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Volturi Love

|Chapter 19|Heartbroken|


Words count not describe how I felt at that moment. I thought Melania was settling in well and was learning to accept the bond. I thought she accepted the bond but obviously not. I felt heartbroken at the sight of Melania's lips in contact with another man's lips that weren't my own or any of my brothers'. She betrayed us. We trusted her.

I was jealous at the thought of Melania loving someone other than my brother's and I. I didn't know what to do. My instincts told me to rip Aiden's head off for kissing what isn't his. But I knew that Melania is friends with him. Or I thought she was friends with him now it seems that it's a bit more than friends.

After Didyme i never thought I'd fall in love again but Melania proved me wrong. I fell for her and all is brought me is a broken heart, my second one in this existence. She showed me how to laugh and smile again but why? Just to break me even more? Was that her plan? Does she enjoy seeing us in pain?

I understand that we took her away from her family against her will but does she hate us that much for it? Was everything she said a lie? Every kiss a lie? Just to make us believe? To get our hopes up? Never am I ever going to fall for anyone again. I can't bear the pain that comes with it. I vow to myself never to trust a woman again...


The sight I was met with socked me but also enraged me. How dare he touch her! My inner beast told me to jump him and destroy him for going near her. My mate! He will pay for ever laying eyes on her. He doesn't deserve her! She belongs to us! I'll make him die the most painful death there is, for forcing himself on my Mate!

Than I realised that she was kissing him back... her legs wrapped around his waist... how? Why? At that moment all the rage disappeared. The pain, jealously and betrayal I felt was like hot little daggers punchering my cold unbeating heart. Heartbreak is the only word I could use to describe this emotion. I can't believe she did this. After all the moments we shared. She has only been here a week but I fell for her in that short time.... fell hard. I couldn't take it. Now i know what Marcus felt when my sister was murdered. But maybe Mella has been tricked? Oh God! Please don't tell me this was all faked... Planned... I won't be able to take it....


I can't believe the scene in front of me. My Mella kissing with that scumbag, Aiden. She wouldn't do this to me.... would she? I felt nothing but rage as I was about to launch myself at the asshole and rip him to pieces for the mere thought of touching my Mate. Why was she kissing him back?!?!? WHY WASNT SHE PUSHING HIM AWAY!!!

I can't stand the thought of her betraying us like this. She was my first love. I never got this close to anyone but her and that's where it got me? I can't believe this has happened. It couldn't have. She isn't like that? Why did we take her away from her family? Maybe if we stayed in Forks for a while and courted her there, slowly. Maybe she would have been true to her feelings?

Pain filled my entire being and i couldn't move, it felt as if someone more like Melaina herself ripped my heart out of my chest and repeatedly stabbed my cold, unbeating heart.


Aiden was suddenly ripped out of my grasp by two vampires that I soon descorved to be Caius and Aro. They held him in a head lock and i knew that if I didn't react quickly he would loose his life. Than I noticed Marcus...

He didn't look mad or angry... no it was worse than that. He just stood them with an emotionless facial expression but his eyes said it all. He was heartbroken and as I looked into his eyes I for a few moments regretted what I've done but then an image of The Cullens popped up into my mind, the regret quickly got replaced by Accomplishment. I didn't want to see them in pain. It hurt to see Marcus like that but what other choice did I have?

Finally after over a century I'm reunited with my family just to get ripped back out of their grasp and told that the three heartless Volturi kings are my mates. It's not like I was actually in love with them so I'll be fine. But if I don't help Aiden quickly he might loose his head...

"WAIT! DONT!" I screamed at Aro and Caius.

They looked up and jealousy, rage and betrayal was clear in their eyes. They let go on Aiden, pushing him onto the ground.

"Why?" Marcus managed to ask me in a broken voice no..... a broken whisper that for some reason made me feel as if someone punched me in the chest.

"Why? You're not seriously asked me that? Are you?" I laughed at them but explained when I saw they nod. "Hmmmm..... let me think... maybe it was because I never loved you? Or maybe because you took me away from my family when we just got reunited? You hurt me its only fair I hurt you back.. but you have to say... my plan was pretty well planned out... right?" I said while smirking at them.

"So it was all a plan? Everything was fake? Every moment. Every word. Every kiss. The Srory of you getying Raped. All...... fake?" Marcus broken-whispered while staring intently at my face.

"Of course. Everything was fake and planned. I'm a virgin Idiots." I answered smugly.

I think Marcus couldn't take it anymore, he turned and ran down the corridor to God knows where. Suddenly Aro and Caius were enraged again.

"How DARE you! BETRAY us like that! You're nothing more that a common SLUT! A WHORE!" Caius roared at me. He stalked closer and Slapped me across the face. HARD. I connected with the ground from he force.

Caius was kneeling down next to me. "I'm so sorry. Mella I'm sorry." I stood and pushed him away.

"Damn! Calling me a WHORE is insulting yourself too you know. You fell for a common slut's tricks. You BASTARDS!" I crazily laughed at them.

"Get out of here and never come back..." Aro tried to say confidently but his voice visibly cracked when he said 'never'.

"Gladly." Was the only thing I said with venom in my voice as I went to pack with Aiden following me.

That night, we caught a late flight to Seattle and were finally on our way home. I couldn't wait to see mt family. I was so excited that i coukd ignore the growing pain in my chest......






Sorry for the late update guys but I'm currently in the middle of a vacation to Croatia..... sorry guys! I've been to Aqua park Istralandia today and I really recommend it. So if you ever happen to go to Croatia be sure to check it out 😁

So... she did it... she's going back to Forks. Back to her family... what do you think about her now..?



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