|10|The Volturi|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 10|The Volturi|


After catching up on everything and explaining mine and Aidens strictly Brother and Sister Relationship which allowed us to skip school because we didn't have enough time during the rest of the morning. Carlisle also took a day off work. We set everything straight and I was right about Renesme which I got to met when she awoke.

I also recieved a long bone crushing hug from Jacob. Which Nessie didn't like but ahh... sure you can't have everything. They told us all about the time the Volturi came over, them being cruel and trying to start a fight in any way possible. But I still yearned to hear about the Volturi for some reason. Carlisle showed me the painting in his office and I was amazed how angelic and hot all three leaders look but I nearly ran out of there terrified of my thoughts. Like what the Heck Mel! They tried to kill your family!

They told us about everything that happened over the 110 years I didn't see them for...... the Ballet Studio, Edward leaving which I gave him a smack for, Victoria and The Wedding I wished I could have attended.....

In return I told them about the Trip to London, about Joshua about Aiden, about my gift and together we were exchanging funny and embarrassing stories. The talk about Diet came up too.

"Mel, Aiden said that both of you tried to change diet but you couldn't keep to it, right?" Carlisle approached the subject gently.

"Yes, but I want to try again Carlisle, I'm sure I can do it this time." I said determined not to give up and to make the man that's like a father to me proud, which Carlisle was delighted about.

"Dont worry we'll be here for you this time, we'll help you through" Carlisle promises as he beams at me than quickly adds "and Aiden, if he's willing to try of course."

"Of course, I'd love to." Aiden answered an unspoken question.


A few weeks pasted, Aiden and i moved in after days full of nagging from the whole Family mostly Alice and Bella. We were going good with the change of our diet but hunted very often. We decided to quit school for a while because in order for this to work we need to stay as far away from humans as possible for the next year.

Today a letter came in addressed to the Cullens, it had a 'V' kind of stamp symbol on it but I left it in Carlisle's office since I was home alone. When Carlisle came home he said that its better to wait until everyone arrives back so we can open the letter together. So that's exactly what we did. Once everyone was here Carlisle opened the letter and read out loud.

"Dear Cullens,

It's been quite a while and we would like to come visit for a few days and see how Renesme is getting on. We will arrive in two days, please be prepared.


A,M,C Volturi"

"Wait... that means they are comming here, like in two days?" I asked alarmed.

"Aro will want her when he finds out about her gift, we can't let that happen." Aiden was so all over the place that he was nearly ripping all the hair off of his head.

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