|14|Make Them Think|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 14|Make Them Think|


The library was enormous, thousands upon thousands of books, Marcus said that they even have a room full of older stuff written in scripts and that he'd take me to see it one day. Marcus was a quite person and got lost in a book quite easily, so did I.

We didn't have much of a problem getting on but he was just wierd, too quite and it kinda freaked me out, it wasn't comfortable and I wasn't used to it. We read for the rest of the night and into the early morning. Marcus changed books a lot, he's probably just a quick reader I suppose. I spent the time reading 'Wuthering Heights' again might I add. It was my favourite book during my human life and it hasn't lost its number 1 position on my best books list, yes I have a list like that, in my head...... but it still technically exists.

Aro came in at around 9am.

"Mella! Marcus! I was looking for you everywhere!" He said happily, over exaggerating.

"I seriously doubt that brother since who most likely followed our scent in here in less than 3 seconds." Marcus replied in a bored tone that I seriously hate maybe even more than Aro's overly happy one and Caius' Smartass one.

I pitied him... he seemed so sad, like he lost somone and never got them back, he seems in pain and I have an urge to just go over and hug him for no reason at all other than my pity which I'm sure he doesn't need.

Aro chuckled lowly and why it sent a shiver down my spine? I don't know.

"Well.... since Mella didn't get to feed last night I wanted to ask if she'd be going today and if she would mind if I accompany her." He asked, his eyes lighting put with hope and as much as I wanted to say no I couldn't.

"Of course you can come, although I believe I shouldn't be expecting you to actually hunt." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I apologize, my sweet." He said calling me pet names again..... but I tried keeping my cool.

"Shall we go than?" I flashed him a fake smile, going over to the door.


Outside, Aro showed me the nearest forest and I let my instincts take over...... correction tried let my instincts take over. Aro's scent was godlike and the only thing I could concentrate on. I sniffed again, trees..... water...... fish..... mountain li---- Aro...... Aro..... nothing else.

"Umm.... Aro? Could you like..... I dont know stand a little bit further away?" I asked hesitantly, opening my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, mia cara. I've just never seen anyone hunt..... animals" He said and if he doesn't stop calling me pet names I'll hunt him instead which wouldn't be hard since he's the only thing, I can smell.

He jumped up into a tree a few meters away from me. I tried concentrating and it was a bit better. I caught scent of a grizzly bear most likely fighting with a few wolf's, i ran towards them. I could, hear, feel and smell Aro, following behind me, the sound of my arrival scared the wolfs away and I was left with the bear.

We circled each other a few times, he roared as he tried clawing at me so I jumped him, we wrestled on the ground for less that 5 seconds before I got him in a good position to access his jugular easily. I nearly moaned as I bit in his neck, sucking him dry I deposited his corpse in a nearby bush and went over to Aro.

Who was leaning against a tree watching me like a hawk. He started walking towards me and placed his hand on my cheek, he leaned in and instead of going for the lips he licked a trail of leftover blood that was dripping down my chin. His cold but warm tongue flicked over my skin as it moved down to my neck, where he started sucking on my ice cold skin.

I must say..... it was hot and I had to bite my lip to keep in a few moans. When he was done he brought his face back up to mine, his eyes pitch black with lust as he pressed his lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in even closer if that was possible. They fit together perfectly.

"Animal blood isn't so bad comming off you, il mio amore." He whispered in a low, seducing voice as he pulled away from the kiss. Who knew Aro had it in him.

After out little moment, I hunted another deer and raced Aro back to the castle. He won..... but he kissed my cheek saying that I can have a rematch later if I pleased, when I started arguing that I should've won and that he cheated. it was fun though and I didn't really mind going out with him, I had to get them to think I actually love them to break them effectively and go back to the Cullens. Aro's complete. Now Marcus and Caius.

Aro led me back to Marcus' chambers where he was...... surprise.... surprise.... reading! Aro has a trail going on now so he left me with Marcus. I went over, took the book from his hands, placing it on the vintage table beside the armchair and plopped myself down on his lap.

"Hello to you too." I smiled cheekily at him as he chuckled.

"Hello Mella, what would you like to do?" He said in a bit more alive voice than usual, he wrapped his arms around me loosely, resting them on my lap.

"Hmm..... we could----" I started saying but I got cut off by the door opening, how rude.

Determi and Felix entered with a DVD player and TV with a lot of cables.

"I apologize, Master Marcus, Master Aro requested these set up in all of your rooms for Mella's entertainment." Determi explained as Felix started plugging everything in.

They also brought a few DVD's for us to watch. I pulled Marcus over to the loveseat across from the TV and put on a random movie. Half way through the movie I turned towards Marcus who has been staring at me since the movie started.

"What?" I asked, frowning.

"Nothing your so beautiful, just Bellissimo." He whispered in a daze.

Well...... I guess it's time to win Marcus over. I leaned in and he met me half way, honestly I felt like a slut..... I just kissed Aro a few moments ago and now look at me..... his lips were softer than Aro's, he was gentler and more loving, more passionate. If I broke Marcus what would happen to him? He'd go beyond depression and he's not even fully out of it yet either.... I'm truly cruel to get what I want, it's always about me.... I'm a selfish bitch......

But it's them that took me away from my family. They were being selfish too. After kissing for a few minutes we pulled away and he just stared at me...... awkward.... once again we were interrupted by The door, this time it was Aro.

"Mella I have an important meeting I have to attend to tonight, so Caius and Myself decided you'll stay with him tonight and with me tomorrow night. Okay?" He asked looking troubled.... concerned?

"Sure, it's not like I have a choice." I sulked. But I guess it's good at the same time I'll trick Caius and start the next part of the plan.





Not so much of MarcusXMellania there but Aro got it on ;)

Just so you know she's playing them...... for now at least. She feels the mating bond but not as strongly as the males do.



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