidens name is a bitter voice.

At that I was happy, very happy, extremely happy, more freedom, time to carefully go over my plan, get out of here as fast as I can and spend some time with Aiden and the others. Perfect.

I squealed and tackled each one of them into a group hug, kissing all of their cheeks and then lips except Caius', at which he pouted. For now I had to keep up the act of the good mate that's not in denial as Aro put it.

After spending some more time with them they all had to attend this thing in the throne room so I went to the library to think about the second part my plan.

The meeting proved that the first part of my plan is completed. They think I'm not in denial anymore and that I'm actually stating to fall for them. Yeah right......

Time for part two. Make them go against each other. I think Aro and Caius will be the easiest, although Marcus is always calm. Aro and Caius are more possessive and jealous.

I might as well start tonight, I'm spending it in Aro's Chambers so it's perfect.

At around 11pm Aro showed up in the library, alone. He walked up to me without me noticing since I was so engrossed in my book, wrapped his arms round me from behind and snuggled his face into my neck, breathing in my scent.

"Hey, hey, mister I'm reading here." I sulked as he took the book out of my hands and closed it, laying It on the table.

"Come on, let's go to the bedroom." He said huskily as he gave me a peck on the neck. Taking my hand before I could protest and leading me to his chambers and then bedroom.

Before I could react he pushed me down onto the bed and starts kissing my neck, with passion. Before I could protest he stops and lies down beside me, pulling me closer so I was practically on top of him.

"Dont worry, my sweet, Caius told us about your past with men..... we won't be trying anything any time soon, mmmmm....... you smell heavenly, so irresistible...." he kissed the top of my head with feeling and tucked my head under his chin, holding me close, cuddling.

Once again I felt nice, secure and protected in their arms........ I shouldn't be feeling this but if I want to make this plan work I gotta suck it up. We lay like that until the Sun started rising, around 5am.

I looked up at Aro and started putting my plan into motion.

"Hey, Aro..... um...... you know Caius...... he touched me...... my umm..... lower regions..... I didn't want him to tho.... and....." I whispered as I looked down trying to seem embarrassed.

"He what?!?!" Aro nearly roared, unable to control himself.

Suddenly Aro got up off the bed and stormed out the Door. I stayed still and smiled. Everything is going according to the plan..... I just hope they don't kill themselves.


I was sitting in the throne room, waiting for Jane to bring in the victim or whatever. Suddenly I was smashed against a wall by no other than my brother, Aro. I felt a small crack appear on my face from the impact. Aro had the dirtiest look on his face clearly directed towards me.

After Marcus separated us, Aro started explaining.

"How fucking dare you! You touched her inappropriately!" He shouted.

At first I was there like..... what the fuck is he on about? But then I remembered the gardens and smirked at Aro.

"Well... How do you think I found out she was raped? And anyway it's not like she didn't like it." I cockily snapped at him.

"That's not what she told me." Aro bit back, seconds from loosing control.

"Wait.... what did she tell you?" I asked, worried now...... what if she didnt like it? But her body reacted...... that doesn't mean she did..... fuck. What did I do?

"She said that She didn't like it! You had no right to do such a thing, Caius!" Aro punched the wall behind me. Suddenly I got mad.

"I had every right! She's my mate! She mine to do as I wish!" I roared at him, giving him a push that sent him flying across the room and into the opposite wall.

Marcus was watching the whole ordeal calmly, but now he stepped in as Aro stud and ran back over, crouched in a fighting position, snarling and growling at me. I do the same and Marcus, stud in between us.

"Brothers, let's not let this get to us. Aro, maybe Caius was trying out New things and now we know not to go that far with Melania yet. Although Aro is right, Caius, you should have thought about your actions twice before you decided to act." Marcus lectured, always the calm one out of us three.

"Now let's not leave Mella on her own, I shall go accompany her to feed and you two get a grip on yourselves." Marcus continued, now sternly as he walked out.

I snarled at Aro one last time, then started retreating towards the Door. But, Before I could get to it Aro, grabbed my arm, making me turn towards him.

"I'm warning you Caius, touch her like that again and I'll have your head, Understand?" He said in a low threatening voice.

"Your just jealous you weren't the one to dip your fingers into her, and I'll tell you..... damn she's sooo tight." I snickered at Aro.

Next thing I know is intense pain, Aro is his fury punched my face and some of my jaw crumpled to the ground. Before i could fight back, Felix and Determi were holding us to prevent a fight.

Damn.... i didnt know Aro could punch this hard. Fucking basterd. But if Mella really didn't like it...... no.. I'm sure she did.... she had to..... she's probably just worried we'd force her into something she doesn't want. Okay..... we kinda already forced her to leave her family and dragged her to Italy but still now she's happy with us and we're all heads over heals for her.

The rest of the day I spent lieing still as Caitlin, a vampire in the guard with the ability to put vampires back together, was reshaping my jaw. And to say it hurt like fuck would be the understandment of the whole fucking century.






You prob think Melania is a bitch right now but...... let's continue with the story ☺☺

Btw. Some feedback would be nice 😝😝 Meanies 😋😋



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