Part 9

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Part 9

Evan’s POV

As soon as that kid tripped and his shoe came off, I knew that things weren’t going to end well. And just as I thought, Calista was standing at the back of the field with a startled look and her nose and mouth both bleeding. Then, something seemed to happen to her because suddenly she looked liked she had just given up on something and she crumbled into the floor crying.

“Ugh. So, unattractive. And anyway, she’s probably just faking and showing off. The shoe didn’t hit her that hard. Big baby”

A girl whispered to me. I turned to see that it was that Amber girl, the one who Calista had shouted at earlier.

Immediately I didn’t like her. She was a Tina. I don’t like Tina’s.

“Yeah, right. She is so obviously faking it. Yeah, I bet all that blood coming out her mouth is just ketchup and the tears are all to get attention so that everyone could see her cry like a baby. That makes soo much sense. Thanks Amber.”

I grinned at her sarcastically. Her face suddenly turned tomato red as she flipped her hair and quickly walked off in the other direction.

With a satisfied smirk I turned my attention back to Calista to find that a small crown had gathered around her arguing about the nurse, blood and…floors? Idiots.

I sighed before speaking up over the pointless chatter.

“I’ll take her”

Then, before there could be any debate about it, I walked over, lifted Calista up and began to walk over to the nurse’s office. I looked down at her for a moment and found her locking eyes with me with a slightly…depressed look?

What was it with people today! Such negative emotions coming from anyone.

Soon I had gotten her to the nurse’s office and she had stopped crying and had an ice pack pressed to her nose and mouth. She looked kinda funny actually.

“Okay dearie. You’re all cleaned up. It looks like you gave your tongue a bit of a biting there. Just make sure to clean out your mouth with this whenever it starts to get bloody again and it will heal in no time.”

The nurse handed her a small bottle of something and Calista smiled up warily at her.

“Thanks nurse Johnson. But, um. C-can I go now?”

“Almost I just have one more-ah, hold on a minute.”

She suddenly walked out the curtain that separated the room from the rest of the office. Kind of like a mini hospital.

“He did WHAT!?”

Then Nurse Johnson turned back to us an apologetic smile on her frail features,

“I’m sorry, I’ll be right back. We just found John. It turns out he was doing some sort of dare and jumped in a garbage can just before the garbage men came and threw him into the van. Now he’s had to walk back to school from the garbage dump and we need to check if the toxins he inhaled while in the garbage damaged him head in any way. People throw some pretty nasty things in there. Like once-oh, sorry. Gotta go. But I’ll be right back. Just wait here mmkay dearie?”

And with that she scuttled out of the room to go deal with garbage boy.

What I didn’t realize, was that with her gone it would just be Calista and I in the room. And I don’t really get the feeling from her like she likes me that much. But that’s fine. I don’t like her either. So, I guess we’ll just have to sit here in this room until Nurse Johnson gets back. Yeah. I can already feel a thick cloud of silence coating itself over us. 

I quickly looked over at her. It would be possible to kill her now, and get it over with, but i quickly dismissed the thought.

After all, Freddy Krueger never killed in a public place.

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