Part 10

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Part 10

Calista’s POV

As if it wasn’t already awkward enough when the one guy who I didn’t feel like seeing today had to carry my bloody self out of the gym in front of my whole class including Amber who probably wont let me hear the end of it, I was also stuck sitting in the same room as him. The awkwardness was practically choking me! Well, at least I know where John was this morning. Flailing around in a dirty dumpster and inhaling toxic fumes during homeroom.

I laughed out loud at the image of the poor skinny kid, eyes rolled up into his head with a banana peel hanging out of his mouth, sprawled across a pile a diapers and food.

When I finally stopped laughing, I remembered there was more than one person in this room. I turned around to face him and, sure enough, there was Evan looking at me like I had three heads.

“Uh, I was, just. Imagining what John might look like.”

There was a moment of tenseness before his face slowly broke into a semi smile.

“Heh, I-I guess that would be kind of funny.”

Now I was the one staring at him. I don’t know why but for some reason I just…never thought he would be the type of person that actually does things like smile of laugh.

/That’s because he has such a creepy aura./

Then his face went back to serious,

“What is it?”

“You just smiled.”

He looked slightly confused.

“Uh…yeah? So?”

I suddenly realized how weird that must sound and my face flushed red.

“Um, I…it’s just. You seemed like a really…serous person to me.”

Then he looked more amused than confused. As if he was finding pleasure in my awkwardness.

“Oh, really? And why is that?”

“Uhh…just…you know…”

I desperately looked around for Nurse Johnson. How come she was never here when I actually needed her!

A small smirk spread across his lips as he slowly stood up. I wearily eyed his movements as he started strolling around the room. Looking out the window and fiddling with Nurse Johnson’s equipment. Then he suddenly spoke up again,

“I said-”

Before I knew it he was leaning over me, our faces inches apart with a wide grin on his perfect lips.

“I said why is that”

 We were so close that I could feel his voice tickle my face. It was so uncomfortable and awkward as I sat there, frozen with fear.

/Don’t you lie. You know you like it. Beside’s, although he’s creepy, he is pretty darn shmexy./ Slowly I felt my cheeks staring to heat up as I took into consideration what my conscience was saying.

Well, yeah. I guess he is a little hot.

/A little? Talk about jaw droppingly amazingly Adonis like./

Adonis like? Really.

/Hell yeah! Can you seriously tell me that you’ve seen a guy as hot as him before? I mean, WHEW! Somebody turn up the air-conditioning in here!/

You know, you’re kind of right. He’s really fit and his arms are-


I realized what I was thinking and quickly snapped back to reality. I pushed him away from me before jumping off and running to the door. Then I flung myself through it. Ran to the waiting room to grab a chair and stuck it underneath the door. My whole face heated up with embarrassment. There was no way I could start thinking about him in that way. I mean, he’s mean, horrible, scary,

/Really hot/

You know what conscience? SHUT UP! Just Shut. Up. Okay? I don’t need your useless input. Especially when you keep saying things that so obviously aren’t true. Gosh.

/Or are they? After all. I AM just you./

Yes. They are. Completely untrue. Complete and utter garbage.

I quickly grabbed my stuff from a chair in the waiting room, told the receptionist to tell Nurse Johnson that I felt too sick and left, and walked out the door to go home.

Tomorrow is the day the project for Mrs. Twinkins starts. And after that whole incident, I have no idea what I’m going to do. 

***Author’s note: What's wrong with me. Updating at five in the morning. Well...whatevs. Tee-hee. I don’t know why but for some reason I really like Calista’s concience. She’s my favorite character along with Logan. What about you guys? Who do you like so far? (And yes I am aware I already asked this. Just want to know if it’s changed. I want to work on making Logan and Matt have more depth. After all, they did work hard to make it onto the cast list. ;D) Oh, and I’m purposefully not putting up cast pictures cuz sometimes there’s a character who seems one way, but then the picture that the author chose completely ruins my image of them. So, you guys can think of them as however you want. :)  Vote, comment,share and fan to tell me what you think!(Mainly comment and share though. I like hearing from you.) Thx. PEACE OUT!


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