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Volturi Love

|Chapter 03|Vampire|


When we got home Bella wouldn't stop talking about how she knows what she saw and when I told her I saw the same she started writing down everything that makes him different from the rest. She even put down 'incredibly good looks'. Which I snickered at.

"Mel this is serious." She glared at me so I backed our of the room and went to my own to start my homework and than went to sleep.


After a few weeks, I came up with a solution with Bella, by observing and Bella's trip to Port Angeles and dinner with him there. We took down a list of clues.

1.'Incredibly good looking'
2.'Never Eats or Drinks'
3.'Reads Minds'
4.'Impossibly Strong and Fast'

.'Ice cold pale Skin'
6.'Doesnt go out into the Sun'
7.'Eyes Change colour'
8.'Sometimes talks like he's from a different time'

So... according to those 8 points he's a Vampire. But aren't Vampires suppose to have red eyes? And they drink human blood...... Carlisle works in a hospital and he's been around my blood a lot of times......

"I'll tell him tomorrow." Bella said, breaking my train of thought.

"Tell who what tomorrow." I asked confused.

"Tell Edward that I know what he is." She answered determined.

"WHAT! Have you lost your mind! If he is you better keep well away from him!" I nearly screamed at her.

"No! I want him to know that I don't care what he is. He won't hurt me." She nearly screamed back at me too.

"Well.... if that's what you want then I won't be going to your funeral anyway." I told her and stormed out into my room and straight out my window and into the woods, crying, something I haven't done since my parents divorce.

I blindly climbed up a tree with tears pouring down my face and blurring my vision. I heard a twig snap and I looked up, not seeing any animal I knew who it was. It was one of them. I whipped away my tears and called out.

"I know it's one of you, come out!" I screamed.

After a few seconds Carlisle and Alice come into my vision. I got off the tree and gave them a death glare.

"I know what you are, so does Bella but.... why are your eyes golden? Carlisle, you work as a doctor you've been around my blood a billion of times, how?" I desperately asked keeping a safe distance away from them.

Carlisle took a step in my direction but stops when he saw that I took one back. He sighed.

"Look Mel. We won't hurt you. We aren't like regular Vampires, please let us explain. Alice will take you and Bella over to our house After school Tomorrow and we'll explain everything but you can't tell anyone. Okay?" He asked with a worried look, but I laughed at him.

"You think we'd go to your house for what..... dinner? Hmmm..... wonder what would be served? Cut up pieces of me and Bella? I don't think so." I turned around and was about to walk away.

"If we wanted to you'd be dead long ago. How many occasions did I have at the hospital to kill you? Did I? No I didn't and I'm not planning to ever. We are different we don't drink from humans. Please think about comming over." Carlisle said desperately. I nodded my head without turning around and kept walking home. I told Bella what happened straight away and we agreed to go together.


The next day in school Bella and I couldn't wait for school to be over and at the same time we dreaded it to be over. We got into Edwards car with Alice and Drove to theirs. Their house was.... I can't even explain it..... it was white, most if it was Windows, it was beautiful.

We entered the house to see Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie and another Beautiful woman, most likely Carlisle's wife in the sitting room all sitting on couches but Carlisle who was standing waiting to greet us.

"You... you have a beautiful home" stammered Bella, blushing like always.

"Thank you." Said the woman kindly.

"Mel, I'm glad you reconsidered." Carlisle stepped forward to give me a hug smiling but his smile fell as I took a step back before he could reach me.

"You said you'd explain." I said with a stone face.

"Yeah, right. Umm.... please have a seat." Carlisle invited us.

Edward and Bella sat on a love seat together holding hands but I remained standing where I was.

"Thank you, but I'll remain where I am." I said with a expressionless face.

I could see that my words hurt Carlisle, but I just couldn't pretend that there isn't any possibility that they'd suck us dry any moment and Bella is there sitting down all comfortable in the middle of all of them. She's so native and doesn't understand that not everyone is nice and kind.

I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I have a life to live and I don't want it to end here and today. I have dreams, plans for the future, plans and dreams that include Jay. To go to collage, party and have fun, Getting Married, Kids.....

"Okay...... So as you know we are Vampires but we're not like Dracula or anything, my family and I unlike most of the vampire population don't drink human blood but we limit ourselves to Animal blood. It doesn't fully satisfy us but we can survive off of it. We don't want to kill, we don't want to be monsters. I have practiced my self control for centuries and I'm nearly immune to the smell of human blood it's the reason why I work at a hospital. " It was in Carlisle's eyes, you could see he was very passionate about what he does and he'd never hurt a human being intentionally.

"Some Vampires have Gifts, others don't but every Vampire got some special extra ability. I for instance have received my self-control, Esme is just too caring and loveable it has to be an extra ability, Rosalie got more Beauty than most female Vampires, Emmett got Strength, Jasper can sense emotions and can make you feel whatever he wants you to, Alice can see the future based on people's choices, Edward can read minds even though he can't Read yours or Bella's for an unknown reason to us. We also sparkle instead of burn in the sunlight" He continued.

"So.... how old are ye?" I asked generally curious.

"I'm currently 376, Esme is 121, Jasper is 172, Alice and Edward are 115 and Rosalie and Emmett are both 101." (I'm doing the ages of how old they would be in 2016) Carlisle answered me.

A big grinn broke out onto my face when I looked at Edward and Bella, I pretended to be disgusted.

"Ewww Bella's Dating a grandpa, a sparkling Grampa!" I shouted as everyone bursted out laughing, even Edward chuckled but Bella lowered her face trying to cover up her blush that went down to her neck.

That's when my phone rang.



It was Jay.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"Look I'm sorry, but we can't be together anymore."

At that moment it felt like my heart stopped beating.





Cliff Hanger!!!

Sorry..... I love you ! ;) Dont hate me ;(

Your thoughts?



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