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Volturi Love

|Chapter 04|Flashback|


"Wait..... what?"

I asked not getting it.... he's breaking up with me?

"It's over Mel, We're over."

What..... how no this can't...... he can't.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Maybe we could work this out..... I fucked up again... I know I did but I can't remember what I did.

"No Mel, We're leaving, We're moving to New York."

New York?!?!

"Oh... when do you want to come down for the car?"

I asked trying to act cool and not burst into a sobbing mess in front of the Cullens.

"I'm not going to take it away. Keep it, I.... just.... don't forget me, okay?"

Forget him? He's in my every thought.

"How could I ever, Goodbye Jay."

With that I hung up. He's leaving, he said he'd never leave me, he said that he loved me a few weeks ago.... how could he?

I looked at the Cullens and they all had that face, piting me. I don't want or need any pity. I stormed out the front door slamming it, running into the forest even though it was lashing outside. After a good while of running I was soaked through I started climbing a high tree.

Not thinking, not wanting to think, I went higher and higher but his face just kept flashing in front of my eyes, I couldn't getting him out of my head, I was so angry I started seeing red.


"Mel, I think....." Jay started saying but then stopped, we were in his room, cuddled up on his bed.

"What do You Think, Jay?" I turned around to face him.

"No, I'm sorry this is stupid." He said shaking his head and lowering it.

"Hey, hey, don't it's probably not, come on Jay, Talk to me." I put a finger under his chin and brought his face up to mine, keeping eye contact.

"Umm... I don't know how to say this..." he said looking away from my eyes.

"With your mouth Jay." I said while chuckling a bit.

"Haha, very funny. Iloveyoumel." He said real quick and I didn't understand a thing.

"What? Calm down and say it slower, Mister." I said grinning at him and giving him a little peck on the lips.

"I love you" he said looking into my eyes as if he was searching for something.

He loves me! Omg this is wonderful I wanted to tell him that for ages but I was scared of his reaction, it's still a bit early.

"Oh Jay, I---" I was about to tell him my feeling too but he cut me off.

"No, no I know it's early and all you don't have to say it back since you prob----" he was blabbing so I leaned down and started kissing him which successfully shut him up.

It started off as small pecks but I deepened it, pressing my lips down on top of his, our mouths moved in synchronization, Jay licked my bottom lip gently asking for entrance which I granted him, opening my lips as his tongue slipped into my mouth, our tongues danced with each other showing the passion and feelings we felt for each other. We both had big smiles on our faces once we pulled away and we stayed there gazing at each other like idiots.

"I love you too Jay." I whispered and we went back to kissing.

*End of Flashback*

I was still climbing higher and higher, oh how I wish I could forget all those memories, especially that day when we told each other that we lo-- My hand slipped. I tried holding on with one hand as I franticly tried to wrapp my legs around the tree trunk but it was too thick. My second hand was slipping too. Maybe that's even better.....

17ft off the ground should kill me, it would grant my wish, my wish to forget but what about Dad? What about Bella? My second hand slipped, air rushed past me and I was falling. My body slammed against several Branches, breaking them and I continued to fall, my whole life rushed past my eyes. I wasn't angry anymore, surprisingly I felt calm, I felt at peace. Then everything went Black.


It's been an hour since she ran out, I wannted to go after her but the rest stopped me saying that she needed to be alone right now. I was pacing the kitchen floor as Esme fixed Bella something to eat.

I can't explain it but I feel a fatherly connection to her, I've always had. I see her as my daughter, I have to see if she's okay.

"It's been too long, I'm going to go find her." I told Esme as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and raced out.

Once outside I noted that it was still raining, I raced into the woods where she most likely is. After a while I smelt the strong stench of human blood, oh no.... it smelled like Melania's blood, I quickened my pace ever more and soon came to a poodleof blood with a body in the middle.

She was breathing, thank God but rapidly loosing Blood, i tried blocking up as much wounds as I could, working in vampire speed and noticed, tree branches all over the place, battered, I looked up above we and a pathway was made as if someone fell..... through them all.... oh no.... She climbed a tree, it's raining for goodness sake what was she thinking?!?!?

I picked her unconscious body up as gentley as I could as raced at max speed back to the house not stopping even when I was inside, I put her down on a hospital bed in the room beside my office, a small emergency room where I keep all my medical equipment. None of the rest came in, knowing they wouldn't be able to stand the blood.

I worked as fast as I could, I could change her into a Vampire, no I don't want this life for her but I won't let her die, I'll change her if it's absolutely necessary. After 2 hours straight of working at vampire speed i got her into a stable condition.

Getting rid of the smell and all the blood I sat down and sighed.

"You can come in now." I say quietly knowing they'd hear me and not wanting to go out and leave Mel.

"How is she?" Asked Bella in a small voice, her face stained with dry tears as Edward gentely rubbed her back.

"She's in a stable condition although I don't know when she'll wake up." I said sadly, looking down.

Esme put a comforting Hand on my shoulder and said. "Go talk with Charlie, I'll help Bella give her a bath."

Esme carried Mel out with Bella trailing along behind them. I stood up and Alice passed me a phone, dialling Charlie's number I rang him, he answered on the first call, like always.

"Chief Swan, how can I help you?" He said in a business like tone.

"Hello it's me Carlisle, Mel fell from a tree, she's at my house, I treated her and she's asleep at the moment. I don't think it would be a good idea to send her to school Tomorrow. " I said trying to get it over and done with.

"Of course not, as long as she's okay." Concern leaking his voice.

"You wouldn't mind if I kept her overnight would you? Just to make sure." I wanted to talk to her too but he doesn't need to know that.

"Are you sure she wouldn't be a bother?" Asked Charlie uncertainly.

"No, no, of course not, Esme is delighted to cook for an extra person and we all love her anyway" I reasured him.

"Okay, ring me if something happens and Thank you, Carlisle." He said gratefully.

"Of course, bye Charlie." I hung up the phone, handing it back to Alice.





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