Part 4

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 Part 4

Evan’s P.O.V

“Evan Yale. May I speak with you for a moment.” I winced at Deliah’s tone of voice before nodding. Deliah glanced disgustedly at Logan,


Logan gave a small yelp and almost sprinted out of the room. I repositioned myself so I was facing her. A firm, strong expression on my face.

“What is it now?”

Deliah looked at me with a stern expression. Her catlike green eyes were fixed in a glare as she pointed towards the hospital bed, on which I promptly sat down on. She stood in front of me. Her tall figure looming over me. Deliah is my ‘mother’ although Logan and I refer to her as a slave driver. She found me on the streets and agreed to take me in. She would provide me with shelter, food and money in exchange for me to be her slave. Carrying out her every wish and command.

“You are transferring schools.”

I looked up at her in shock.

“What? Why!”

“Don’t raise your voice at me young man! You are transferring because you have been expelled.”

I looked at her in outrage,

“Why? I have always been good at school work and I am always well behaved!”

Deliah snorted,

“Yes, the school agrees. You are always an excellent pupil…WHENEVER YOU BOTHER SHOWING UP!!!”

I silenced myself, but Deliah didn’t stop shouting. Once she got angry she stayed that way for a while,

“Why? WHY EVAN!?!? I told you this would happen. Why didn’t you listen!! I’m serious Evan. This is your last chance. I’m not joking anymore. No more comments. You are transferring to Edinburg Institute of Education first thing tomorrow at 8:00. This time you’d better go every single day otherwise I’m done with you. You hear me? DONE!!! ”

And with that she stomped out of the room. Too distracted to notice an eavesdropping Logan standing guiltily by the door. I looked after her before groaning and throwing myself face first into the bed. I heard Logan shuffle beside me.

“That woman really gives me the creeps.”

I stayed silent.

“Don’t worry dude.”

I whipped my head up in anger,

“Don’t worry? DON’T WORRY! HOW CAN I NOT WORRY! She’s transferring me Logan. THAT BITCH IS F’ING TRANSFERRING ME!”

Logan mocked face surprise,

“Whoa there. Mind your language.”

I simply stared at him.

“I’m leaving Logan. Away from you, away from the only school that didn’t care where I went off to during the school day. Or at least, I thought they didn’t care.”

Logan simply smiled at me.

“What?” I asked irritated.

“You’re making me regret transferring!”

I sat up,

“You mean-”

Logan’s smile lit up with satisfaction.

“Yup. Starting tomorrow, I’m attending Edinburg Institute of Education. And you’re coming with me.”

Calista’s P.O.V

I was sitting in another boring homeroom session when a paper ball knocked me on the back of my head. I whipped around to find McKenzie giggling at me. I glared and opened the paper.

‘Wuzzup? Isn’t Mr.Thomson boring? Jk! Well, actually…that’s a lie. He is boring. He’s nice though. Actually…that was also a lie. Btw, where’s John? He didn’t answer at registration but I swore I saw him earlier today! Luv MK’

I stared at my friend. Really McKenzie? Really?

I was just about to scribble something back when a ruler slammed down on my desk. I slowly stared up into the eyes of Mr.Thomson himself.

“I hope those are notes Miss Bishop.” He said sarcastically,


“Go to the front of the class. You know the drill.”

I sighed and with an accusing glare at McKenzie I walked up to the smart board and picked up a pen.

‘Personal notes don’t belong in class.’

I started writing it out a second time when a movement at the door caught my eye.


I almost dropped the pen.

Standing at the door were two of the most gorgeous guys I had ever seen.

“Oh yes. Class, meet Mr. Evan Yale and Mr. Logan Chutney. They just transferred.”

I studied the two men. Logan, the one who had spoken was okay. He had long, straight blond hair with black streaks that looked windswept in a totally hot and controlled way(god I wish my hair could do that. It just frizzes up), skinny jeans, a black and white checkered hoodie, black high-tops and had a huge, mischievous grin on his face. He seemed nice, but the second guy was the one who really caught my eye. Evan I think? He was taller than Logan and had short, black hair that was scuffed to just the right amount and a serious face. He was wearing basically the same as Logan but he was tanner and had an iPod touch plugged into his ears.

The strange thing about both of the new boys was their eyes. Logan had faint purplish eyes and Evan had one eye a deep blue and the other the same color as Logan’s. Evan absentmindedly turned his head and faced me. His mouth set into a thin line. His cold eyes seemed to look right into my soul and I shuddered. I quickly looked away from him and hurried back to my seat. They both moved to the back of the class.

All the girls in my class seemed to not be able to stop from staring at them with looks of adoration.

/Pfft. They are so shallow. How could they adore someone without even knowing them? Besides. That Evan guy is creepy. There’s something strange about him./

I silently agreed while desperately trying to avoid making eye contact with any of them. I heard the bell ring for first period and I sprinted out the door.

I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn’t stop until I was safely in my English seat.

“God Cal! I’ve been trying to catch up to you for ages. What’s with the running?”

I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

“Oh, it’s just you Kenzie. For a second I thought-”

“That I was one of those new kids? They are pretty creepy.”

I nodded and with a sigh McKenzie plopped down in the seat beside me. I wonder which classes they have?

McKenzie and I had every class together except for Gym, Drama and Health. Even though I didn’t want to, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about that question. What if we had lessons together?

***Authors note. He-he-he. They’ve finally met. I think things are about to get a bit more interesting. By the way who’s your favorite character? I like Logan and Calista's conscience. They're just so…weird. :/ And nice.I kinda hate Logan's last name tho. Chutney. It was the first thing that came into my head so…yeah. (No offense tho if that happens to be your last name. It’s just that I don’t think it goes with his personality) Oh and by the way, I might be posting a little message at the end of every couple of chapters so you can skip it if you want though. I don’t mind. :D

btw, there's a lovely pic of McKenzie to the right ;)

Luv yaz. Thx 4 reading!


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