|17|Smile Of The Broken Man|

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Volturi Love


|Chapter 17|Smile Of The Broken Man|


After Aro left I went back to reading the book I had yesturday but I got distracted very easily by the burning in my throat. I wasn't gonna feed off humans and none of the assholes were here to take me to the forest. Ugh!

After another few minutes there was a knock on the Door.

"Come in" I raised my voice a tad bit.

"Mel, come on, it's time for training." It was Aiden, he spoke while we embraced each other.

We stood unmoving, in each others arms for a moment but we're interrupted by a manly throat clearing. Marcus stood by the Door, his eyes trained on us. Imidently we stepped away from each other, looking down as if we were caught with our hands in the cookie jar.

"Mella, I came to ask if you wanted to go and hunt, you must be thirsty by now." He asked gently not even angry that I was hugging Aiden, like he understood......

"Of course, thank you." I said, smiling at him, my thank you had a double meaning and i think he caught on.

"Its not a problem, I understand" his lips twitched lightly at the corners but that was it.

From that moment I swore to myself that I'd make Marcus Smile before I leave. But that would only break him even more.... when I do leave.....

Aiden told me to come down to the training hall whenever I'm back from feeding and i agreed.

Marcus lead the way out of the castle, both of us stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Once out of the castle we walked towards the woods, Aro took me to.

"Marcus.... why are u always... so sad.... so depressed....?" I asked breaking the silence."if you don't mind me asking of course..." I added quickly after a while.

"No it's okay, little one. You deserve to know. I was mated before you see..... She was beautiful, Didyme, that was her name. She was Aro's biological younger sister." we got to the forest by now are we're stitting down on the trunk of some fallen tree.

"We were so in love..... after getting Aro's blessing I asked her to marry me, we soon got married but Didyme got bored of being stuck inside the castle and wanted to feel free, go out and explore. I didnt mind as long as i got to be by her side. We planned on moving out of Volterra." He paused here for a minute and got this real sad, depressing look in his eyes. Then continued.

"But, a week before our planned departure, she was murdered, a group of children of the moon attacked the castle that night. One somehow slipped past us and murdered her, my love, my mate, with cold blood." ( IN THIS BOOK ARO DIDNT MURDER HIS OWN SISTER BUT THE THING MARCUS SAYS HAPPENED )

Marcus fell silent... I didn't know what to say so I wrapped my arms around his waist and sideways hugged him while still sitting. He turned his body around towards my direction and embraced me with my head tucked in under his chin.

"I'm sorry for your loss Marcus." I said genuinely.

"Its okay, little one, now I have you." He said gentley, giving me a light kiss on the nose, at which I giggled a bit. At that he smiled and whispers into my ear.

"I love the sound of your giggle, you should laugh more often, little one." He smiled, he smiled, finally a genuine smile, now to make him laugh.....

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