|07|Saved Or Cursed|

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Volturi Love

|Chapter 07|Saved Or Cursed|



Unbelievably Painful Pain.


I screamed, screamed and screamed, trashed around and screamed.

Why can't anyone hear me? Why isn't anyone trying to help me? Stop the Fire? The pain?

I felt like I was just burned alive, drove over by a tank and Cut into small, miniature pieces, with a God damned chainsaw all at the same time! Words couldn't describe it. My whole body was buring. If this is how it feels to die than I wanna live forever.

The pain slowly left my finger tips and toes, than my legs and arms, it kept going until it got to my chest, my heart started going a million miles per hour. It was worse than earlier. How long is this going to last?!?! Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? Centuries? HOW LONG!?!

Than suddenly everything stopped. I didn't feel any more pain except a faint burning in the throat. I opened my eyes and I could see..... everything. Every singe dust mot in the air, suddenly I was in a crouched position, growling at something.... a man? Who's he? Where am I? Who am I?

"Calm, it's okay. Vampires are real and you are one----" he started talking, with his hands up but once he said the word 'Vampires' I remembered everything.

"Bella, Cullens" I whispered. I looked up at him and lunged. "You basterd! Now I'll never be able to see them again!" I screamed at him as I tried to claw his face but he flipped us over and restrained my hands.

"Listen, I didn't bite you, it was the guy from the club, I'm Joshua. I pulled him off of you when he was about to kill you, I saved you." He plead with me while cautiously letting me go and getting off me.

"Or Cursed me" I said sadly as I slumped against a nearby wall. I noticed a mirror and went over to it.

Infornt of me was a pale skinned beauty, red eyes, longer midnight black hair, I was still wearing the dress for the club. I was, for once beautiful, not hot or sexy just simply beautiful.

"Well......... look vampires aren't really like Drac---" he was gonna go on a big huge explain rant as if I didn't know all that.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I knew about you before. You sparkle in the sunlight, blah, blah, blah." I said.

"How?" He asked shocked.

That's when I told him about everything and he confirmed that if I want my sister to survive than I better not go anywhere near Forks. He also told be about the Royal Vampires, The Volturi, their rules and their punishments. He told be about their gifts and about his gift. He can control all four element which I think is quite cool.

After all that he took me out hunting. When we were about to leave the house I awoke in. I stopped him.

"When you said that your taking me hunting, you mean for Humans?" I asked hesitantly.

"Unless you want to try Animals?" He asked, raising my eye brow.

I nodded my head and we went off to find a forest. He instructed me how to let my senses take over. I found a nearby wolf pack and raced after them, draining 7 of them, my thirst still wasn't quenched. I raced back into town and grabbed a random human, a woman, around 43 years old, she tasted divine.

I just drained her dry when a pair of hands tried to pull me of off her. I turned around and quickly ripped the guys head off, on instinct lighting him on Fire with my figherlighter. When I realised what I did I started backing away, further into the alley, into the dark part. I killed him..... I murdered Joshua AND a Random Human, I felt terrible, like a monster, maybe because I am. But it tasted so good. I felt even worse for betraying Carlisle. But it's our nature.... I don't think animals would satisfy me.... will I be able to live with the guilt of murdering innocent people?

I want more..... but I held myself back, I should wait until darkness falls over the city of London to go out again.... someone might see me, I went back to the house. I sat down on the floor hugging my knees to my chest in the corner of the room, I woke up in. When darkness fell I thirsty again. I went out into dark alleys but there wasn't anyone around. They must be all at club's. I went in to a random club and started dancing, a few guys joined me. When I started walking to the exit and group of around 8 guys followed me. I walked into a dark alley and they started shouting, obviously drunk.

"Hey, sex-on-legs! Let us show you a good time" one said.

"Yeah, we'll make you feel goooood." Another said.

"What are you waiting for than boys?" I asked winking, walking deeper into the dark alley as they followed.

Once I was happy how deep we were I turned to them and started drinking, they all tried to run but I caught them. Once I was satisfied I looked through their pocket for money. I needed to buy some new clothes. I found only one wallet.... ugh men. But inside were a few hundered Euro and a credit card which I was about to snap in half but I saw a piece of paper with a pin on it..... men.... I'll see how much he has.

I went over to the nearest ATM machine and got into his account. And damn.......... that filthy rich basterd. 18 fucking million, straight. I took everything out and went back to the house.

The next few days I spent painting the house, walls black, inside and outside, even the ceiling. I bought black carpet into all the rooms except the kitchen and bathrooms. I put black tiles in there. Every night I lured prey out of the club with me and Fed on them. It got a bit lonely so it caused me to think. I thought about the Cullens, Bella and Charlie. The good times with them, the sad ones and all the rest.

Over the next 10 years I settled into the same boring routine, at night I would feed and party. When the night was over I'd just sit in my room thinking. I was sitting in my room on the bed when I heard the front door open. I was alarmed.

"JOSH!?! Come down man! You didn't visit in ages!" I heard a male voice shout.

I crept downstairs and stood there watching him, waiting for him to acknowledge my presence. He turned around facing me.

"Where's Josh?, Who are you?" He asked cautiously.

"I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to, I was just feeding and he tried to pull me away from my prey, it... it just happened. I'm sorry, I'm Melania Swan." I blabled.

"Was it your first time feeding?" Be asked raising an eye brow.

"Yes." I said looking down at my feet.

"Uhhh.... Josh. It's alright you didn't know, do you live with anyone else?" He asked smiling at me suddenly.

"No... I haven't spoken to a vampire since Josh, 10 years ago." I answered Sadly.

"I'm Aiden" he said smiling as he reached out and shook my hand.





So..... a lot happened there.
What do you think about Aiden?



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