Part 11

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Part 11

Calista’s POV


I pulled the thermometer out of the hot water as I heard my mom’s footsteps on the stairs. I popped it in my mouth, leaped into my bed and put on a makeshift pained face as she opened the door.

“Calista? Get up. You’re going to be late for school. Calista! Oh my gosh. Are you okay?”

I must admit. I did feel a slight twinge of guilt at having to fake being sick. After all, my mom was so nice. She didn’t deserve to worry over me like this. But I had to do what had to be done. So I groaned and blinked a few times before looking at her.

“I don’t feel well. Can you check the thermometer for me please mom?”

She quickly plucked it out of my mouth then nearly dropped it in surprise. I guess the hot water worked.

“Jesus Babe! You’re burning up! There is no way you’re going to school. Now look, I have to go to work soon. But you just rest okay? Sleep, watch some TV and eat some chicken soup. A lot of chicken soup. Okay?”

I almost giggled but managed to hold myself back. My mom thought that chicken soup was a magical substance sent down from the gods to bring health to humans. If there is ever anything wrong with me, that is her solution. Eat chicken soup. She actually has a whole shelf dedicated to the stuff. Last night when I had come home, after telling her what happened (well…almost what happened. Not the Evan part obviously) she just made me a bowl of chicken soup. It was almost as bad as the time I broke my arm. Let me just tell you. Eat chicken soup three times a day for a month, and you definitely won’t try to run up a down escalator again.

/It’s probably just because your mom’s a wacko./

Don’t say that! She’s your mom too. And although her methods are a little…different. That doesn’t mean she’s crazy.

/Yeah, I guess not. After all, she did give birth to me./

Uh hello? And me!

/That’s probably what made her go wacko. I swear I would if I gave birth to weirdo like you./

Shut up. I swear, isn’t there a manual for you or something? How do I turn you off!!

/Pfft. Yeah. ‘How to control your innermost thoughts and feelings for Dummies’./


“Calista, Calista! Are you listening?”

I snapped back to my mom and mentally punched my conscience for being so smart mouthed.

“I said, I’m sorry I cant stay with you. What if I called my boss and-”

“No mom! You can’t miss work! I’ll probably be fine by the end of the day anyway. But thanks for offering.”

My mom looked slightly hurt. But then I gave her a reassuring smile and she gave me one in return.

“Well…okay then. Oh darn, I’m late. Bye babe! Remember, chicken soup!”

She then blew me an air kiss and practically ran down the stairs and into her car. She could be so forgetful sometimes. After sneaking to the window and making sure her car was no longer in the driveway, I flung off the covers and walked into my bathroom to take a shower. So far, operation ‘Avoid Evan at All Costs’ was working out perfectly. Step A had succeeded without a hitch.

/You do know you can’t avoid him forever./

Well…yeah. But this is just until he forgets all about what happened yesterday.

/Aaahh…But elephants never forget you know/

Umm…what? You are so crazy.

/Pfft, yeah? Well at least I’m not the one talking to herself./

Good point.

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt that said ‘making sense is so taco’ before plugging my iPod in my ears and shimmying down the stairs to ‘You make me Feel’ by Sabi. Then, I grabbed a container of soup, and sat in front of the television.

You know, I never knew being sick could be so boring. For most of the day, I just lay around the house. Eating, watching T.V, and answering the occasional ‘R u okay, didn’t c u 2day’ text. All in all, extremely boring. I drifted around the house for a little while. Occasionally braking out into dance depending on the song when I heard a ring at the doorbell. I turned down Hey Mami by Fannypack, and danced and Dougied my way to the door. After all, it was probably McKenzie. Mom’s work didn’t finish yet. I flung open the door and spun around, ready to dance my way into my best friends embrace. But before I could, I opened my eyes, and froze.

“Well, someone’s looking pretty lively for a sick person don’t you think? Anyway, Mrs.T said I should come over so we should work on the project. So lets go.”

Evan’s unemotional eyes stared at me. Gluing me to the spot. And after I had gone through all this hard work to avoid him. Great. Just great.

***Author’s note: Sry about the short chapter. Writing about being sick is really boring. But next chapter should be pretty juicy ;). And...La la la LAAAAA!!!!! Special chapter today! Cuz…guess what... I gotz me a funkalicious new cover!!!! And so this chapter is dedicated to XxGoldenViolet for making it for me. Even after I gave her such horrible ideas, she managed to make it look awesome. That’s just how talented she is! So go check her out. She also has a really cool story as well. So flood her profile with votes, comments and fans. Go on. I dare you. ;) 

And…100 reads!!!!


Thx you guys!


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