|20|Vladimir And Stefan|

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Volturi Love


|Chapter 20|Vladimir And Stefan|


Once we arrived in Seattle the Cullens were already waiting there for us with 3 Cars.

"Wait... how did they...?" Muttered Aiden confused.

"Alice" was the only thing I said and he immediately understood.

We hugged for ages before getting into the cars and started on our way back to Forks.

Once we were all seated inside Carlisle asked "As happy as I am to see you here again. We're all wondering what the reason for it is?"

So I told them everything that happened and explained my feelings while they all listened intently.

"Wait... so you're saying you broke 3 hearts at the same time?" Emmet Laughed patting me on the back. "Well done sis. You're becoming a real heartbreaker."


She didn't break 3 at the same time but 4 even though she doesn't know it. I silently thought to myself. Edward glanced at me sympathicly. I just shook my head at him, slightly shrugging my shoulders.


"I don't know what you're laughing at Emmet. She broke her mates hearts which will not only physically and emotionly hurt then but also Mella." Carlisle said scolding Emmet.

"What do you mean? Why would it hurt me? I didn't have any feeling for any of them." I asked confused.

"Even if you don't love them the mating bond will hurt if you're away from them. It'll take a few days for the pain to start but once it does, most say it's worst that the burning while changing if you're away for long periods of time." Carlisle educated us smartly.

"So long story short.... I'll feel pain if I'm not with them?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yes, that's exactly it." Carlisle confirmed while nodding.

"Ugh I need to think.... I'll go for a walk...." i said needing to clear my mind and sort out my thoughts.

I walked out the door before anyone could say anything and ran deep into the forest. I finally sat down on some fallen tree and thought about things for a bit.

I was so happy to leave but now I'll feel pain because I left? So I'm practically being punished with pain for being happy.... that doesn't make any sense...

Suddenly my sensitive ears pick up the sound of a twig snapping under someone's or something's weight. I swirl around towards that directing but from behind a blind fold is placed over my eyes and my hands and legs tied with something my vampire strength can't break free of.

I try to scream and break free but not succeding. I think I was placed in the boot of some kind of car or van. The vehicle moved for days, occasionally stopping here and there, most likely for petrol. I had no idea where I was or who was kidnapping me.

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