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Volturi Love

|Chapter 11|Mates|


After two days I couldn't stand it anymore and started heading home, I rang Carlisle and told him. On the plane I got dressed in the bathroom into more comfortable clothing.

  When I got home it was quite, very quite, unusually quite

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When I got home it was quite, very quite, unusually quite. Something was defently going on. I dropped my bag at the front door and walked in. I followed the smell of Vanilla candles, into one of the guest rooms where there was four chairs around a table with a chalice like cup infornt of each chair on the table. There was a bucket with ice and a wine bottle in it.

I suddenly heard the door close and I immediately spun around towards it. Aro, Marcus and Caius were standing there.

"Uhh.... what's going on?" I asked confused.

"We have something very important to tell you." Aro said smiling a big huge creepy smile that screamed stalker.

"Have a seat" Marcus offered politely. So I sat down. "Would you like some blood?" He asked politely again. He's starting to creep me out with his drone-like voice. I shook my head.

"Use your mouth girl." Caius retorted Rudely. So i very politely stuck out my middle finger at him. He growled and was about to come over to me but Aro put a hand on his shoulder keeping him seated. I smirked at him,rising my eyebrows.

"Okay..... so... I'm not sure if you've noticed but you are as of now mated." He excitedly stated, all of them looking at me.

"Yeah I know, unfortunately. I don't know which of you it is but I don't care either, I hate you all evenly and I'm not going to ever accept the bond." I retorted smartly, rolling my eyes at them while smirking.

"Well, just so you know your mated to all three of us whether you like it or not." Caius sneared at me.

I was shocked..... three mates? Is that even possble?

"Wa....." I trailed off staring at them.

"Yes, Unfortunately it's true, Mia Cara." Aro said, staring at me.... creep.

"Now I'll have to put up with all three of you" I muttered, knowing they could hear. At that Caius Growled, Marcus just looked amused and Aro chuckled. "And, I'm not 'your Dear'"I snapped at Aro, as he looked taken aback.

This time Marcus chuckled lowly, Caius smirked and Aro just looked taken aback.

"You know Italian?" He asked still in shock.

"I'm not that stupid, am I?" I smiled sweetly at him.

Marcus cleared his throat before saying."So... we invited you here to tell you about the mating bond and talk about the us, in General."

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