|09|Group Hug|

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Volturi Love


|Chapter 09|Group Hug|


Aiden and I went straight to Port Angles from school, I needed to forget.... just for a little while. Drinking blood for me is like a human drinking alcohol, you shouldn't blame alcoholics but the people that have driven them to that point. We meaning I drank 6 humans dry, I felt like a new born again, uncontrolled, blood lusted and All over the place I hated that feeling yet I'm embracing it, to forget.

After my sixth, Aiden walked up to me, and shook me a little, successfully bringing me out of the world of blood lust. He has sat, waiting for me, only drinking from one himself, he knew I needed this.

"Hey, I think that's enough, come on let's go home." He said gently taking my hand and leading me towards the secluded part if town so we could run home.

Running. Another thing that calms me. I have to run or else I go mad, I hate being locked up, listening to people and going along with the rules. "The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do' My quote. I go by it, always have and Always will. The thing I treasure the most is Freedom. I even got a Tattoo from a Vampire with a special Tattoo needle to pierce our skin, it says 'La Libertà' which is Freedom in Italian, it's around 3 inches up from my but crack.

Reaching closer to our house I smell the stench of wet dog, Vampires and the odd smell between human and Vampire, Renesme. The Cullens must have been here, Seth and another 2 dogs. What were they looking for? Where they going to kill us? Well..... I'm glad I wasn't here at the time.... they probably wouldn't have hurt us because Carlisle was always Mercyful. But I guess they would have told us to get out of Forks so.... might as well move out now...

"Mel, come on, your overreacting, I'm sure they weren't here to hurt us, they probably don't even hate you, I mean who could? Your too cute. Now whey were probably here because they just wanted to talk. Nothing too bad." He tried to sooth me like always but this time if won't work.

"You don't understand Aiden! The hate me! I can't stand to see them, to see the disgust on their faced and the disappointment and anger in their eyes. I can't and I won't! I want to move out. I don't care where, just... just please Aiden.." I broke down into dry sobbs as he hugged me close to his chest and brought me upstairs to my room, lying me down on my bed he kissed my for head.

"Shhhh..... it's alright... I need to quickly drive down to Seattle, I'll be back before you know it, stay here and relax, I'll run you a bubble bath." He disappeared for a few minutes, than reappeared, picking me up and bringing me into the bathroom.

Aiden undressed me and lay me down in the bathtub. He gave me one last kiss on the forehead and disappeared on his way to Seattle as he said it.


That night we, all stayed in the sitting room, all the vampires of course Jacob, Seth and Leah were all fast asleep in random bedrooms, tonight Nessie slept in our old room instead of the cottage. We were all staring at random walls not saying anything just thinking about Melania. The TV talking Amilessly in the Background.

"Latest News! 7 yet unidentified bodies were found in dark abandoned alleys in Port Angles, The killing accured not too long ago, today."

We all looked at each other and than down avoid each others eyes. Everyone was disappointed in Mel, but maybe it's not her fault? There was nobody there to help her with the diet. Suddenly Carlisle stood up and walks up the stairs, slamming the door of his office. At around 2am a knock on the front door was heard. Carlisle came down and went to open the front door, all the rest of us following, behind, curious about who the hell would be here at this time of the night.

Opening the door we were met by the sight of The guy that Mel, was with at school, maybe her mate.

"Hey, look... you probably don't know who I am so... Aiden Johnson and I know it's late but it's about Melania." He said nervously. Carlisle's eyes lit up when he heard Mel's name.

"Yes, yes of course, I'm Carlisle Cullen and this is my Family." Carlisle quickly skimmed through the introductions and stepped aside to let Aiden in.

We all sat down in the sitting room and Aiden started.

"Um... so let's get straight to the point. Melania thinks you all hate her because of her diet, trust me when I say she tried, we both did but we just couldn't keep it going and that's why I respect all of you greatly. How you can do it? I don't know but back to the point. She wants to Move out. She says that she can't and won't see you again because she doesn't want to see the disgust on your faces and Disappointment in your eyes." He took an unneeded breath and continued.

"I Dont want to move because she was so happy to the news that we can move here and I know that she loves all of you dearly, she's just disappointed in herself and she's making the wrong disission, I tried to make her see that you don't hate her but she won't hear any of it." He finished and we all sat in silence.

"I need to see her, talk to her." Carlisle whispered.

We all got up and ran back to their house. All of us except Rosalie, she stayed to make sure Nessie, Jacob, Seth and Leah were alright. While running there i wondered why i cant read this Aiden guys mind..... please not another shield......

When we got to the house, Aiden unlocked the door and led us upstairs.

"Aiden?" A voice called out, Mel's voice.

"Yeah, I'm comming." He called back while motioning us to go in front of him.

"Look Melania...just hear us out... we didn---" that's all Carlisle got to say before Melania ran into his arms. Which I'm nearly 100% was a death grip Around Carlisle.

"Hear you out? I should be the one begging for understandment and forgiveness not you." Mel, muttered into his shirt, Bella joined the hug than everyone did which Aiden standing in the corner of the room looking awkward. Carlisle noticed this too and mentioned him forward.

"Come here son, since your with mel, now your family." Carlisle chuckled, hugging him into the grip hug. But at that sentence Mel and Aiden, did a double take.

"What?!? Me and Aiden? Ewww! Never."







Okay guys....... I broke my Phone by dropping it into a swimming pool in my back yard..... i dont know when i'll get a New one do don't hate if i dont update Next week. Anyway i hope i get a New Phone Soon anyway.



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