|21|The Search|

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Volturi Love


I'd like to dedicate this final chapter to...


For all the support and comments. Thank you :)

|Chapter 21|The Search|


It's been 3 weeks since I've got here. Every single night I regret a lot of things in my life and sulk chained to a wall until the evening the as when they come in and chain me to the bed or sometimes just rape me standing..... every single night for the past 3 weeks they've raped me again and again. Most of the night I spend hating myself telling myself that I could've done something to stop them, should've done something to stop them but I know I can't I'm powerless against them. They feed the only the minimum amount of blood just so I can survive but I'm very weak and i can't use any of my gifts.

But that wasn't it...... apparently that wasn't torture enough for me. The pain. It's unbearable. It gets so much stronger when they rape me. At first I thought it was pain because of being raped so much but one evening I remembered Carlisle's words.


Even if you don't love them the mating bond will hurt if you're away from them. It'll take a few days for the pain to start but once it does, most say it's worst that the burning while changing if you're away for long periods of time.'

The thing that I most regret while in this he'll hole would be ever leaving the castle. Hurting Aro, Marcus and Caius. Not a day passes by that they aren't on my mind but its all over now anyway. They hate me and are probably happy that i go kidnapped if they even cared enough to find out. Why dis i hurt them? I deserve this. For everything i did. But every day I still manage to hope that someone will rescue me but I'm beginning to loose hope and loose myself along with it....


Ever since Melania left the castle everything changed. There wasn't any smiles or laughs. Everything was sad and gloomy. We all turned into 3 different versions of Marcus' when my sister was murdered but Marcus is even worse than he was back then. We were like that for the first week after she left. The mating bond pain also came a fee days after she left. But than we snapped out of it when Carlisle rang the secretary and demanded to speak with the three of us. I remember the conversation clearly.

"Aro! Marcus! Caius! You have to help us. It's about Melania." When we heard that it was about Melania we snapped out of it and faced reality.

"What is it Carlisle?" Caius asked urgently.

" she's gone. She got kidnapped. Edward and Jasper followed her scent but than It suddenly just cut off. They also smelt the Romanian coven leaders scent with hers. Vladimir's and Stefan's scent. It happened a few days ago and we tried to find her ourselves but we can't." Our blood boiled..... the Romanian coven dared to do this?!??! When I get my hand on them they won't know what hit them.

"Carlisle---" I was going to say that we'llbe over as fast as we can but Carlisle cut me off.

" yes, yes, I know. I understand that she hurt you but at least send down a few guards to help us find her." We wouldn't stoop that low.. she's our mate for goodnessake!

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