Part 22

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Part 22

Calista’s POV

I sunk down on the hill beside Evan. Last time I was here, I had been petrified of him. But I couldn’t let him take control of the situation. I was here for a reason. I looked over to Evan, determination set on my face, and nearly crumbled.

While I was busy battling to look in control, Evan was lounging on the grass staring off into space. His black hair swirling gently in the inviting breeze, and his brown eyes large and shiny, he looked like the perfect image of a model for an Abercrombie collection. Calm, collected, and most annoyingly, in control.

Finally giving up, I sighed and turned to face him. I guess the only way I would get my answers would be to do things his way.

“So yesterday. You were talking about training me or something. Does this have anything to do with me being a Pernix?”

“Yes, actually it has everything to do with that. In both good, and bad ways.”

“Could you stop trying to be Yoda and just explain normally?”

“No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try”

“Did you just quote Yoda at me?”

“Hmm. Control, control. You must learn control.”

“I know you didn’t just quote Yoda at me.”

“So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?”

I punched Evan in the chest and he burst out laughing, his face lighting up as it was framed by the gleaming sun. It was hard to believe that he was from Lectium.

“But seriously. What were you talking about?” I pouted. Evan fell silent and looked at me, serious once more.

“Now that you know you’re a Pernix, and you know that there are very dangerous things in Lectium, you should be properly trained on how to defend yourself if the thing that marked you ever were to try and attack.”

All to soon, the playful mood was sucked, kicking and screaming, from the air. In it’s place, was the cold, harsh reality of my situation. And it didn’t fell nice at all. I tried to speak, but my mouth suddenly felt very dry. Evan continued,

“Okay, so after everything that’s happened, it probably won’t surprise you when I say that you have certain otherworldly abilities.”

“You mean, like, magical strength or something?” I managed to force out.

“Otherworldly strength. Not magical. The word magic implies that it is an illusion. Whereas otherworldly means that it is something out of the ordinary or unimaginable for humans.”

“Hmm…” I replied as my eyes slowly began to glaze over. I didn’t want to, but I found myself growing increasingly bored as Evan continued talking in that flat monotone. That combined with the sun’s warmth would have made anyone fall asleep. I stretched out and splayed my arms across the grass, letting out a long yawn as I closed my eyes.

“Now. It wouldn’t exactly be hard for someone to kill you like this. Unless that’s your motive. Or maybe you just want a kiss? If that was the case, I could probably…”

“I’M UP!”

I screamed, stumbling away from Evan who was leaning over me, a snide smirk on his face.

“Good. Now since you obviously have the attention span of a goldfish, let’s get straight onto the training shall we?”

I felt a slight sense of dread fill me. This was it. From this point, there was going to be no possible way for me to ever be just a ‘normal girl’. But at the same time, a jolt of excitement shot through my spine. This was it. I was finally going to know all the answers to who I was.

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