Part 30

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Part 30

Calista's POV

***A/N I suppose I should warn readers that there’s a tad bit of profanity in this chapter. Although don’t let that put you off. Some big things are happening ;)***

I slowly dragged the marker through the current date on the calendar. Today was officially our two week anniversary. I sighed thinking about it.

The past two weeks were magical. More than magical. Almost unreal, and the funny thing is that we didn’t even do anything that special.

We went on a couple dates, worked on the project for Mrs. Twinkle which, unsurprisingly, we completely forgot about-although finding out that something’s trying to kill you does seem like a pretty valid excuse-and did some more training with my powers. Even so, everything just felt…better with him around.


“WHAA!” I screamed, and leapt up in shock. Electus was standing in front of me, trying to hide the smile on her face and look concerned.

“Who? Wha? H…How long have you been standing there!?!”

“Cal, I’ve been here for the last 10 minutes. I was calling you to come eat lunch, but you just kept sitting there and smiling to yourself like an idiot,” she smirked.

I brushed my hair from my face, buying time while my blush receded.

“Thanks, but I’m going to Evan’s place for lunch today,” I mumbled. Technically, I was going to Logan’s place. Although since Logan is never there and Evan always is, it might as well be his.

“Oh yeah! It’s your two week anniversary or something, right?”

“Yeah, so Evan said he was going to make something special,” I said, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.

“Well I guess I’d better let you go then. You two love birds have fun,” she grinned once more before leaving.

I knew we ‘lovebirds’ would have fun. Even though it was cheesy, I could feel it in my heart. With him, everything was more fun.


I knocked on the door, and quickly straightened my shirt for what seemed like the millionth time. Even though I was just wearing simple jeans and a blouse, I still felt like I had to look perfect.

The door swung open suddenly to reveal Logan’s calm smile.

“Look who’s early,” he grinned, before yelling at Evan to ‘get his ass to the door’.

Evan appeared seconds later and my heart stopped. He gave me a lopsided grin before giving me a quick peck on the lips. His eyes sparkled.

“Hey babe! Shoot, you’re early. Do you think you could wait here with Logan for a sec while I go pick up some last minute stuff for today?”

“No problem,” I smiled again. It was almost as if my mouth was fixed in a permanent grin. That’s how happy I was.

“Cool, I’ll be right back,” he said, pulling me in for another kiss. This time, his lips lingered and his eyes flashed with pleasure. He rested his forehead against mine as I looked up at him, oblivious to Logan mockingly pretending to choke himself.

“God you’re beautiful,” he whispered huskily. I moved closer, wrapping my arms around him,

“And you-”

“GET A ROOM!” I jumped ten feet as Logan shouted at us. Evan shot him a harsh glare as he burst into fits of laughter. I laughed along with him.

“It’s no problem, you need to go anyway. Hurry up and go pick up the stuff so you can be back soon,” I giggled. Jeez, this love stuff really was making me sappy. Even so, I loved sappy.

Evan gave me one last peck before rushing off.

Unconsciously, I brought my hands to my lips, they still tingled pleasantly from his kiss. I smiled as I faced Logan.

“Hey Logan! How’s it going? I haven’t talked to you in ages!” I beamed. I was on cloud nine and nothing could bring me down.

“Cut the crap Calista.”

Nothing, except for that.

My smile disappeared as I stared at Logan.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“I said cut the crap. I don’t like you, you don’t like me. Now just go and wait on the fucking couch for Evan to come and whisk you off like the little princess you think you are,” he snarled before turning and walking inside, towards his room.

My jaw dropped, and I stood in stunned silence before anger got the best of me. I ran towards his room and flung the door open.

“What’s your problem? I never said I didn’t like you!” I shouted. Logan’s scowl deepened as he lifted himself off his bed. It’s surprising how such a good looking guy could be such a jerk.

“Get the hell out of my room,” he muttered coldly. His purple eyes seemingly boring holes into me. I shuddered, but held my ground.

“I thought you were nice!”

“You thought I was ‘nice’? You don’t even know me. I bet that never crossed your mind when Evan was spilling his guts about the fucking past,” he laughed bitterly.

“H…how did you know that he told me?”

“I’ve been doing my investigations. He’s not the only one with a past. You know, I was from Lectium too. Yup. Until I made the stupid mistake of befriending your boyfriend and was sentenced with him. I bet he didn’t tell you that either,” he stood up, picking up steam as he made his way towards me.

“I…I…” Stammering, I took another step back as he came closer.

“Only I wasn’t as important as him. So while they could only force him to move, they could do much worse to me. I was changed. They fucking made me a human! I had to take his sentence for him. Mr. Perfect got to live on, while the only thing left of the true me is my mother fucking eyes! He didn’t tell you that either, did he?! Now that you’re curiosity is quenched, I repeat: Get the hell out of my room!”

A shiver ran down my spine, even though the room was warm.

“W…well…what does that have to do with you hating me?”

“Fine, if you won’t leave them I will,” he replied, ignoring my question as he pushed past me into the hallway. My blood boiled. What did I do to him to deserve this? Nothing. I snapped.


He froze, his back tensed, then slowly turned back around to face me. All traces of the Logan I saw before were gone as he seemed to resemble more of a wild animal, trapped in a human body.

“You just don’t get it, do you? Master was right. It's the only thing we can do. After all he did, he has a way out. HE HAS A WAY OUT AND I DON’T!!”

“Stop yelling,”

“He just has to do one little thing! And he’s almost finished that! ONE FUCKING THING! All he has to do. ALL HE HAS TO DO-”

“I SAID STOP YELLING!!” I screamed. Letting anger engulf me. Logan continued to plow on, oblivious to my frustration.

“All he has to do is kill you,” he spat.

I froze. His words playing over and over in my mind as my head pounded.

All he has to do is kill me for a way out.

All he has to do is kill me.

Evan was trying to kill me.

The front door slammed as I collapsed on the ground.

***A/N Intense!

I don't want to ruin the moment, so i'll just say this: More than one secret was revealed in this chapter. If you can figure it out, props to you. If not, you'll find out soon enough.


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