Part 23

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Part 23

Calista’s POV

He didn’t come back for a whole week.

For a whole seven days, it was like he had disappeared off the face of the earth.

And no one seemed to notice.

I ran after McKenzie, hurrying to catch up with her. She was my last hope,

“Kenzie!” I cried out. McKenzie turned and flashed me a bright smile.

“Hey! ‘Sup Cal.”

Panting, I caught up to her and grabbed onto her sleeve as if she would try and pull away.

“Have you seen Evan? He hasn’t been at school in ages and everyone I’ve asked has just looked at me strangely.”

McKenzie stared at me for a moment, before clamping her palm against my forehead.

“Cal, are you okay?”

What was with people!?

“Yes! Of course I’m okay! Why would you say that!?”

“Because. There’s no one named ‘Evan’ that goes to our school,”

My heart stopped.

Actually, it probably didn’t, but at the time I felt like I was going to die. Was I crazy? Was Evan a hallucination?

“Of course not! I know he’s real!”

McKenzie stared at me again, and only then did I realize I had said that aloud.

“Look Cal, it’s been kind of chilly lately, so maybe you have a cold. Why don’t you go home and get some rest.”

I was about to retort when I thought better of it. Instead, I simply nodded and smiled at my friend before walking off.

I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. What had Evan done, that seemingly erased all memories of him. All memories but mine. Just then, a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me tightly against a body. I screamed and kicked out, but the man quickly spoke.

“Jesus! Calm down, it’s just me!”

I ripped myself out of his grasp to find Evan standing before me. The very man whose existence I had doubted not too long ago. It felt kind of like seeing Santa or a mermaid. Suddenly, this mythical thing was standing before me.

“What happened to you!? You disappeared last week and suddenly no one’s even heard your name before!”

“I’m sure they’ve heard the name Evan. It’s not exactly a rare name like R2D2, or C3PO…”

“You’re such a nerd. You know that? First quoting Yoda, and now this!?”

He laughed, and for a minute I felt like all my worries could just float away, like I could just sit here laughing with him. Then reality sunk in.

“Seriously though. What’s going on here?”

Evan nodded as if he were agreeing with some inner self, then grabbed my arm and pulled me down the street. Before I knew it, we were back at the hill. This had become a sort of meeting spot for us now. Attempting to hide the fact that I was panting, I looked questioningly over to Evan.

“Being Cursed has it’s advantages. That’s one of them.” He winked at me.

“Can you change them back?”

“I can…”

“WILL you change them back?”

“Aw shucks, I didn’t know you loved me that much! You really do want people to remember me again don’t you.” He winked at me.

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