|08|100 Years Later|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 08|100 Years Later|


Over time Aiden and I grew closer. We were both dark souls with tragic past happenings in life. He became an older brotherly figure and I'm his little sister than he can annoy and tease, unfortunately. I haven't thought about the Cullens in a while. Bella and Charlie are probably gone unless Edward Changed Bella, the Cullens probably moved out of Forks a long time ago and I'd never find them now anyway even if I tried.

A lot happened, we discovered that I have the gift of full mind control. Which means I can Read minds, like Edward and now I understand what Edward was complaining about, I can whenever and if I want touch you and know all the thoughts you've ever had, Aiden Says that Aro has the same gift but can't turn it off, i can inplant thoughts into someones mind, make them think they feel something they don't like pain, like Jane, happiness, sadness, etc. I can make them do anything or see and hear anything, I can also block all others access to my mind, pretty much I can have all control over someones mind, human or Vampire.

Aiden used to be a Volturi guard but left when he wanted to see the world and not be stuck in a castle all day. He trained me to be a skilled fighter and says than I'm getting even better than him so now we train each other. He told me all about the Volturi and how cruel they were but I just didn't seem to be able to hear enough about the three Volturi leaders, Marcus, Aro and Caius. We keep a low profile because Aro would kill for such a powerful gaurd that I would make.

"Hey, penny of your thoughts?" Aiden asked as he sat down beside me in the couch of our sitting room. We moved out into an abandoned quite village in Iceland.

"It's nothing.... just that I wonder what happened to Bella, did they change her? If she gone...?" I looked down onto the floor.

"You know what? We should move to that Forks place, you've always talked about how you loved the forest there, all the people you've known are all gone and only their grandchildren are alive, nobody will know you. Our stay in Iceland should be over anyway, people are starting to notice that we aren't ageing." He said while rubbing comforting circles on my back with his hand.

"We can?" I asked, excited.

"Of course, let's start packing right away." Aiden chuckled at my enthusiasm.

We packed everything vampire speed and we're done by the end of the night. We went out to a club to hunt and started looking for available houses in Forks, we didn't find any we liked so we decided to pay builders to build us a large house in the forest with a pathway to the main road. The house way fully build in a week since the builders were a group of vampires that owed Aiden a favour.

I was so happy to be moving back. I know that the Cullens are long gone but I still want to go back, the forest is heavenly. I dont really want to see the Cullens, Carlisle would feel betrayed, I tried changing diet I really did but it's hard. I always go back, even Aiden tried with me but we both failed. How they do it, I'll never know....


On the morning of our move to Forks I was buzzing. I was literally jumping all over the place.

"If I knew you'd be this happy to move back I would have offered it earlier." Aiden laughed as he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him and kissing my forehead as we walked out of our now old house.

We took a plane to Seattle and Bought a Black Audi there, continuing our way to Port Angeles where we stopped for a snack and further on to Forks. By 8am the next morning we were all unpacked and getting ready for school which Aiden enrolled us to without even telling me, we wouldn't even be going to school if it was up to me.

We went and signed in at the office, making sure our schedules were exactly the same. On the way to our first class Aiden had his arm around me all the time, he was very protective and I wouldn't blame him, thank God he can't hear what some of those boys are thinking, and the girls are worse it makes me want to be protective too. Walking into our first class, Spanish, early we took our seat at the back of the class beside each other.

Our eyes were a dark shade of purple, due to the eye contacts. As people started filling in, a wet dog stench filled the air. Our eyes shot up to a guy with messy light brown hair and a kind face walking in, laughing with a girl with lightly darker brown hair. Seth, I think his name is Seth, Jacob introduced us briefly but I never saw him ever again after than, he's a shapshifter? So that means.... Jacob is one too? Meaning he's alive? Who's that girl tho? Her heartbeat is faster than a humans and she doesn't smell fully human either.... what the heck.....

I implanted my thoughts and my memory of Seth into Aidens mind so he knew and he nodded.

"Nessie go sit over in the front row." The guy told her, staring straight at us, he defently smelt us.

"But Seth.... you said we could--" Nessie complained confirming that this guy was Seth, I just hope he doesn't recognise us.

"Just go Renesme" Seth cut her off more sternly..... Renesme must be her full name.... Rene and Esme, my mother and Esme.... I'm either hearing stuff or that name is a mix between Esme and Rene on purpose.

Only Bella could think of something like this..... That would mean she's Edwards and Bella's child.... but Vampires can't have kids.... After that class we skipped the rest of the day, I didn't want to know if the Cullens were here, I wasn't ready to face them, they'd hate me...

EdwardPOV (Shocker)

We were sitting in our usual table in the canteen, in front of us trays filled with food we're not going to eat, apart from Nessie, Seth and Jacob of course. Seth sat down and he seemed nervous so I read his thoughts.

'Two new Vampires in Forks.... they had purple eyes... odd."

"Purple eyes meaning they drink human blood, eye contacts, meaning they're a danger to Forks and Nessie." I informed and Seth nodded.

He started explaining how he saw them in his first class with Nessie. Everyone listened silently.

"How did they look?" I asked just so I could keep an eye out.

An image of..... Melania? Sitting beside some guy with his arm around her shoulders?

"Melania" I whispered, everyone's heads shot in my direction as lightning speed. "It's her, she didn't die, she's a Vampire, a human drinking Vampire.... Carlisle will be ecstatic and..... heartbroken......." I continued.

"Who's the second Vampire?" Seth asked, curiously.

"I don't know, never seen him before, they looked.... like.."

"A couple" Seth finished for me and Bella looked sad but happy, excited but disappointed.

That night we shared the news with Carlisle and Esme, they decided that we all Follow their scent and go to their house, to talk to them and see Melania for ourselves. We followed the faint scent form the school parking lot and it did smell like Meania but just a bit different, her scent was paired with a masculine scent most likely the guy that she went to school with. We followed the scent into the edge of the woods and to a narrow dirt road deeper into the woods.

We finally got to a two story house made of dark oak wood with black linings and tinted Windows the whole house was.... dark. When we got to the dark oak wood everyone was nervous but when we knocked on the door no one opened, there wasn't any movement inside and the scent was a few hours old. We waited an hour and Nessie started getting cold so we all returned home, disappointed.

The worst thing is that Alice can't see her decisions anymore, her future.





She's back in Forks 😁😁



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