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Heya! Sry, this isn't a chapter. Just a sort of...extended authors note. 

But i'm almost finished editing the chapter though so don't close this yet!

You still here?




Now this is another very important authors note because, as some of you may have noticed, i have a DESCRIPTION!!


Anyway, i was holding a competition for this for a while and now that the deadline is up, i just wanted to recommend that you guys check out all the awesome people who contributed to helping me in my mission for a description (heh. That rhymed...sorta... ._. yeeeaaahhhh...

Okay so here they are!

@Cjs001  -plz go check out her story  'The Gifted Ones' it's an epic Fantasy :)

@littlenad1  - She's got a couple things up but my favorite is her story 'Voices' so go check that out.

@alyssinwonderland - She's also got two stories up...but i can't choose. So go check them out and choose for yourselves lazy fools! Jk, jk. ;)

And of course the winner (who this chapter is didicated to)

@Bambey - Who has an AMAZING harry p fanfic called 'Let's Kill tonight' so you should also check that out

But just because it's dedicated to Bambey dosen't mean i don't luv u all equally. There's enough Aissa to go around ;)

So thank you for reading this very special notice. And seriously do check them out and support them. It's really hard to write descriptions so these guys are extremely skilled people. 

I should upload my Sunday. I'm trying my best to conquer the hw demons for you guys. ^_^

If you're reading this, Bless your Face.

And if you sneezed while reading this, bless you.

(Props to anyone who gets the reference, if not. Search Tobuscus on youtube. My new idol. *_* BLESS YOUR FACES!!!!!)

Da da, du du du du du du vote, fan, comment and share! (Another reference ;p)


Aissa out. QUAH! (Yet another reference XD)

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