Part 21

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Part 21

Calista’s POV

I can’t believe I just said all that.

/Neither can I./

As Evan took a few deep breaths, preparing to tell me his side of the deal, I continued to regret my words. That story, the full story, I had never told anyone. And now Evan says he’s from Lectium!?

My head swirled, all these painful thoughts and memories that I had buried deep into my mind started spilling out and filled my mind so much that I felt like it would explode.

/Hey, cool it there Calista. Just think, now you will be able to know his secret too./

That’s true. I focused my attention back on Evan just as he opened his mouth to speak. The moment seemed to last forever as the room intensified, as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. I was finally going to know the truth. I felt my hands grow clammy as I waited anxiously. After what seemed like a lifetime, he spoke up.



“No. The deal was that I’d consider telling you. I considered it, and now I’ve decided that in fact, I won’t tell you.”

Everything went silent for a second, before the meaning of his words hit me like a bullet train. I felt waves of anger course through my body so fiercely that I shook. Yet at the same time, there were hints of…relief?

I focused my attention on Evan’s face. His grinning, evil, teasing face. How could I ever had thought he was good looking.

/So you DID think he was good looking./

Yeah, whatever.

He still smirked at me, as if he had won some kind of game. I scowled in return and stood up abruptly, heading towards the door.

“Hey, where are you going? I still need to talk to you.”

I didn’t respond and continued walking back through the house.

“Wait, listen to me for a sec.”

Stupid house with all it’s fancy decorations.

“I’m serious Calista. Don’t walk away from me. This is serious. Now that you know what you are, you need training!”

The outside of the house was stupid too. Stupid grass. Stupid fancy windows.

“Don’t forget that you’ve been marked! And now there’s this Drake guy coming after you. You haven’t exactly made the best decisions in the past!”

Stupid, stupid, stupid Evan.

I picked up my pace as suddenly I could fear moisture running down my cheeks. Tears? In my shock, I failed to pay attention to my surroundings and tripped on a large stone, sending me crashing towards the ground. Just before I hit it however, warm arms enveloped me.

“Look, I’m sorry okay. So don’t cry. It’s just that it’s a really hard thing for me to talk about.”

I looked up at Evan, rage filling my teary eyes,

“And you don’t think my secret was hard to talk about! You made my life turn to chaos, and now you won’t even do anything to help me fix it! I hate you!”

I jerked myself out of his grasp, but almost immediately he grabbed a hold of my arm again and pulled me close, placing his other hand on the side of my head. No matter how much I tried to struggle, he wouldn’t let go. Forcing me to look at him.

“I know that what has happened must have been a shock. But none of it was my fault, I just- look. I’m sorry okay? But I really need you to not hate me. I need to train you. So you can protect yourself from people from Lectium.”

I lashed out at him, struggling once again. In my panic, I got a good scratch at his cheek. My eyes widened in shock as the gash bled. Had I really done that? I tried to turn my head away, but Evan pulled it back again.

“Look at me!”


“Look at me.” He said, softer this time.

I reluctantly complied and fixed my eyes on his face. His solemn expression was almost sad, but that wasn’t what made me gasp. Before my eyes, as if by magic, the wound began to close up and heal itself. The blood seemed to have disappeared, and all reminders of the wound faded into his skin until it was flawless once more. In the silence that followed, I could barely breathe. What had just happened.

“If you meet me again, I’ll tell you part of my secret.”

Still to shocked to respond, I simply stood as stiff as a board. Evan continued.

“I’m sorry to do this to you, and you probably don’t believe that I will go through with this promise, but I will. I swear it.”

 I looked at him and fixed my attention on his purple eyes. The color swirled and instantly they became a dark blue. I gasped again.

“I’m sorry.”

I stared at Evan’s sad face, and finally mustered up the courage to speak. When I did, it was only a single sentence dripping with sincerity.

“ I hate you.”

“I know, and I’m sorry.”

“I really do hate you.”

Evan pulled me close, surprising me with a hug. For once, I felt like I had seen a side of him that he had kept hidden. The hug didn’t seem manipulative or teasing, but truly apologetic. As if he really did want to meet me again. He whispered into my hair,

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”


When we finally pulled away, I walked away from him without another glance. I could feel his stare penetrating into the back of my head as I walked until finally, I stopped.

“I’ll meet you at the hill tomorrow. If you were lying, I’ll get rabid dogs to tear out your organs.”

Through the corner of my eye, I could see a smile sneak onto his face. And even though it only lasted for a second, the purity of it sent a swarm of break dancing butterflies into my stomach.

I really hate him. 

***Author’s note: SURPRISE!!!

I uploaded early again! It’s because you were all so nice with commenting. ^_^

The chapter isn’t that long though, because as I said, I have a birthday week coming up and I didn’t have much time. But I just wanted to give you guys a little something as thanks. :)

Also, i was going to wait until the next upload to do this, but aquablueelmo is just too awesome. She voted on so many of my stories that i just want to say thank you! You're so awesome!! XD So go check out her stories and vote comment and fan because she definately deserves it. ^_^


Vote, Fan, Comment & Share!

Peace, Love & (still) Birthday Cake!                                    


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