|13|Diet And The Plan|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 13|Diet And The Plan|


I stayed in my room for Days. Jane, Alec, Felix, Determi, Aiden and shocker..... the biggest three jerks in Italy all tried to get me out but I wouldn't even say a word to any them. I mean... how dare they?

Just because they're my mates doesn't mean they know anything about me! I've know Aiden for over 100 years, still counting, yet I've know them for a week and they think they own me? Nobody owns me. And anyway he just hugged me, it's not like we were making out, duh. Aiden has seen me naked a few times before but it was by an accident. He knows me better in every single way. They are not going to break what Aiden and I built up over many decades.

This is not happening, I won't allow it, I'll make their life's miserable and make them wish they never met their 'mate'. Then they'll let me leave and I'll go back to the Cullens. Yay! But I need a plan..... I'll think more of it later since my throat was and still is burning for quite a while.

At meal time I walked out and made my way to the throne room.

I slipped in with the tourists and when to the corner of the throne room but Jane still noticed me, she just gave we a small smile and looked away. Once Aro was done with the welcoming which i dont have a clue why he even brothers with, they're all going to die anyway, I pounced on the nearest human.

I know I shouldn't.... I just got the Cullens and Bella back, Carlisle would be so disappointed...... I can't do this. Before I drained the human dry, which i noticed was a ginger female, I pushed her away from me, ran out of the throne room and out into the comfort of the cool night air.
Aiden soon followed while the others were busy eating. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me, kissing my temple.

"I know how you feel Mel. Even though I've known the Cullens for a short period of time I respect their lifestyle and I feel horrible for betraying them like this but i know you must feel even worse since your sister is a part of the clan and you've known them for longer." He whispered to me.

I started dry sobbing into his chest as he comforted me, forgetting about the world around us. Soon we hear a growl behind us. We turn around to face Caius. I break away from Aiden, a plan forming in my head to help me get what I want.

"Caius! It's not like that, please let me explain." I plead with my puppy face again.

He looked like he just wanted to kill Aiden, denying me the chance to explain but he looked at me, his eyes softening and shot Aiden a dirty look, he motioned me over with his hand. I started walking towards him slowly and looked back at Aiden, he was giving me a puzzled look knowing I never plead unless I had a plan and it was part of my game. I just winked at him and he smirked back at me.

Once I reached Caius he put a protective arm around me and as much as I hated to I had to deal with it so I don't blow the whole plan. He led me to a door with Marcus' name ingraved on it. Right..... I'm suppose to be spending the night here. Ugh..... upon walking in we were greeted by the sight of Aro and Marcus leaning against a desk in the room, talking silently.

"Oh! Mella! Great to see you! Now, I believe that you'll be spending the night with Marcus today? Come Caius." Aro smilled at us with an over-excited smile.

"Before we go..... Mel has some explaining to do..... well?" He raised his eyebrows at me. Let's put this show on the road.

"I.... he was just comforting me, I ran out of the throne room while feeding and.... I just couldn't do it.... I just got the Cullens back and Carlisle is very dear to me, a father, he'd be so disappointed..... I knew you wouldn't let me feed of animal blood..... so I was just upset and he understood.... I.... I'm sorry...." I looked down at the floor.

An arm wrapped around my shoulders, another around my waist and another pulled me into their chest. All three Kings embraced me in a loving hug, it was...... nice? It felt right. But don't let me get distracted.

"Can I? Please...." I asked with the biggest hopeful eyes I could manage.

"I'm afraid that we cannot allow it, Dear." Marcus said politley and gentley.

"Absolutely not" Caius exclaimed outraged once again.

"No, the image if Volturi Cannot be ruined by one animal eater, it's our priority." Aro said with a business-like tone.

"Oh.... I thought that I was your priority." I retorted suddenly angry for no reason but it made me think about how to Aiden I always came first no matter what, I'm lucky to have him.

"Wait..... can the three of us talk and discuss this first?" Marcus asked, trying to make peace.

"Whatever." I said earning a disapproving look from Caius. I went over to the bed and curled up I it, thinking about my family, my real family that actually care not the Volturi.

After about 10 minutes they re-entered. Aro sat on the bed, facing me.

"Hey, look.... I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that, it used to be our number one prioroity but now I realised that priorities change and you've taken the number one place. This is why we decided to let you hunt whatever you want but you have to do it during the day and please don't get seen by any mortals." He explained while looking sorry..... hmmm....... it worked.

"Thank you." I whispered, genuinely happy.

"We'll agree...... for three kisses each." Caius said with a sly smile but at that moment I could careless, they deserve something for letting me hunt animals.

And it would make them think that I actually like them..... even better. I've them wrapped around my fingers..... now I need to make their life miserable but I'll start with that tomorrow. I leaning over the bed to Aro and gave his a kiss on the right cheek, the left one and a gentle one on the lips. Whispering 'Thank you' after each one.

I did the same to Marcus but he was much Taller so I had to stand on my tiptoes, Aro is around the same height as me, just a tiny, unnoticeable bit taller, Caius is nearly a head taller while Marcus is a head taller, maybe a little more....

When I got to Caius I kissed both of his cheeks and than gentely his lips, when I finished he leaned into my ear.

"We'll have to work on that Attitude and Smart mouth of yours." His words sent a shiver down my spine for an unknown reason. He nibbled on my ear while walking away and out of the room with Aro, leaving me with Marcus.

"Do you enjoy reading Mella," he asked, staring at me curiously.

"I do." I replied immediately, nodding quickly.

"Than allow me to show you the Library." He chuckled as he mentioned for me to follow him.





So...... Mella really doesn't like them. But she's starting to feel something......

Sorry for not updating...... hope you can forgive me :) I finished all my exams and I'm sure I failed but I think I'll live XD



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